Welcome To My Life


Obeys to her parent is a part of her life . She never gets to arrange her life just because she is the only child of Kim Hyunki , the owner of the biggest company in Korea . He also owns several company in Japan and China .  Singing and dancing is her hobby and her biggest talent but she just cannot catch her ambition to be a singer . She tries to be the best for both mom and dad , not wanting to disappoint them .


On the other hand , a boy is free to do what he wants . He glad that he is the second son . He never want to be treat like his brother .  Being the second made him get less attention from his father . Mrs Oh always gives her caurage to Sehun to be a part of boyband as she knew his son got a big talent in dancing and singing . Trusting his mother despite father , he give a ty to be what his mother want . 


"Look , I know we both have to obey our parents . But , why don't we give it a try . I try to love you and you try to love me . "







Oh Sehun

¤ Not so talkactive person

¤ Basketball as his hobby


Kim Hyojin

¤ A good daughter

¤ Smart . The smartest in the class 


Lee Yoora

¤ Hyojin's bestriend

¤ Cheerful


Annyeong . This is my third story . My first and second were on my first acc . His is my second acc .. lol . Be happy and be patient while reading .



This story may contain . But hey , I don't think I can make a nice one . So , I need to get someone that can write ? Anyone ?


P/s : no poster because its just difficult . Yeah , it is difficult


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