
A Woman

A woman who can’t even form grammatically correct sentences lectures me on a weekly basis.

A woman who is the largest hypocrite that I know.

A woman who compares me to her friends’ children but then tells me not to compare her to my friends’ parents.

A woman who says I don’t respect her enough but then tells me that she doesn’t need respect.

A woman who tells me not to become like my brother, my sister, or my father.

A woman who says that everything that I am and that I want to be must change.

A woman who says that life doesn’t last long, and tells me to make the best of it but then tells me that all that matters is grades, not what I enjoy.

A woman who made me work hard for those straight A’s, but then tells me that if I join a sports team, getting C’s is ok.

A woman who guilts me into doing everything she wants because “she won’t be here for long.”

A woman who says that I am her best child out of my siblings but then yells at me the most.

A woman who gets mad over the smallest things and stays mad over the longest times.

A woman who calls me weird and fat and ugly.

A woman who spends no time trying to understand who I am.

A woman who loves strangers than her own family, who prefers my friends over me.

A woman who asks for my opinion but then tells me it doesn’t matter.

A woman who thinks that I like being mocked when I cry.

A woman who criticizes every move I make.

A woman who hates my arrogance and how I think I am better than her right before she tells me that she is better than me.

A woman who disproves the “old are wise” theory.

A woman who says she wants to end an argument but then 1 minute later starts complaining again.

A woman who tells me she isn’t weak but then tells me to be on her side, to sympathize with her.

A woman who desires my unwavering respect and love when I know she doesn’t deserve it.

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cgao753 #1
Chapter 1: So beautiful man <3 I'm almost crying <3 It's so poetic and so true in every single way <3 You've touched my soul, my dear friend <3
Chapter 1: This! This! I love it! Okay, personally for me, I respect my mother, but sometimes I just don't LIKE her. I believe everyone resents their parents in some way and I have my reasons and I don't need anyone else to tell me otherwise. Thank you for writing this! It was very nice to read.