Tao's Little Hints


ZiTao giving us hints that he miss his favorite gege. :)


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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 5: Im still here too..↖(^ω^)↗...As ive said before,ill sink with this ship even if i have to..kris and tao will sail taoris ship on the Galaxsea....taoris forever
girlwhoeatwell #2
Chapter 5: THANK YOU so much for writing, sharing, and pouring your thought & feelings into this very well organized story. I really LOVE IT and cried badly during the first three chapters. I somehow wish some parts of your written story are the truths that covered well by SM. Anyway, keep writing! :) #foreverTAORIS #GalaxSea <3
Crazy_conductor #3
Chapter 4: I'll never stop to ship TAORIS!!!!!!
iAmDhane18 #4
Chapter 1: Yiie i fell inlove to TAO more XD i dont care if Kris is not in EXO anymore.. I still Ship TAORIS forever!! They're perfect! And i only read TAORIS fanfic (n.n)/ hahaha actually i didnt know EXO exist before.. But i know their song WOLF it just that i didnt know it was them who sing it haha then i like Suho then Sehun.. But when i saw TAO i die hahaha! I like his eyes the most... XD then reading taoris fanfic.. I started to shio TaoRis and i started to like Kris ... XD
Eshinco #5
Chapter 4: omg u made me cry sooo much TT~TT update more plz!!!

Ohmygossshh!!!! I want that photo book too TT.TT I just miss Taoris *ugly cries And Kris is my ultimate bias GAAAAAHHH I don't know anymore....

I hardly watch EXO now, I know I'm being so selfish but i can't just help it. But I still vote for them and still keep updated but it's different now. All I've done since Kris issue was read fanfics,seriously mainly Taoris lols.

Thanks for the wonderful story author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: Ooohhh God you make me cry!!!! My tears just fall on their own...i don't even realise it....

I just miss Kris n TaoRis....i had stopped listening to EXO since then...i have even deleted their songs from my playlist.....Kris is my ultimate bias so yeah....but if EXO has another albums i will listening to them coz Kris wouldn't be part of it
CoffeeTee #8
Chapter 3: Kris and Tao are the Prince and Princess of Disney... 100% surely for that!! XD
Love your fic a lot!! :D
Btw, I'm one of the idiotic dumb YiTao shipper too :)
Nice too met you ^^
iamyeols #9
Chapter 1: mihael will cry if she read this </////3