JD group

JD group

Youngjae entered the magnificent  building looking  around. He walked over to the reception desk and all the three women behind it turned their head to shamelessly check him out.

«excuse me» he fleshed a charming smile to the women «I start working today in the creative team, would you be so kind to show me the way?»

The closest secretary hurried around the desk and clasped her arm tightly around Youngjae’s, displaying what in her mind must have been an attractive smile but it was more like a funny grimace. Youngjae nearly shivered for her nauseating expression but tried to hide it.

«of course! Follow me»

She took him around, babbling no-stop and the good-looking man tuned her out.

Judging by the fact that they had passed the same picture on the wall four times she was trying to stay glued to Youngjae as much as possible. After almost twenty minutes finally the flirtatious woman must have understood that the man she was clinging to had to work.

They stepped in a well illuminated room, a big table in the middle and some people sitting around it. The mussel  eventually removed herself from her rock and with a suffering voice said goodbye, slowly leaving the room.

Youngjae observed the people in front of him. The first that caught his attention was literally a giant with a baby face. He was drawing something while humming quite soundly to a infamous hip-hop song , his head moving to the beat. On his left a scary-looking man was checking something on his mobile phone and his feet were resting on the table. On the opposite side a guy, that could be defined as pretty and beautiful, was vehemently typing on a laptop, sometimes giggling. Other two, a man and a woman were chatting near a coffee machine.

Youngjae coughed to make his presence known but nobody acknowledged him. He tried again, this time a bit more loudly. They continued to do what they were doing without even sparing a glance or showing a sign that they had seen a stranger there in the room.


As expected everybody turned in his direction.

«ME! ME! ME! I want meat!!!» yelled the baby face. Everyone else also started shouting.

A door on the other end of the room suddenly opened.

«what is this chaos?»

An handsome, attractive man looked around annoyed and everyone else immediately went quiet. Only Babyface shouted enthusiastically «Boss-hyung!!! That hyung over there said he’ll buy us meat!!! Isn’t it fantastic?» he seemed to think for a moment and then turned towards Youngjae «uh… now that I think about it… who are you?»

The boss face palmed. The pretty guy got up and hanged an arm around Youngjae shoulders «you are the rookie, right?»

Youngjae smiled leaving the others mesmerized and presented himself

«yes. Everybody, nice to meet you. I’m Yoo Youngjae and from now on I’ll be working with you. Let’s do a good job.»


















The job was quite interesting and the team was fun decided Youngjae. He found out they were all friendly, even the scary hyung, Yongguk, although he didn’t speak much, once he loosened up a bit was joking and showing his gummy smile.

The company, JD group, was one of the most successful  advertisement company in Korea and the creative team was the main point and the reason for its success. Working there was considered an honor but probably just a few people knew how dorky, lazy and droll the team was.

«give me back my cake!!!»

«you don’t need to grow any more, giant!!»

«and you don’t need to get fat again, I’ve seen your high school photos hyung!!»

«how you dare, little…»

«NO, NO, HYUNG please please please … I was joking, I didn’t mean that! You are absolutely handsome and-»

Pieces of cake splattered all around when Himchan threw it on Junhong’s face. A collective laugh filled the room.

The boss, Jung Daehyun, decided to come out of his office exactly at that moment, followed by Sunhwa, his personal assistant. Seeing  the cake on the floor he pouted and shouted at Himchan and Junhong to never, absolutely never, waste food that way, especially cakes.

«Mr. Bang I thought I told you we have an important project due tomorrow, do you think you can manage to work sometimes or it’s too difficult? I hope you can lead the team better than this.»

«don’t worry boss! You’ll have the project on your desk this afternoon.»

Mr. Jung mumbled a ‘you better’ and exited stomping heavily followed by a chuckling Sunhwa.

Youngjae looked at the others «is he always this grumpy?»

Babyfa- Junhong shrugged his shoulder squatting down to clean the floor « naah… he’s only like this when there is an important job. Usually he’s a good boss and a good hyung.»

Youngjae nodded as the others all sat around the table solemnly.

«Youngjae, now you’re going to be initiated to the top secret ritual. Do you swear to never tell the boss what we are going to show you? Say ‘I swear’»

Youngjae eyed Himchan judgingly. «wha-»

«say ‘I swear’»

«I swear» Youngjae sighed « what is this secret ritual? Aren’t we going to work?»

Himchan smiled freakily « our work his our secret. We never work in front of others, beside Sunhwa who helps us to keep Mr. Jung occupied.  He complains we never work but he can’t fire us because we are the reason the company is this successful.»

«but why should you work in secret even from your boss when he is the one who hired you and pays you?»

The pretty man seemed offended. «isn’t it obvious? It’s freaking hilarious to see his face every time we hand our job and he doesn’t know when or how we worked on it! After all this years he is still surprised every time we finish our job and he still tries to understand how we do it, he even installed cameras in the room! If it weren’t for -»

Yongguk interrupted him «stop chatting. Let’s begin»





«ehmm… guys what-»


«Hyung is that a word? A silent party isn’t -»

«I was speaking to Youngjae»

«But what did I do?»

«you interrupted the flow!»

«Himchan don’t overdo»

«but he-»

«stop it. I have a story already. Everybody, you know what to do. Youngjae for now you help Jongup»
















«so basically you say random words, make a story out of it and that’s it? Don’t you think about the response of the public or what could appeal to people?»

Youngjae was currently helping Jongup drawing some sketch that would be used for reference for the advertisement spot and trying to understand his colleagues’ method of work.

«hyung, do you think fishes pee?» the older raised his brows stunned.

«I think we should keep working» he answered quietly.

Jongup was his last hope to meet someone sane in the team and it was crushed like a worm under a rock.
















 Around lunch time the boss returned and asked everybody to go eat together. While they were going to the canteen he walked beside Youngjae asking him how it has been his first day of work until then, if the colleagues  treated him well and they ended up chatting like they have been friends for years.

Behind them Himchan was attentively observing.

«they are perfect. It has been a long time since I last helped two people get together. Guk what do you think, aren’t they so shippable?»

«Him, I know your way to ‘help’ people, it won’t happen anything good. Keep on shipping Eunhae on the internet and leave real people alone.»

«Eunhae are real people!»

«yeah, but fortunately for them you’ll never even have the chance to get in a twenty meters radius from them.»

Himchan gave a weak slap on the other’s arm and sulked « you’ll see! I’ll make Youngjae and Mr. Jung  got together before the end of the week!»

When they arrived at the canteen Youngjae felt people staring at him and it wasn’t the pleasant usual you-are-hot-be-my-boyfriend-please kind of stare but more as if he were a bald mammoth dancing to the samba. Indeed weird.

«why is everyone staring?»

«well, you sort of are the eleventh rookie that tries to work in our team this year and you are the first one to actually make it until lunch» answered Yongguk.

«bwo? What happened to the others?»

Himchan patted his shoulder «let’s just say we don’t like intruders»

«you made them leave?!» the others nodded simultaneously besides Mr. Jung  who sighed and hung his head low.

«then why didn’t you make me leave too?»

Junhong looked at him as if he had grown a second head and, as if it were the most obvious thing on earth, answered « hyung, you’re buying meat tonight, we can’t afford to send you to an asylum!»

Youngjae’s mouth dropped.















Lunch went quite well, even though people kept on staring, Youngjae managed to ignore them and spent a good time chatting with his colleagues and his boss. At least it all went well until a small accident made a blushing Youngjae run to the toilet, a stuttering Mr. Jung  shout at Himchan and everyone else laugh like no tomorrow.


Returned in their office Himchan immediately sat near Yongguk «did you see them? This is easier than expected! I think I can got them together before this day ends if I keep this up!»

«Him, just because you shoved one on top of another it doesn’t mean they’ll fall in love, please leave them alone or before the day ends the only thing that will happen is your dismissal»

«uff… you’re no fun! Moreover  did you see their faces after the kiss? They were both so red that I thought they would explode for the heat»

«sorry to crush your dreams but they didn’t kiss, they just bumped on each other»

«sorry to crush your beliefs but when lips touch I call that a kiss»

Yongguk was going to retort when Youngjae entered and approached Himchan.

«what was that for?! Why did you push me? Now the boss will think I’m a ert for kissing him out of the blue!»

Himchan sent a meaningful look at his older colleague and smiled at the younger «you’ll understand, my child, and one day you’ll remember me and  thank me for all the happiness in your life.»

Youngjae sighed a bit annoyed and stomped away muttering something about that place being a receptacle of madness.
















As promised the project was finished and handed that afternoon. Youngjae had to admit that Mr. Jung’s face was indeed hilarious as he found the documents on his desk and picked them up carefully as if they were only an hallucination and would vanish in the air as soon as he touched them.

Yongguk lied down on a little couch in a corner of the room and sighed contently «well, guys… I’m going to take a nap.»

At the same time Junhong and Jongup started chatting about a new music video and Himchan his laptop mumbling incomprehensible words. Since Mr. Jung had fled, disappearing into his office, that left only Youngjae and Sunhwa without something to do.

«do you want to take a stroll? You haven’t visited the building yet, have you?»

«I haven’t. Won’t it be a problem if the boss needs you?»

«naah. Usually after lunch it’s always a bit slow, he won’t need me.»

«then let’s go. It’s not like I’d work anyway.»

Sunhwa giggled «you’ll get used to it, to them.»

The secretary showed the main rooms of the building, where employees actually did their job, and introduced him to a few people. When they entered the hall the receptionists immediately appeared beside Youngjae, rudely shoving Sunhwa away. Their screeching hurt his ears.

«oh, my wallet fell. Can you pick it up for me please?»

The mussels instantly looked around to comply the man’s request  and he took the chance to grab Sunhwa’s wrist and take off. They ran to the resting room and plopped down side by side on the couch laughing heartily.

«I thought that at least the boss was sane, but for hiring those… those… those he must be pretty insane himself!»

The girl laughed «do you know that Himchan is trying to set you up with him?»

«yeah» Youngjae smirked «I think I’ll have to disappoint him tonight.»



















«7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… MEAT!!!!»

«Junhong calm down, you’re biting  Jonguppie.»

«hyung, what is the sound of the crocodiles?»


«is it something like grrr or arrr?»

«but it’s meat we are talking about hyung!»


«that’s not a good reason Junhong!»

«or maybe it’s nnggg? Trrr? Gaaa?»


«Him, that’s photoshopped»

«kaaa? Prrr? Nrrr? Arrgg?»

«meat is always a good reason!»

«frr? Ssst? No, that’s a snake, ugg?»


«meat … feels goodddddddd!!!»


«Him, you’re delusional»


Everyone turned towards Mr. Jung who was panting and had his eyes out of their socket.

«boss-hyung you seem tired, you shouldn’t shout this much.»

Mr. Jung shook his head, resigned. « Mr. Yoo has already gone, do you want to eat dinner or you prefer to stay in the office all night?»

The four loud men hurried out of the room with the cry «MEAT!»  echoing in the hallway. Mr. Jung and his secretary followed soon after.













The creative team plus Sunhwa and Mr. Jung was already at his ninth serving of meat and nobody showed sign of slowing down. For the sake of his wallet Youngjae tried to make some conversation, following the principle ‘ if their mouths are busy talking they can’t eat’.

It didn’t work that well, they managed to speak while chewing, resulting in the table being covered in spit.

«Youngjae do you have a boyfriend?»

Himchan and his gentleness.

Youngjae choked on his food, coughing badly. When he succeeded in taking a breath he made an incredulous noise « why do you think I’m gay?»

«a feeling. Do you have a boyfriend or not?»

Youngjae smirked. It was time.

«no, I don’t have a boyfriend»

«then why don’t you go out with Mr. Jung? You seem perfect together»

The boss looked offended.

«what? We don’t seem perfect, we are perfect!»

Himchan was puzzled. « what does that mean? I already succeeded in making you get together and I didn’t realize?»

Youngjae, Daehyun and Sunhwa laughed, everyone else didn’t know what to think.

«you asked me if I had a boyfriend, which I don’t have, but I do have an husband and three beautiful children.»

At that moment too many things happened. Himchan spitted the meat he had in his mouth, Junhong cried for the food being wasted, Jongup asked from where babies come, Yongguk tried to save Himchan from dying suffocated and simultaneously tried to console the maknae and give an answer to Jongup. That  resulted in Yongguk hitting Jongup’s back while ruffling Himchan hair and explaining to a shocked Junhong the reproduction cycle. All this while the other three were laughing their asses  off and nearly falling from their chairs.


Daehyun nodded still smiling «this summer it will be our twelfth anniversary as a married couple»

«bwo? But how? Why didn’t you tell us anything?»

«my mission was to find out your method of work, of course I couldn’t tell you who I was»


«and I won’t»


«sorry Dae but they are right, your face his too funny »

Daehyun pouted and grabbed Youngjae's hand making cute noises « pretty please!»

Youngjae bitted his bottom lip and looked away «I can’t.»

«if you were married for this long how come we didn’t know? And you» said Yongguk pointing at Sunhwa «you knew?»

«of course, I’ve known them since they were in diapers and I can guarantee they’ve been together since then.»


Yongguk covered Himchan mouth and pulled him away excusing themselves. Junhong was still in a catatonic state, shocked for too many things. Jongup approached Daehyun.

«anyway, if you didn’t want to make it known you shouldn’t have called the company JaeDae group.» that said he grabbed Junhong and followed their hyungs.

«he knew?» asked Youngjae and his husband shrugged his shoulder.

« still, after years of working with them, I don’t know if he is an idiot or a genius.»

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Chapter 1: ohmaigawd this is so funny i could imagine all the chaos created omg daehyun and youngjae are so dumb but himchan is totally dumber
Chapter 1: HAHAHHA BAP IS DAEBAK AND SO IS THIS STORY!! Hahahaha it's hilarious just imagining th confused scene whereverything everything just go crazy and omg jongup... He's just too cute for being blur and smart XD
dulce_soledad #3
Chapter 1: Poor himchan too late to set them up but hey at least your ship is sailing. Also Jong ups so adorable for being the only one to guess it :)
tennisj #4
Chapter 1: Somehow when I read the title for this story I thought that JD might stand for JaeDae, but I never imagined that the story will turn out to be like this. That's a nice one XD
ilovezelo24 #5
please update soon! i hope you write more :)
Chapter 1: lmao this is so funny
himchan is indeed daejae no 1 shipper
habeaksoah #7
Chapter 1: I'm kinda shock..ehhhhh!!!! But i love it..<33
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 1: omg the ending cracked me up!! sequel maybe??
Chapter 1: this was so funny xD I wish I could have seen his face, their faces!
Chapter 1: ahahaaha~~ this is amazing and funny! ^^ the way himchan shipping daejae is XD funny! :D
well, i enjoy this story so much eonni~~ ^0^
love this! ♥