An enchanting aroma!!

Pleasing to the senses




A/N: This is written in Siwon's P.O.V


Kyuhyun smells really good.....


I smell him everyday....


Ha ha....That particular revellation is undoubtedly one of my most favorite memories from one of our fan meetings. He was so adorably flustered that night being all irritated and pouty and throwing girly tantrums. That time, I had so desperately wanted to kiss those lips that were pouted so much or atleast pinch those podgy cheeks that were fluffed up in anger.


"Whats the big idea showing that photo to the whole world on a ginormous screen? I look like I hadnt slept for days in that picture and you were more like trying to eat me instead of taking a whiff at me!" he had barked while we were on the way to our hotel.


"But..honey....I was just stating the facts. The fans need to know how heavenly you smell. And ...*sniff* you do smell....*sniff* *sigh* divine...*sniff* .....oh fragrant...." I had been shamelessly teetering over the edge of losing my sanity then when I took whiff after whiff at his neck.


" stop sniffing like a dog, you dog!" Kyuhyun had pushed me off immediately putting a safe distance between him and me.


Kyuhyun's unique scent is so peculiar that no matter how much he spruces himself masking it with perfume, it always manages to sneak out and tease my senses making me heady and leaving me wanting for more. So alluring, so calming, so pleasing..........It is so Kyuhyun......In fact it is everything that could make me forget about my worries in an instant and get rid of my weariness in the blink of an eye because it is attributed to him and only him. And I dont find anything as soothing to the soul as his aroma.


Squinting to the first rays of the morning sun creeping into my bedroom, I search for the familiar warmth that had lingered nearby me last night on my king sized bed. I pat the empty space beside me a couple times and the sheets trying to use my nose to trace the unique aroma that I had gotten accustomed to waking up to every morning. To my good fortune, I finally manage to find a hint of his odour still lingering on his pillow, his comforter and the bolster that he had hugged to sleep last night. 


Funny how I could so easily pick up faint traces in an instant! Sometimes I had even wondered if I were a blood hound in my previous life.


"You must have been a blood hound in your previous life!" I heard the voice of my beloved chiming not so far away from me as I peel my eyes open and tilt my head up to see him draped in a bathrobe rummaging through the closet for a nice set of clean clothes. I shuffle through the sheets and rest my head atop the head board lazily and let my eyes roam over his lithe figure.


"Good love...*yawn*" I drawl and blink my eyes repeatedly trying to fight off my morning drowsiness.


He picks up his favorite set of dark navy blue striped shirt alternating with thin white bands across his chest and black skin hugging jeans. He drops them lazily on the couch and comes near the bed to ransack the bedside drawer for his daily moisturizer, hair gel, perfume and lip balm. As he comes near and passes a glance over my half-asleep stupor, he smirks gently in acknowledgement that he has indeed managed to tease me with his after-shower aroma, which he did in all honesty!.


*sniff* Vanilla and litchies....My favorite.. This is hands down my favorite kind of shampoo on him by far. I have always marvelled over his exceptional talent of picking out the right kind of shampoo whose aroma I get addicted to in a flash. 


Flashing a glance at the assortment of tolieteries that he has clutched in his lanky arms I chuckle slightly....He is just so conscious about his looks that he never even leaves the house without wearing them even for something as simple as to fetch the groceries or to go window shopping. He will never change, that much I know! And I never wish for him to change!


Shooting a glare at me, as I continue staring at him while not moving an inch from my bed, he goes to the couch and plops down. One by one, he carefully places the bottles huddled together in his grasp on the coffee table in front of him. He first takes the bottle of moisturizer, opens it and squirts a copious amount onto his hands, smears it between his palms and applies it on his face and neck. Then takes some again and smears it over his arms and legs.


Mmmm....Green apple with a hint of lemon....I recognise it. A talent that had resulted from the daily routine of smelling your lover before he headed off to work in the morning!


Still draped in his bathrobe and tempting me to ravish his heavily scented body in broad daylight, he hovers over the table and picks up the tube of wet hair gel. Squeezing a bit from the tube, he smears it over his damp hair and styles it elegantly. He then places the tube back on the table and stands up. Turning around to confirm whether I am still watching or not, he gasps in awe at how he has so effortlessly managed to capture my attention and hold me prisoner by just being himself.


He wears his jeans and lets the bathrobe slide over his slim shoulders and hangs it over the hanger. By now I am wide awake as my thirsty eyes drink in this late morning spectacle. I lift my head up from the head board and let my eyes skim over the wide open expanse of pale and smooth back and gulp audibly as his scapula readjusts itself while wearing his shirt. Letting out an almost subliminal sigh, he grabs the bottle of the expensive limited edition Calvin Klein, one of a kind fragrances that I got for him from Paris last year and squirts a few drops of the aromatic liquid onto his body.


Lastly, he twists the tube of lipbalm and applies a glossy layer over his juicy pair of pink lips. Satisfied with his professional style of presentation, he glances at himself in the mirror and gives a thumbs up.


One good smelling Cho Kyuhyun ready to conquer the hearts of hundreds of swooning fans and that of his one goofy lover.....


He then shimmies into the kitchen next. I can hear the clatter of the kettle and the clank of coffee mugs. Despite having a jam packed schedule during the afternoon and a flight to catch to Paris in the evening, my feet refuse to leave the comfort of my soft mattress and the alluring scent of my beloved. Within a few minutes, I see him emerging from the kitchen holding two mugs of steaming coffee in either of his hands and approaching me as I stretch to get rid of the remnants of a blissful last night's slumber.


He sits beside me on my bed and smiles like an angel sent from heaven as he passes me the cup on his right hand. Smiling lovingly in return, I take the mug in my hands as the warmth seeps through the porcelain mug onto my calloused palms.


"Cant I get a morning kiss from my fragrant lover first?" I ask.


"I know you wont stop from just one kiss Won. And you need to drag your lazy to the bathroom and move it if you wanna catch your flight on time" he says and I nod my head in agreement.


"*sigh* True.... true..." I drag on and take a sip of my coffee.


Without breaking eye contact, we take many such sips of coffee until the mug becomes empty. He gets up from the bed with the mugs and is about to return them to the kitchen when I grab his hand and make him sit back beside me.


"*sigh* Now what? Dont tell me you dont wanna leave for Paris!" he reads through my expressions accurately as I nod in agreement.


"Aish! You are hopeless Siwon! You have a flight to catch so stop whining like a toddler" he says sternly and places the mugs carefully on the lamp table beside the bed. I unleash my pout in protest and look into his chocolate brown eyes hopefully to get a message across to him that only he manages to decode.


"I can see there's a catch. Alright what do you want from me? Within reason....Won!" he clarifies his point in case I end up asking for something a bit more.


I open up my arms in response signalling him to come near me and take my embrace. Giggling slightly, he leans forward and places his head atop my chiselled chest and wraps his hands around my firm waist.


I encircle my arms around his shoulders and tighten them as I bring him closer to myself. Ducking my head slightly, I close my eyes as I take in his divine scent and let it fill me with several overwhelming sensations. Dragging the tip of my nose over his soft, shampooed hair, I revel in its lingering presence for a while before bending down to the crook of his neck and inhaling the slender perfumed pale column.


An eternity seems to have passed by until he lifts his head off my chest and looks me in the eye. He nears my face and places lingering kisses on the tip of my nose and lips before getting up and wishing me a safe journey.


A few minutes afterwards, I see him exiting the house with a gentle wave leaving me to my fragrant musings of his aroma that still wafted strongly in my bedroom as I get ready for my daily ritual.....

So how was this one???

Siwon and his penchant for Kyuhyun's scent....I cant..XD with this guy seriously!

Read and drop comments guys....Stay tuned for the next update in a few days...:)..:*



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Chapter 5: hahaha... sorry I've been staring at that gif for like hours... XD

I really enjoyed your story here... although I didn't manage to comment everyone of them. But want to let you know I really like it.

Everyone of the chapter screams FLUFF and LOVE...and I just love reading WonKyu as such. These two will stay forever the cheesy, corny, shameless goofs and I'm just content about it.
Thanx for a wonderfully written WonKyu FanFic.... keep up the great work. Look forward to reading more from ya xxoo
Chapter 5: Of course wonnie can't get over kyunnie's taste.....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
WonLGWonnie #3
Chapter 5: Muahahaha thanks my friend, for the shoutout!! XD I love TASTE the most of all senses! What a playful pair to mess their bed with all the mango juice and their dirt. Lol especially that shameless Siwon! Strip himself just to get Kyu's attention! *shake head* But I like that idea very much. Muahahaha!
Too bad this is completed so soon. Hope there is another version of Kyu's views on Siwon with the 5 senses! ^^
Chapter 4: Lpve it very much and i agree with wonnie about kyunnie's voice....can't wait for the next chapter....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
WonLGWonnie #5
Chapter 4: Ohhhh next will be taste! *smirk*
Chapter 3: DoggieWon is adorable, as much as his masterKyu doesnt wanna be sniff (in public)...we know he loves it!!!
I still cant believe won actually said that in public in front of alll those fans....wahaha LoL the power of love! ^_^
WonLGWonnie #7
Chapter 3: Oh as fluffy as ever. And seriously, Siwon is like a blood hound!!! Lol. Even admitted it at fanmeet! This guy has so boundaries to admit his love for Kyuhyun.
I want to smell Kyuhyun too... but... I would like to smell Siwon more. Lol!!! Maybe you should have another chap on Kyuhyun's POV of Siwon's smell!! XD
Chapter 3: Lovely wonnie really head over heels wit kyunnie's scent...
uwiecidut #9
Chapter 3: Lovely wonkyu