
Cherry-seed Prince

Deep down, eighteen-year old Park Chanyeol had always known quite well that miracles just didn't exist. Surely, as a child, he had thought that his mother would suddenly come back with a little bundle of joy - his little brother his father had dubbed as Baekhyun - on her back; and his baby sister - who was never named as she had been called away by the angels far too early for that -  and that their family would be complete once more.

But as he grew, he slowly came to realize the cruel truth: his mother was gone, and his siblings have never even had the chance to see the sun or the moon...nor the stars.

Somehow, the mere fact made him depressed. 

As the years passed, he started to think less and less about the family he could never truly have. His father worked every day, not even sparring him a glance for some heart-clenching reason - after all, Chanyeol did look like his mother save for how he was quite tall for his age while she had been petite enough to be mistaken for a little girl when she had been a teenager or so his father had told him many times - and he was practically raised by the maid that had always worked in their house.

The woman grow old as Chanyeol grew up though, and not long after his seventeenth birthday, it was her for whom he was planting roses for. The cherry tree he had once planted now stood tall and proud, but for some reason, he never quite cared about it anymore.

There wasn't really anything to care about, anyway. It only brought back bad memories, ones that he wished to forget.

It was just a tree with some pink flowers once a year. Surely, it had grown well, and could be called the jewelry of the garden, but Chanyeol truly wasn't someone who was interested in things like that. 

Instead, there was something else he enjoyed. It was going out. Somehow, the mere thought of putting a foot out of his cage - his so-called home - made his heart race in a delightful manner. 

Chanyeol however, didn't usually go clubbing. No, he went exploring. He had been everywhere in his hometown already, but he was still able to find exciting places to visit from time to time. At sixteen, he had started making a blog: he wrote down anything and everything about what he found, but he never said where exactly. He actually loved giving his followers riddles about where he had been.

He had gained recognition at a rapid pace, quickly becoming someone who was looked up at even if no one truly knew who he was. They called him the wanderer, and he was fine with that. 

One day though, Chanyeol had decided to do something odd: he was going to explore his own garden. His father, as usual, wasn't home, and the new maid they had hired was cleaning somewhere in the house, meaning that he was going to have all the afternoon to himself and his blog. He dressed up loosely that day as it was incredibly hot, only wearing a pair of shorts and some old, grey T-shirt. Notebook in hand, he started walking around, eyes roaming across the untamed paradise.

He wasn't sure about why he had decided to do it then, but something seemed to be pulling him towards the garden.

The place I am visiting today is closer to me than anything I have written about so far. Not only is it near my house, but it used to belong to someone whose memory I treasure to this day. My mother. But you know, it's not only her spirit that I can feel lingering in the air. 

No, but I would rather not talk about that yet. I have reached the place, the garden I wanted to show you, in a way. The first thing you can see, even from quite far away, is the tall cherry tree. It was me who had planted it, quite some years ago. I can remember the day it started to actually grow. I couldn't believe it, and nor could my parents. But still, it's here now, and it will be never cut down. Not until we own this places. 

He smiled fondly as he walked up to the tree, raising a hand to grab one of its lower branches. 

It was my gift for my little brother. When he was born, everything seemed perfect for a moment, or so my father had told me a few years ago. But suddenly, he just passed. Until this day, no one knows why. We only know that it just wasn't his time yet. 

You know, I sometimes wish that I could tell him how much I wanted him to actually live. We planted roses for him, and they are still here. Right near the tree. The grass is also the greenest at this place, almost like it's him who is making them grow.

When I was a kid, I liked to think that one day, he would appear. Maybe from the roses. I believed in fairytales because I didn't know just how cruel the world truly is.

He sighed softly as he bent down to smell the roses."Baekhyun, I wonder how you would look like today." he whispered softly."I wonder... would you look up to me?"

He slowly continued to walk, reaching the roses for his sister, and his mother."Hi mom, baby sis. I wonder how you guys are,up in heaven. Is it hot there today, too?" he shook his head, a stray tear running down his cheek."Mom, guess what! I'm popular." he said softly.

My mother's and sister's roses are next. They are both white, Baek's are red, you know. I'm not sure why, but they are all beautiful. I'm sure that this isn't what you expected me to post, but I can't help recalling how I always wanted a sibling: brother or sister, I just didn't care. I kept on pleading and begging, and suddenly, I was a big brother. But only for moments. It's weird how when mom fell pregnant for the second time, we thought it would be different. It's not like falling down the stairs had been her fault, though..."

He kept on writing and writing, quite sure that he wasn't going to publish his writing about his bittersweet adventure. It was going to be kept hidden from the watchful eyes of others. 

Then, the one who raised me died as well. She was quite old, like a grandmother to me. She has her roses, too. I miss her, you know, but I know that she has a beautiful home now -  just like the others we had to part from too early. 

The sound of rustling leaves made him snap out of his thoughts. It was coming from the cherry tree. Curiously, he walked there, wanting to know just what had made him stop writing so abruptly.

And suddenly, a small body had crashed into it, the pain of body shoulders and legs meeting his accompanied by two shrieks - the stanger's, and his own.

"Chanyeol! Finally I can meet you! Wow, you're much taller than I thought. And oh, you have...ugh, how do you call it, a beard... No, that's not it." 

"Just who are you?" the stunned blogger asked, his eyes wide as he placed the other down on the ground."

"Park Baekhyun," was his cheeky answer, followed by a dimpled smile."your brother."

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Chapter 1: The story is interesting and I am waiting your update, author-nim~
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww they finally meet!!! Fighting for the next chapter
TheCrazy15 #3
Chapter 1: Awe~ I wonder how Chanyeol will react since he has been wishing to meet Baek~
This sounds amazing already :))