A.N.: Exams are finally over, meaning FREEDOM! And more updates^^ 

Here's a new one for all of you. Hope you enjoy. Seriously, i missed this so much. AFF jjang!


"It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever."

-Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

30 minutes before the encounter:

"What's your name, y?" Yuri asked, her eyes filled with lust. A smirk was shown on her face as she leaned closer to the woman.


"Yuri. And I think we don't need more introductions." She replied as she traced Hyuna's curves, her hips grinding against the other woman's.

Hyuna ran her fingers on Yuri's hair and grasped on it tightly, her body molding closer against Yuri's.

'Somebody's getting laid tonight. You're the man Kwon Yuri.' She thought as she leaned close and Hyuna's earlobe. A soft gasp was heard.

"You like it?" She whipered, her hot breath fanning against the latter's ears eliciting another moan.

"Hnnnggg..." Hyuna moaned as she grasped tighter into Yuri's neck, a sweet spot, just above her collarbone. A mark will surely appear sometime later, but Yuri couldn't care less.

"Mmmm... that's so good..." Yuri replied,  pulling Hyuna closer their body moving on its own accord, not literally in sync with the music.

Heavy breaths and gasps could be heard as both were panting, touching each other over their clothing, with Hyuna leaning closer, trailing kisses up Yuri's neck.

"Fu-uck. . ..." Incoherent mumbles and curses could he heard, both grasping onto each other.

Hyuna leaned closer about to capture Yuri's lips, her strawberry chapstick lingering in Yuri's senses.

'Mmmmm. Strawberry. If I liked you I would've kiss you, ya know? Too bad I don't.'

"I'm sorry. I-i can't do this." Yuri shoved the shocked woman away from her, recalling someone with an auburn-hair.

"Oh, honey. Is this your first time? Don't worry, I will.-"

"I said no." Her glare turned dark, scaring the other woman.

"Get lost." She said with utmost finality, her attitude turning around completely.

"Jerk!" Hyuna said as she landed a hard slap on Yuri's cheek, before turning on her heels.

A small smile was formed on Yuri's lips as she at her bottom lip, feeling the chapped skin and the slight metallic taste of her blood.

'Jerk...she calls me that too. That ice princess. But somehow, she says it better...'


20 minutes before the encounter:

Yuri walked to the closest stool on the bar, and faced the bartender. 

"Anything I could get you, miss?"

She stared at the woman behind the counter and focused on the name plate.

'Kim Hyoyeon. Interesting.'

"I see you've been checking me out. I'm taken so don't bother." She said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry. You're not my type." Yuri said as she leaned closer to the woman.

"A shot of tequilla, please. And oh, keep em coming."

"At your service."


10 minutes before the encounter:

"You really are a great drinker, buddy. Too bad I haven't seen you in these areas. Escaping from problems, perhaps?" Hyoyeon ask, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Well.. that's part of it now." She slurred. "But I came here for a job you know? I'm not a jobless, useless drunkard." Yuri continued, flashing a wad of cash.

"I got ya miss. Another shot?"

"Shut up and take the money."

Yuri was confused. She never knew what the sudden impulse to push the woman awhile back was about. the salt off her hand, she quickly took the shot and on the lemon wedge, her eyes squeezed tight at the sour taste. Tequilla was never her type of drink.

A group of men sat next to her, probably in their mid-twenties.

"Hey dude. I really dig that chick over there." She massaged her temples as she felt the oncoming headache.

"Let's get some tonight then. es everywhere." The voices continued. Yuri groaned, her head feeling worse than before.

". Can't I get my peace and quiet anymore?" Yuri cussed inside of her. Placing the cash on the table, she stood up and walked towards the other end of the bar.

"Let's get that princess and go home. She must feel so out of place in here."


5 minutes before the encounter:

No sign of Jessica. Yuri felt her head throbbing widly. 'Could she have left? No. She wouldn't have without telling me first! And I told her not to leave this spot. Aissh!'

Yuri walked back to the other side of the bar, searching for Jessica in the sea of people, hoping to find auburn-hair. The dim lighting wasn't helping. Her migrane and unstable steps made it worse.

'. Where are you... Sica?'


1 minute before the encounter:

A large crowd was formed near the exit, catching Yuri's attention. Several cheers were heard from the men. Yuri ran towards them and took a peek.

A man was kissing Jessica, his leg wedged between hers as he kept grinding his knees on to her. From afar, Yuri couldn't bear seeing what happened.

'I thought she was different. . Guess I was wrong." Yuri thought as she prepared to leave.


Yuri turned back to see the man wiping blood off his lips with the back of his hand.

Jessica had bitten him.

And as fast as it had happened came a resounding 'SLAP' right accross Jessica's face, as she stumbled back and bit her lip, trying to stop herself from crying.

Yuri snapped.

She pushed her way against the crowd, pulled on the man and gave him a hard punch, square in the face.

"What the-"

She never stopped, her head was hurting but she didn't mind. Her knuckles were bleeding from the impact but she couldn't care less. She didn't want to see Jessica cry.

The man blocked a punch, and punch Yuri back. She was sure she heard Jessica cry. Was she crying for her? Did she think about her?

Struggling to stand up, Yuri was grabbed at the collar by the man. She was pushed against the wall, his hand strangling her neck. Feeling her breath hitch, she knew she wouldn't last longer. Grabbing a bottle on the table she smashed it onto his head, with shards flying off in every direction, some of it cutting through her skin. 

The two bartenders came with the bouncer, and arrested the man as Sunny volunteered as witness that he was at fault.

Yuri helped Jessica get back up, her knees wobbly as she felt humiliation strike her. Tears continued to flow down her face as Yuri kept on rubbing at her back soothing her.

"Shush, shush. It's gonna be okay. I'll be here for you." She cooed and as she walked out of the bar, Yuri felt Jessica's body get heavier.

'She fainted. With this rain, how am I supposed to bring her home?' Yuri thought as she carried Jessica and made her way to the hotel.




What she didn't realize was, how it took 30 minutes to realize what she felt for Jessica.





And how a single second could push the same thoughts away, locked within her.





After all, she promised herself long ago. 










That she wasn't confused.







That she never loved Jessica.









That everything would remain as it was before.



Steady breathing can be heard past midnight. The sound of it, coupled with the droning sound of the heater, made everything seem peaceful.





Light snoring woke Jessica up in the middle of the night.




She struggled to open her eyes, still drowsy from sleeping.




With a groan, she looked at the ceiling.




The hotel.




She's back.




'Probably 2am.' She stifled a yawn but was widely awakened when she felt something warm and heavy resting on top of her.


"Aaaarhghghhg! What?! What?!" Yuri screamed as she got up, the blankets sliding down in the process.

Jessica looked down.




"What the did you do to me Kwon Yuri!!!!!!!"


A.N: Too much drama, I know. Probably some more in the future updates. Seriously, this fic is a stress reliever for me. I enjoyed writing this so I hope you would enjoy reading too! Please comment:) and oh, i have a question:

Can you guess what happened? Type your answers below! Thanks:)

- shizu








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Trez17 #1
Chapter 21: Author pls continue this story
jmbaculao #2
Chapter 21: Wow. This one's really sad..few chapters left? Thanks for updating!
Chapter 20: It's like a side or person whom coward I mean sica
Chapter 20: Wooooow i am new here! Beatiful fanfic! Is it true that it's been 3 months without updating? Glad you're back. Please update soon. I am 75% royal shipper and 25% soulkeeper and even i love this Yulsic of yours, i want more yulti!! T.T

Please update soon!!!
uniqdreamz #5
Chapter 20: It's been 3 months since you've updated, do you really wanna 'bury' us in this 'landslide' for another 3 ? Just kidding... but thank you :)

The heart has to learn to let go in order to love again...
Chapter 20: Everything happened too fast.... -.-
Now everything is getting hard for them...
why did sica accept anyway ><
jmbaculao #7
Chapter 20: You're like the best in getting up with our emotions eh? Man you had me on the edge.. This one's good! Thanks for updating, been a long time :)
Chapter 19: I am usually a silent reader, but this chapter was truly heartbreaking for me. All the emotions.... ugh! I cannot. T^T
Chapter 19: Ohhh.. T___T poor yulsic... what heart breaking chapter?..
uniqdreamz #10
Chapter 19: Hmm.....Naruto and pikachu....seriously ?! Lol