Confess To The Diary (End)

Confess To The Diary (Oneshot)

Narrator's POV:

-3 month later-

You were playing video games with Joon(3 month ago he already told you to called him Joon) as you tried to beat him.

"Die Joonie oppa! DIE!!!"

"Not this time ______! HAIYAA!!!!"


It end up that you win as Joon didn't believe that you beat him.

He glare at you and knock your head lightly.

"OUCH! Aish, Joonie oppa! What was THAT for?!" you glare and pout angrily at him while rubbing your head.

"*smirk* Because you cheated!"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are~"

"No I'm not!"


"NO! I'M NOT!!!"

"Seriously, kid. Stop it..."You two turn to see it was your step father and your mother who is shooking their head.

"Umma? Appa? where are you going?" you asked as you notice there's a luggage surronding around them. 

"We're leaving..." your umma replied with her smile, showing he dimple.

Joon raise his brown toward them. "And to where?" he asked.

Joon father chuckle and faced Joon "We're going to overseas for 7 week so, Joon, please take care of _____ for us."

Joon smile and nodded. "On your command, sir!" he gesture like a police, make his dad chuckle.

You two give you parent a hug and say goodbye to them.

You sigh and turn to Joon.

"Joonie oppa, what are we going to do?"you pout at him as his heart started to beat really really fast like a motocar.

Since 4 month ago, you guys heart would beating really fast even when you guys see each other.

"Let just watch television or something." he smile at you, making you almost drooling.

When you guys was about to went inside, some 2 girl beside your house suddenly called Joon.

"Joonie oppa~do you want to have 'fun' with us?"

"We're tight you know?"

2 girl batted their fake long eyelash to Joon, just to seduce him since he was handsome and he has muscular body.

They really think that Joon is somekind of guy who want to have fun with other girl but they just sooo...wrong.

Joon stared at them with digust and raise his brown higher.

"You really think that I'm a erted guy, ey?"

They nodded innocently make Joon frown.

"Well, you know what? You guys need to go to the hospital and then check your brain first." he said coldly, making those girls jaw hang down.

He went inside and turn to you as you blink confuse at him.

"Don't tell this to appa and umma, arasso?"

You giggle and nodded.


You and Joon sit on the couch and cuddle each other (siblings things) as you guys watch Inkigayo together.

You saw one of your most favourite group was no other than....B1A4.

Joon on the other side see you focusing on the TV as he gaze of what your staring at.

He caught you were gazing at Sandeul since he was your most favourite bias.

He frown jealousy and poke your forehead with his index finger.

"Owwie! What was that for~?" your whine at him as he roll his eyes.

"Yah! You like that guy?"

"Wae?Sandeul Oppa look really cute." 

"Hmph! Whatever..."

Joon stood up as he pretending to go to his room.

Without you noticing, he tip toeing to your room as quiet as a mice, while you still focusing on Sandeul and the other.


He creep inside your room and suddenly, something caught in his eyes making his lip turn upward which is cheesy one.

He saw your diary on the bed as he grab it and started to read it.

Date: 6 March

  Dear Diary,

OMONA!!! soo embrassing in school >/////< I was in the library with my friend but then, I didn't notice that my phone was in my pocket as its ringing soo loud and it was chicken ringtone >/////////////////////< until the librarian snatch my phone!!!!!-_-" aish chicha! so embrassing!

Joon laugh hardly but then, he stop laughing when he suddenly saw you with your eyes widen.

He laugh nervously as he burst out of the door, headed to his room.

You ran to him as he held your diary higher since he was more taller than you.

"Oppa! NO!!!" you shriek, trying to get your diary from his grasp.

"Naww~Come on, Dongsaeng~You didn't even want to shared your secret to Oppa~" he pout at you, make you blood boil more higher.

"Aish! Oppa!!! Give me my diary BACK!" you said getting annoyed with your oppa.

He stuck his tounge out toward you and run to his room.

"Mehrong! Now BYE!!!" he wink at you and close his door before you come in.

Your eyes were widen in shock. Your diary was all about Joon and even... your feeling toward him was already writing yesterday.

Your knock hard as you jump up and down in hurry.


"I can't hear you~"




You knock and whine non-stop since you don't want your secret has being known by Joon, including your feeling for him.

-Meanwhile in Joon's room-

He enjoy reading while listening to MP3 (since your knock and whining harder and louder)

He was laughing at how clumsy when you were baking with Rain.

He turn to the next page randomly since it make him bored in doom.

"Boring~Boring~Boring~Bor-" he suddenly stop with a date that it was a date when your mother married.

He scan to see his name in there, make his heart beat one more time and a tinge pink was form on his cheek. 

He turn the page slowly and read it.

Date: 27 September

    Dear Diary,

I was playing tennis with Joonie oppa at the backyard. After we finish playing, we went inside to take a wash. While I was showering, I heard a door creep open and I notice that I forgot to lock the bathroom door. Joonie oppa open the curtain wide and I was shock to see that Joon oppa was bared even myself was too. He quickly went outside and apologize me non-stop....ahh~ I never his body and abs was well build it. Aish -_-" look at me, I being soo erted right now >/////////<

He blush madly as he still remember about the bathroom accident.

Something make him thought curious about what you have writing yesterday.

He quickly turn the page and stop at the page which is yesterday.

Date: 10 December

 Dear Diary,

I don't know how to say these but, I think I'm falling toward my new oppa, Joonie oppa. Since the day he was dancing with me at the ballroom, my heart beating so fast and sometime, I can feel myself blushing when he hug and smile sweetly at me. What should I do? I can't hold back my feeling toward him. I really want to say 3 words to Joon oppa and that is.........' I Love You '....

".................................." he was really shock and stun that he went silent.

Those 3 word make his heart beating non-stop evethough he was hearing some music.

He quickly grab his diary and write it quickly.

-Outside Joon's room-

"OPPA! OPEN THE D-" Joon slowly open his door with his poker face.

You blink at him a few time as you stuck your hand out and pout at him.

 "Give my diary back?" you said it, hopefully he didn't read about your feeling toward him yesterday.

"Can you please come inside for a minute." he said as you nodded and went inside his room.

"Sit." you sit as he sit beside you.

"Ergh...Joonie Oppa, my diary?" you stuck your hand out, gesture that you need your diary back.

He sigh and grab your hand as he put the diary on your palm.

You examine that diary carefully and shock that it wasn't your diary.

You frown when you see that it was Joon's diary.

"Why are you lending me your diary?" you asked with your brown raise higher.

"Because you will know the truth...." he said as he gazing at your face.

You turn the page and read it quietly.


Your heart beat soo fast and you were blushing like a tomato sauce when you reading Joon diary which is all about you.

You turn to the last page that Joon already write it.

You gasp and turn to faced Joon.

"O-Oppa, what is th-" before you could finish your word, Joon capture your lips and kiss you passionately.

You close your eyes and kiss himback as you snuck your arm around Joon's neck.

You guys broke the kiss as Joon smile at you sweetly.

"I thought you think as me as your own dongsaeng."

"No, because when we first met, my heart keep beating so fast toward you eventhough your just my step dongsaeng."

"But Oppa, umma will never improve this since your appa and my umma married." you said with a worried facial.

He grab your chin and kiss you again.

"I don't care about that because I know, we're not blood related and I really love you."

You smile at him as you hug him, burried your face on his crook neck.

"I love you too, Joonie Oppa." you said as you guys stay like that forever.


-7 week later-

You and Joon were waiting for your parent to come because you guy decided to tell them about your guys relationship.

The black car suddenly park infront of you guys house.

Your parent came out from the car and turn to faced you too.

"Umma! Appa! Welcome Home!!!" you run to her and hug her tightly.

Your mom gladly hug you back and kiss your cheek.

Your father came as he ruffle your hair.

You guys sat awkwardly in the living room since it was.....too awkward.

Joon break the silence as he clear his throat make her dad and your mom look at him.

"Errr....Umma. Appa. I know you wouldn't accepted but please...I really love _______ with all my life, even my heart and ______ love me too. *sigh*Please don't get mad at us because me and _______ already date pass 7 week ago."

Your parent eyes were widen but soon, soften of what their son say.

"We're not mad." you two were shock after you guys heard what your parent had said.

"Mwo? You really not mad? Chincha?" Joon asked with his eyes widen in suprise.

Your parent nodded as they smile at you sweetly.

"You didn't have blood related anyway soo, you guys just enjoy your relationship since it was the only way to make you happy." your mom said, make you two hug each other tightly.

"Yes! Finally! Kamsa hamnida umma and appa!!! Now~" you gasp when he suddenly carried you in bridal style.

"Bwoh? Joonie Oppa, what are you going to do?"

"*smirk* I need something fun, you my room?*wink**wink*" your eyes were widen when he said that as you know what he meant.

"No, Oppa! Put me down!!!" you shriek in fear of what he gonna dom toward you.

He chuckle and went upstair, headed toward his room.

He close the door while their parent shook their head and chuckle.

"You know what, yeobo? they remind me with my late husband..."your mom grin make Joon's dad chuckle more.

"Yup, me too. They really remind me with my late wife" he sigh and gaze toward Joon's door.

"Oppa! DON'T!!!"

"Come on, baby. I know you want me...."

"ANIO!!! I'm not ready!"

"I'll teach you..."


His father sigh as he shook his head and smile.

*Lee Changsun, when did you become like your own appa when his young.* he grab his wife and they sleep peacefully.

Date: 11 December

    Dear Diary,

Lee ______, I already read the last page and I know, my heart and my soulmate was you all along.....I Love You, _______, I really do. Please be my one and only first kiss....and be mine forever~~~

                                                                                                                      -Joon's Diary-


Ow! my back hurt~HOORA!!! i have end it!!!!!!!! Now comment and subscribe my loveable reader~


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Chapter 2: The ending tho was hilarious about being a horn dog. It was a bit confusing but hey i love it i didntget the whole late wife/husband are they rreferring to each other when they were their age? And omfg. I cant believe their parent is ok for them to have ___ in the household. Whoa! They got balls. No lies o.o
HyunJane #2
Chapter 2: hahahahaha! joon's father " when did you become _____ like your own appa when his young" hahahahahaha
janella #3
I love it!!!!
thanks for your comment XDD
Gahahahahah, that was cute! Joonie being all ~ XD
HoneyBunny20 #7
Really cheesy. Cute.
thanks for the nicest comment ^ ^
sweet ♥
babymichiie #10
LOL. So cute!