How Cliche and Unoriginal of me -

Falling for Lee Qri is so Embarrassing

In Qri's and Hyomin's hotel suite 11:34 pm

"O-okay, we're here !" Hyomin wrapped Qri's arm around her shoulder, leading her to the bed with gentle care. Her arm was around her neck so tightly, it felt like she was being strangled. With her one free hand, she swiftly pulled the blanket away and tried to put Qri to lay down.

Hyomin POV

All her weight was on the right side of my body and I'm a frail girl. I can practically break into two pieces. Qri kept grumbling something under her breath, but I was too busy trying to get her to lay. I should've remembered that she was a light drinker. . I'm so stupid ! "Okay, unnie. . be careful, don't hurt yourse-WUP !"

My leg knocked against this damn lamp stand at the side of the bed, leading me to fall onto the bed along with this light headed girl. I accidently landed on top of her, my face planting right on her chest. "Ow. . Hyomin. ." She moaned under her breath. "U-unnie ! I'm so sorry !" I got off of her quickly, flashing an apologetic smile at her. My face felt like it was turning extremely red. It made my ears burn and I don't understand why my heart was pumping so fast. "Ah. . my head hurts. . " I watched her place a hand on her head and smile weakly.

Concern quickly spread over me. "You should sleep for now ! Get some rest, unnie. I'll just join the others in the casino." I replied to her, in a unusual shaky voice.


"Wait . .Don't go anywhere. . " Qri spoke in a low tone and reached a hand out. She grasped Hyomin's wrist gently and tugged at it. "Wh-what's wrong, unnie ?" Hyomin found herself stupidly stuttering, because of her sudden contact.

"Just. . just lay here with me, until I fall asleep. . " Qri's eyes trailed away, in what seemed to be embarrassment. "I just don't want to be alone, right now. . " She looked at her with these sad puppy dog-like eyes. Hyomin literally was taken aback at the sudden request. But to be honest, she thought that was the most adorable thing she ever heard Qri say. Hyomin gulped and just quietly nodded at the girl, who gave her this heart achingly cute smile.


Plunging in the pillows in pure darkness made Hyomin forget she was some big time korean celebrity. She forgot the last time she had proper rest.

"Hyomin, sorry if I made you stay with me here." Qri's voice interrupted Hyomin's bittersweet thoughts. The two girls faced each other on the bed, their cheeks were compressed on the white lacy pillows.

"It's okay, don't worry. . weirdly, I'm really tired too." Hyomin chuckled and pulled the blanket close to her shoulder. Hyomin could hear the crinkling of the bedsheets, as Qri shifted on the bed. 

In the darkness, she could feel Qri's head softly nudge against her chest and her knees gently brush against her own. Her shoulders jumped up slightly, not expecting Qri to be edging her way towards her. Hyomin's skin crawled and became warmer to the touch.

"S-sorry, does this bother you ?" Qri's muffled voice could be heard just below Hyomin's chin.

"Ah. . ! No, no. . dont worry !" Hyomin stuttered at the question.

Hyomin swore that she could feel her heart about to rip out of her ribcage.


Hey, Tyrant here.

Personally, I feel like I rushed this chapter and the last chapter. But I'll do my best to make it seem less rushed. Sorry if you guys aren't satisfied with this chapter, but it'll get better as it progresses.

I've been having these stupid stressful problems going on. Geez, life is weird.



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Ibie62 #2
Chapter 3: Please please update soon.
lovesuggestion #3
Chapter 3: Author-ssi~ did you put you fics on a hiatus? Update soon please~
luvkpop0123 #4
Chapter 3: Please update soon
oh yeah baby Minkyul!!!!!-w-
lovesuggestion #6
Chapter 3: Oh my god.. ajdnwkdnlsdnkdnfkejdnekndke *fangirling* that end was so perfect ;3;
Chapter 2: This is like the first DECENT QMin fanfic I ever saw! Qmin fanfics are hard to find. Please continue writting this! :) I'll root for you! :)
Chapter 2: Qri such a good player right? Hehehe
Thanks for update author ssi
lovesuggestion #9
Chapter 1: OMG.... Qmin..... I love them ;3; My OTP. I've been shipping them together for years~ But there are no Qmin fics TT____TT Thanks author-ssi for writing a Qmin fic~♡
Chapter 1: This sounds good author and I like Qri's character here to be along with Hyominnie.