Pinky Promise

Oh My Baby!!

“He’s a part of me, Jongdae! No matter how you deny that part. He’s mine!”

Jongdae goes silent at the statement. Yixing was right though, Baby Zhang was not fully his responsibility. Yixing, no matter how Jongdae denies it, was the father and some of the responsibility was on him also. “You need to go, Yixing”

“Jongdae, were not done yet” Yixing grabs a hold of Jongdae’s wrist when the other moves to leave.

“Well I'm done” the younger shakes Yixing off. “I want you to get out of my house, Yixing. I don't want to see your face. I don't want to be in the same vicinity as you. I don’t!! Now leave!”

“Jongdae, please”

“Leave!!” Jongdae orders, staring at Yixing with the ferocity of thousand sun.


“Leave Yixing!!!” he screams one more time before Yixing gave up. Mustering up all his strength, Yixing leaves the room without looking back or even acknowledging Jongdae's nosy friends. Zitao closes and locks the door after Yixing finally steps out.

When the house finally is cleared from the monstrosity called Yixing did the gang finally breaks through the small guest room, determined to calm Jongdae down in case the other was crying. They expected loud wailing noises from the other, a maniacal looking Jongdae filled with tears and sleep, but what they saw was the opposite. A melancholic type of Jongdae greeted them, no tears, no emotion, and no nothing— staring through the wall.

“Jongdae” Baekhyun steps forward to wrap the other into a warm hug. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah” Jongdae whispers, resting his head onto Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Just a little tired.”

“Then take some rest. We’ll be here” Luhan says, just when the house phone rings loudly from the living room. Minseok runs to pick up the phone, checking to see if the caller was someone they knew.

“Hello, Uncle Heechul” Minseok greets, “How are you?”

“I'm fine Minseok” Heechul answers. “Is Jongdae there?”


“Which do you think would be better blue or green?” Yoona asked her fiancé while trying to decide the perfect theme for their apartment’s nursery room. Yixing stares into nothing while playing with the mobile toy hanged atop the crib. “Yixing?” Yoona calls out again, trying to snap her lover out of his thoughts. It had been a week since Yixing went home with a bruised jaw and a conflicted facial expression. After that one night Yixing didn't go home, he suddenly become indifferent, sad, and unfocused that it worries her greatly. “Yixing, are you okay?”

“I'm fine” Yixing answers, snapping out of his thought for a moment. “Just a little tired.”

“Really?” Yoona raises a brow in suspicion. “Because from what I heard you haven't been going to work in three days. You have to try harder Yixing.”

“You don't have to work just to be tired, Yoona” Yixing stands from his crouched position, staring at his fiancée in malice. “But you wouldn't know that since all you do is stay at home and watch my every move. Yoona, aren't you tired?”

“Tired of what?” Yoona asked her fiancé, putting the room decorations off for another day. Trying to bring her fiancé to sit with her but he remains standing up. “Loving you? Trying to be a good wife? Or being that one person you can't ever let go? Because trust me Yixing I'am tired I'm tired of pretending to be your stupid ing ex.”

“No one asked you to! No one asked you to come after me and have my child” Yixing voice raises in anger and Yoona winces in fright. Yixing had never get mad at her. It was usually the other way around. “Stop acting like my past lover because Yoona you’ll never measure up to him”

“Him? It's a him.” Yoona says. “All this time. All this ing time I was jealous of a boy. I was jealous of an experimental first love”

“He wasn't an experiment”

“If he wasn't. You would have stayed with him” Yoona snaps, meeting her fiancé in the eyes. “It was a phase Yixing, believe it or—“

“I still love him!!” Yixing interjects and Yoona shuts up. “And if it wasn't for the fact that you have my child and he…he has someone. I would have left you already”

Yixing, red in the face, leaves the room with a loud slam of the door.


Jongdae loves his nephew, he really does, but they could get really annoying if they wanted to. It had been three days since the twins were dropped off by their father to spend a few days with their favorite uncle. Jongdae doesn't mind being a babysitter, he'd been their babysitter ever since, but carrying your own little rascal could be very bothersome at this situations.

“Uncle Jongdae” a high pitched voice rings from behind him. “I want chicken. Can we have chicken tonight?”

“Of course Sehunnie” Jongdae smiles at the boy. “I’ll tell Uncle Kyungsoo to buy us some.”

“Uncle Kyungsoo’s coming tonight!” an ecstatic child skips towards Jongdae, a grin in place. “I've missed uncle Kyungsoo. Do you think he misses me too, uncle Dae?”

“He does, Nini. Who wouldn't miss my little puppy?” Jongdae ruffles the younger’s hair and Jongin basked at the affection given to him. Sehun scowls at being ignored by his favorite uncle in favor of his step-brother, so he kicks the other away.

“Mine!” Sehun clings onto Jongdae, sticking a tongue out.

“No, Uncle Jongdae is Nini’s property” Jongin slaps his brother away but Sehun only tightens his hold. “Sehunnie share!!”

“No!” Sehun exclaims and Jongin roars in anger. Lunging onto his brother who thankfully had let go of Jongdae's leg before officially starting the wrestling match. Jongdae sighs at the sight but doesn't make a move in stopping the fight. It would be better if he just let the boys burn their own energy.

Going to the kitchen, Jongdae makes orange juice for him and his two companion when he feels sudden jab in his baby bump. It was barely there but Jongdae could still feel it and he couldn't help a smile forming. Placing a hand on his baby bump, he hears the door open, and a loud squeak of delight from Jongin.

“Uncle Kyungsoo, I missed you” Jongin exclaims, jumping into the elder’s arm, and Kyungsoo scrambles to keep his balance. “Did you miss Nini?”

“Well to tell you the truth no” Kyungsoo answers and Jongin's lips wobble at the thought of being forgotten by his crush. Yes, people. Jongin, five years old Jongin, has the biggest crush on Kyungsoo. A crush that the gang have great pleasure teasing Kyungsoo with.

“Why are you so mean uncle Kyungsoo?!” Jongin wails into Kyungsoo's ears and the smaller male winces. This the reason Kyungsoo hates pesky children. Probably just Jongin but no one needs to know that. “You’re breaking my heart!!”

“Wha—breaking your heart?” Kyungsoo splutters, feeling Jongin tightening his hold onto Kyungsoo’s neck. “Help me” he mouths to a snickering Luhan.

“No” Luhan mouths back and Kyungsoo gives him venomous glare. Luhan continues to snicker at the younger’s misery when a small hand tugs on his shirt. Luhan glancing down sees Sehun looking up, marveling, at him. “Hello there young one” Luhan greets and Sehun seems to analyze him for a moment before breaking into a huge smile.

“You’re pretty” Luhan jaw drops at the remark. “Are you a girl?” Sehun asks innocently and Luhan wishes no one heard what Sehun said. But alas with the sound of Kyungsoo laughter Luhan would just love to die in a ditch.


“Yes!!” Kyungsoo answers loudly. Luhan glares at the shorter male, a promise pain written in his eyes.

“Really?” now Luhan sees a tail wagging behind Sehun. “Then that means I found my princess!” Luhan screeches at the second insult of the day (it's not really an insult but its Luhan) before Sehun skips towards the kitchen to announce the existence of his princess. “Uncle Jongdae I found my princess, look!!” Sehun drags Jongdae out to present his princess.

“Oh my god Sehunnie! Please be careful with your uncle” Kyungsoo reprimands the boy when Jongdae almost tripped on a toy truck. Sehun grins sheepishly at the elder before muttering a small apology to Jongdae.

 Jongdae pats the other in comfort. “Okay Sehunnie. Who is this princess you speak of?”

“Her!” Sehun points at Luhan and Jongdae raises a brow.

“I'am not a her!!”

“Sehunnie, are you sure?”

“Yeah uncle Jongdae” Sehun nods happily. “She just looked like the princess on my story book.”

“Which princess?”

“Snow White” Sehun blurts and Kyungsoo dies in laughter while Jongdae tries with all his might to keep his laughter in. Luhan just looks overly horrified. “I'm gonna marry her!”

“I’ll be the first one to support your wedding, Sehunnie” Kyungsoo announces.

“Avada Kedavra!!” Luhan screams at Kyungsoo but the other just winks at him in delight when nothing happened.

“Doesn’t work when you don't have a wand”


“Luhan language” Jongdae reprimands.

“You’re safe for now” Luhan points at Kyungsoo hissing, a giddy Sehun clinging on his left leg.


Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't stay for the night like usual. After dinner the two decided to bolt out of Jongdae's house and escape the wrath of two clingy brothers. Jongdae sighs at his friends’ immaturity but doesn't make a move to stop them. So currently, the trio were in the living room watching frozen with Sehun and Jongin recreating the famous love is an open door scene.

Jongin being Anna and the youngest as Hans. When the last note came to a close the boys drops beside their uncle. Sehun resting his head onto his favorite uncle’s shoulder while Jongin is using Jongdae's lap as his pillow. “Uncle Jongdae?”

“Yes Jonginnie” Jongdae plays with the younger’s hair.

“What’s the name of your baby?” Jongin asks, eyes still on the table.

“I—what are you talking about Jonginnie” Jongdae stops his movement for a moment before Jongin whines when the hands on his hair stops. “Uncle Jongdae doesn't have a baby.”

“Not yet” Sehun pipes up from beside. “The baby is still sleeping in your tummy. Am I right, uncle Jongdae?”

“I—yeah, he's still sleeping” there's no use hiding a secret to his nephews. As much as the two were annoying they are also very observant. “Are—are you okay with uncle Jongdae being pregnant?”

“Why wouldn't we be?” Jongin smiles at his uncle in confusion. “It means another playmate other than Sehunnie. It gets boring if it's just the two of us, you know”

“Hey! Are you telling Uncle Jongdae I'am boring?”

“Maybe” Jongin grins sheepishly and Sehun tries to bite his brother off.

“Hey!!” Jongin laughs at his step-brothers agitation before Sehun slaps him lightly on the head as a form of reprimand. When the fight died down, their attention was back on Jongdae. “Uncle Jongdae, you're keeping our baby cousin right?”

“Of-of course I'am”

“Pinky promise” Jongin presents his pinky finger to Jongdae as well as Sehun. And Jongdae thinks his decision through. Jongdae, as childish as it sounds, believes in the power of a pinky promise.

“I-I don't know, Nini” Jongdae tells his younger companion and the brothers exchanges looks of understanding before letting their hands fall beside them.

“Think it through, uncle Jongdae” Sehun nuzzles onto his uncle’s neck like a cat. “Until then, we’ll be waiting for your pinky promise”

“I will” Jongdae pats the boy in the head while Jongin moves to put his head atop Jongdae’s baby bump. “What are you doing, Nini?

“Trying to feel baby cousin’s movement” Jongin answers with a huge grin of excitement, especially when he feels a weak kick coming from his uncle’s bump. “Sehunnie! Sehunnie! It moved! Feel it” Jongin gestures for Sehunnie to do the same, moving to give his brother some space.

It took a good three minutes before a small jab is felt and Sehun howls in delight at the feeling. “Nini, I felt it. It moved like a small boom and then it was gone. Cool!!”

“It is!!!” Jongin agreed and both boys take turns throughout the whole night to feel their baby cousin move. Jongdae lets them be, finding amusement in their laughter, and he thinks it wouldn't be bad to keep the baby.

“Uncle Jongdae, can the baby hear us if we talk to him?” Sehun asked.

“I don't know, Sehunnie. But it's worth a try don't you think” Sehun and Jongin beams at the information. Jongin pushes Sehun off to be first in line.

“Cheater” Sehun whines but doesn't push the other away.

“Hi” Jongin starts and Jongdae giggles when he feels small goldfish in his bump. “Hi baby cousin. I'am Jongin and I'am your daddy’s favorite nephew.”

“You are not” Sehun huffs but gets ignored.

“I know I still have to wait a few months to play with you but I'll wait patiently” Jongin declares loudly, determination in his eyes. “Mommy says patience is a virtue don't know what that means but I'm sticking to it. You’ll play with me right? Because Sehun can get really boring if he wanted to and maybe with you around I could finally get uncle Kyungsoo to notice me. Just don't steal him, okay? He’s mine. Arasso?” Jongdae chuckles at Jongin's silliness. Jongin’s crush on his friend is real and cute, Jongdae doesn't have the heart to reprimand the child. “…I’ll be the best cousin of the whole planet just you wait and see. I promise you that. Cross my heart, hope to die”

Jongin grins, kissing his uncle’s baby bump, before Sehun pushes him off. “Okay, my turn. Hi baby cousin! I'm Sehun and I'll be the awesomest cousin in the whole world…”


At ten in the evening, Jongdae tucks the two boys to bed. Sehun already floating around the skies of dreamland while Jongin still half-awake and clinging to his uncle. “Nini, you need to sleep its past your bedtime.”

“Uncle Jongdae, you won't give baby cousin away right?” Nini cuddles onto his uncle’s chest. “Because I don't want you to. Jonginnie and Sehunnie doesn't want to give him up.”


“Please, uncle Jongdae” Jongin looks at Jongdae in hope of keeping his cousin and the elder relents. Placing a chaste kiss onto Jongin’s forehead, he presents his pinky and at the sight Jongin smiles in delight. “Pinky promise”

“Pinky promise” Jongdae crosses his pinky with Jongin’s. “I'll keep your baby cousin.”



Next Chapter: A Secret to The Grave 2

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ssara501 #1
Chapter 60: I wanna say, which ever that easy for you....but please consider rewrite seperately....i really like this version⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
ssara501 #2
This story is backkkkkkk!!!! Omg so happpyyyy♥
Chapter 60: Aahh I was happy when I saw you updated something here and I think maybe it would be good to rewrite the story separately to conserve this story the way it is? Although I am excited to read this newer version of it
kakashilover #4
Chapter 60: Hiiiiiii, i feel like a stalker rt now when i notice all my previous comments bellow ^_^
I love this fic so much and i love ur style too, so i would be much happy to see seperate story so i can enjoy reading both fics
kakashilover #5

u should post it in AO3
kakashilover #6
Chapter 59: I reread this fic again ,,,and fall in love with it agian
Chapter 14: I just love how wrong Luhan is! Always doing the things wrong, your story is fantastic! Is so funny! \>□</
kanimelife #8
Chapter 59: Stop making me cry
ssara501 #9
Chapter 59: (=^-ω-^=)(=^-ω-^=)
Chapter 59: Ooooooh nice very nice
Thank you for an updateㅠㅠ