Bet .

Bet .

Youngmi's POV

'... The last one in this test, will have to date Hong Youngmi.' 

What? Why am I made the target? Why me?!

Hi. I'm Hong Youngmi, class 2B. I don't have any friends to begin with. When I tried to make one, they'll just ignore me and walk away.  I'm also often teased in class. The boys throw paper balls at me. The girls talk behind my back. What do I do to deserve this?! 

If you're thinking I'm a nerd, throw that thought away. I'm not. I don't wear geeky spectacles. My skirt is average not lower than my knee. I don't have long hair. I have a short hair which make me look like a boy at some angle. And my grades are average. 

The teacher told us to collect out report slips. I took mine and as I was about to go back to my seat, the guy who I feared the most, came up to me. 

Lee Byunghun.  

He looked down at me with an indescribable aura behind him. 'Go.. O-out.. Wi-with m-me.. Y-you can't.. S-say n-no..'  I gulped.

So he's the one who scored the lowest? My life is screwed.

'Have fun with your girlfriend, Byunghun-ah!' His friends waved at him. 

He glared at them as if he can make a hole out of them.  'Let's go. I'll walk you home.' He walked infront of me. 

I dare not say a word. His aura around him is giving me the chills. Not to mention, we never talked so it's a little awkward.  I followed him from behind, keeping a distance between us, I walked with my head down. It's a habit. 

All of a sudden, a pair of hands swung me around and I faced his chest. 

'Are you crazy?! You should watch where you're going! You could've gotten yourself killed!' He shouted. 

I must be out of my mind. Must be. 

My heart was beating very fast when I was in his arms. It felt warm and comfortable. I felt safe...

Woah! Hold your horses! Say what?! What the heck was I thinking?! 

'Thanks' I muttered. 

The whole journey was silent. The atmosphere was tensed. I didn't dare to say anything. I quickly thank him and bow to him and immediately ran back inside.  

What is this I'm feeling? I can't possibly be in love with that player! No, Youngmi, regain yourself! You're gonna be hurt! Afterall, it's only a bet...

Me and Byunghun surprisingly got along well. I don't know how but it seems that we have things in common. He and me doesn't like to study.  I was walking in the hallway when I overheard something.

'... Why is Byunghun not getting tired of Hong Youngmi yet?'

I leaned in closer to hear better. Someone gasped, 'Don't tell me!.... Byunghun has done it with her!' 

'Maybe Byunghun is waiting for the perfect time! So he's still with her!' They laughed. 

N-no... Byunghun isn't like that... He wouldn't, right.. 

The past few weeks we spent together, was it all fake? I-I thought we were real... I almost forgot it was a bet. Stupid girl. 

'Youngmi-ah!' A voice called out and I accidentally dropped the potted plant. It broke into pieces.

Just like my heart.

'Are you okay?!' I looked up and saw Byunghun wearing that worried face. 

'I'm okay. You don't need to worry.' I said after realizing blood oozing out of my finger. 

'No, you're not! Let me see!' He shouted and grab my wrist. 

'I told you it's okay!' But the sentence didn't reach his ears quick enough.  He forcefully grabbed my wrist and on the injured part. I silently looked at him.  My heart starts to race again. I could feel my face becoming hot. 

*I give up... I can't stop my feelings for him anymore.*

'Oh? What are you two doing? Dating?' The crowd gathered. 

'Hey! You boys shouldn't toy with Youngmi! I bet she doesn't like being teased!' A girl shouted and everyone laughed.  I walked out of the crowd with my head down. Never have I been humiliated like this. 

The next day, I returned to school as usual. Byunghun didn't call me last night and didn't wait for me at the locker so I'm guessing it's over. Everything that is.  I mean, it was over from the start. We were never dating from the first place.

I saw Byunghun at the other hand of the hallway walking. His eyes weren't the same when we hung out. It was back to the cold eyes that I first saw when he approached me to ask me out.  I was about to say something but he keep walking like I'm invisible. He just walked past me like that. He ignored me. 

It's okay, Youngmi-ah... It's okay...  

The times we spent together flashed in my head. That feeling when I finally realized I love him. And that feeling when he might end up with someone else. That triggered me inside.  I ran to him and back-hugged him. I hugged him tightly, afraid that he can  push me anytime. 


. What am I supposed to say now? 

'I-I like you!' I shouted. 

'Hey hey, you know this is just a bet? It's a bet that whoever gets the last on the test, will have to date you.' The guy who initiated the bet said. 

Oh I remember that face well. 

'Don't tell me you fell for this player here?' The guy, whose name I think was Dabin, said. 

'I know. I overheard you guys talking before the test.  But that doesn't change my feelings for Byunghun.' I turned to look at him. 

'You're kidding right? He's a player.' Dabin said.  I was about to retaliate and smack his face with a chair but someone turned me around and I met his lips.  My eyes widened and I was about to pull away but I decided against it after I felt that flip-flop thing in my stomach. My legs almost turned into jelly. 

'I love you.' Byunghun said. In an instant, my legs turned to jelly. 


'Isn't this Byunghun's locker?' A voice asked. 

'Yea. Let's search inside.' Another said. 

'Hey, it's his test papers! The last test that we made a bet on!' 

'What? He didn't even answer the questions!' 

'He did it on purpose. He wanted to lose in the first place...'

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wow, i knoe for sure that i read this manga 3 or 4 years ago! but this fic was just as great!
This is literally what i did: <br />
*Reads*Reads*Reads~*<br />
*Reads the last line*<br />
*Melts*<br />
*Clicks 'subscribe'*<br />
*Comments :D*<br />
Suchhhh a cuteee endinggg~!!!
AWWWW!!!!! That was soo sweet!!! <br />
uBae #4
like... sequel please..
Omo ...... i love it ... sequal pls ^_^
I remember i have read a fic with the same story ... I guess it " The Dare" it's longer than this one. But this one is cool ~ I love it ~
Awwwwwwww <br />
Really really cute!! :3
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute awwwwwwwwwww l.joe oh yeah make a sequal please wohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahh~cute!!!<br />
byunghun really likes her..haha<br />