K i n g o f F r e i s c h ü t z



One Shot, One Kill, No Chance


Everyone seems to forget that criminals are human beings, as if the commitment of a crime is the catalyst needed for turning a human being into an animal. We don't blame the corporations that steal from their clients, we blame the man who stole a wallet trying to feed his family. We don't blame the courts who knowingly execute innocent people, we blame the man who executed his father after a childhood of abuse. We don't blame the employees who sleep with their bosses for a bigger paycheck, we blame the women who sleep with strangers they meet to make sure they can have even a little money in their pockets. 

We forget that these people have families, that they have emotions, that they have weaknesses. We forget that they were once like us, and we forget that with one simple step we can become like them. We don't see that street gangs and political gangs have the same functions because we don't want to see it. If we were to see it, we would be reminded that these people that we despise, that we blame, that we so easily throw away, are really no different from us and we no different than them. 


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23yo || 1990.05.01 || Zero Line / Thousand Year House || Leader / Vanguard || 161cm || 51kg

I have money, it's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of? That's a price I can live with. --Han "Seoul-Oh" Lue




23yo || 1990.03.31 || B.A.P || Leader, Main Rapper || 180cm || 62kg

"Life is like a piano. The white keys represent happiness and the black keys represent sadness. But as you go through life, remember that the black keys make music too." -- Bang Yong Guk




19yo || 1995.02.06 || B.A.P || Main Dancer, Sub-Vocalist || 176cm || 66kg

"I don't think there'll ever be a challenge in your life if you don't try out something because you're scared. I think you just need to do it without any thoughts." -- Moon Jong Up


Character Bio layout creddit to copyandpaste - charming girl ft. yoona


This story is a complete work of fiction and contains foul language, graphic scenes, mentions and possibly instances of ual assault, as well as commentary that may be offensive - these views are not views that I share, they are merely added for the shock value and authentication of the types of characters and settings I am trying to portray. I also do not personally know any members of the South Korean hip-hop group B.A.P, nor do I personally know their manager, the siblings of Bang Yong Guk - Bang Yong Nam or Bang Natasha - nor do I know Kil Cha Ru or the names or appearances of the siblings or parents of Moon Jong Up - these names were merely made up for convenience.

The image muse of fictional character Moon Jun Ko is that of Hwang Mi Hee, South Korean race queen and belong to her and whomever managers her. I claim no rights to any images used otherwise stated differently. 

The names of the chapters should be noted as well - I am not a very creative girl and have a very high respect and love for mangaka Tite Kubo and his main work BLEACH, and as such the names of the chapters of this story have been taken from such manga. As said, I have no such creativity for creating witty chapter names.


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BangMyGuk #1
Chapter 3: Omo!! Thank you for the dedication! And what's gonna happen? Why is he scared?!?!? Uhhhh I need to know!! Please update!
BangMyGuk #2
Chapter 2: Wow this story is really good. I can't wait to see Junko and Yongguk interact more! Please update soon!