
To be side by side with my favorite side of you

When Sehun opened the door to the practice room, he could see the backs of Yixing and Jongin about a dozen feet away and their fronts reflected in the mirror on the wall. The two main dancers were perfecting their synchronization of the choreography for Overdose – it was expected they would be the ones to perform the point moves to countless radio hosts, TV announcers and of course EXO's fans over the weeks they would promote their new album. He watched as Yixing's fingers formed a heart, which he proceeded to swallow. It took less than a second for Sehun to realize that Yixing swallowing wasn't something he wanted to think about when wearing a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants and going commando under them.

As he tried to find the best place to sit down at the side of the room, Sehun saw from the corner of his eye Yixing's fingers, dancing down his torso. Then his wrists, as if tied together. Sehun turned his gaze away. Suddenly the clouds on the back wall looked very interesting and most importantly not at all -inducing.

Jongin and Yixing danced for another minute, maybe two, while Sehun played with the label of a water bottle, having an internal battle of whether or not he should look at the beads of sweat running down Yixing's chest. Stupid gorgeous Yixing hyung and his low cut necklines. Eventually the dancers stopped, sweating, smiling, breathing heavier than they usually did. Yixing patted Jongin on the shoulder and, with a cheery voice and his face brighter than the sun, told him how well he did and how he had improved so much. Always cheering others on.

After downing a bottle of water and praising Yixing in return, Jongin quickly excused himself to help his beloved Kyungsoo hyung with dinner preparations. Before closing the practice room door behind him, he reminded Sehun and Yixing that dinner would be ready in about an hour. Sehun then knew he would have about an hour to make his move – he had to make the most of it.

Seizing his opportunity, Sehun decided his safest bet would be to use the choreography to bring out that side of Yixing he so craved to see again. If it worked splendidly on stage, why couldn't it work off stage, as well? Sehun stood up from the floor and brushed imaginary dust off the back of his sweatpants while subtly clearing his throat.

“Hyung, you did well but you must know some of the point moves are still a little off, right?” A complete lie. Yixing's movements were as sharp and accurate as ever.

At first Yixing looked at him in surprise. He briefly turned to look at himself in the mirror, as if to check for what he was lacking, before he spoke: “Which moves, Sehun-ah? Please tell me which ones need improving.” Yixing looked serious – worried, even. Sehun almost felt bad about lying to his hyung. Almost.

“In that part when you go...” Sehun began to perform the move where he swallows the heart formed by his fingers before he let his arms fall back onto his sides. “You know what, it's probably easier if I just show this on you.”

Sehun closed the space between himself and Yixing, placing his body behind his hyung, pressing his chest softly against Yixing's back. His fingers danced down Yixing's chest, down to his abdomen – slowly, teasingly, without regret.

“You see what I mean, Yixing hyung? Your fingers should maybe drag down your body a little more... like this.” Sehun stared Yixing in the eyes through the mirror as his fingers brushed down Yixing's body again, even slower than just a moment before. Like they weighed more than fingers should, like they were moving in slow motion, through molasses, making an agonizing yet fiery crawl towards the hem of Yixing's top.

In the mirror, Yixing's face was flushed and while Sehun was enjoying the situation, he was not feeling triumphant in the least. A blushing Yixing is not what he came to see. A bashful Yixing was cute, but it was also a side Sehun got to see quite often, usually thanks to Yixing accidentally walking in on Luhan hyung using his most recent bruise from dance practice as an excuse to undress in front of Minseok hyung and show off his body in a desperate attempt to fish for compliments on his gym progress. No wonder they're always getting coffee together. Luhan hyungs's way too thirsty for them to be able to do much else.

Sehun stepped back and asked Yixing to perform the move on his own: “I want to see your improvement, hyung.” Yixing attempted to move his fingers down his on torso several times just to have Sehun interrupt and tell him it simply wasn't good enough. Sehun told Yixing to perform the move even more sensually, to face the mirror and move like he means it. He could see his hyung getting frustrated but, being the hardworking man he was, pushing on to become better.

“Come on hyung, we don't have that much time left before Kyungsoo hyung decides we're deserving of hitting KFC on the way to the dorms because we can't arrive on time.” Sehun tried to sound annoyed but the small smirk on his face that he couldn't will away and the way his voice had a teasing tone to it must have given him away.

Without a doubt, it seemed like Yixing finally saw through Sehun. Or maybe he had known all along what Sehun was trying to do but only then he let Sehun off the hook.

With no music on, Yixing slowly moved his fingers down his body like Sehun instructed. The brushes of the pads of his fingers against his chest and the fabric of his shirt were heavy, bordering on sluggish, torture to watch at close range. He looked at Sehun through the mirror where Sehun was staring at him, his eyes dark.

“Like that? Was that better?” There was something new in Yixing's voice. “Maybe I should show my improvement on you?” Before Sehun knew it, Yixing was standing behind him, his chest pressing against Sehun's back, his breath hot on Sehun's neck.

Yixing brushed his fingers down Sehun's body, staring at him intently in the mirror. His fingers touched the hem of Sehun's shirt and his hand stopped right below it. Sehun's breathing paused right before an exhale. Yixing pressed the palm of his hand so, so close to Sehun's , which was growing hard fast under Yixing's actions. Sehun kept holding his breath. Compared to the things Yixing could do to his body, breathing felt highly overrated. Sehun would have been happy to pass out from a lack of oxygen as long as Yixing didn't move his hand.

On second thought, Sehun would have given an arm to have Yixing move his hand downwards just a half an inch. Just not the arm he es with as such an experience would provide him with jacking-off material for years to come.

“Maybe I'm not dancing my fingers down far enough? You think I should do it like this?” Yixing whispered into Sehun's ear. His fingers moved lower, softly caressing Sehun's semi hard with feathery of his fingers and Sehun had a thought that he may had bitten off more than he could chew.

Yixing's palm pressed down on Sehun's crotch and he moved it in small, petting motions. Sehun bit his lip to muffle the moan climbing up his throat. He was sure he was sweating more than what would be considered attractive but it was Yixing's hand, palming his through his sweatpants. Frankly, Sehun found it impressive he wasn't melting into a puddle in Yixing's arms. His eyes had fluttered shut but he could feel Yixing's gaze on him. He willed his eyes back open to see the fire in Yixing's eyes. Sehun craved to see more, to feed the flames until they grew into a magnificent bonfire, to relish the fact that it was him, Oh Sehun, that brought out this side of Yixing.

“You know,” Yixing breathed against Sehun's ear, “I don't think I've practiced my lip syncing enough. You know how it is for dancers, Jongin's always forgetting to move his lips to the music. Perhaps I should practice how to move my mouth as well as my fingers.”

Yixing quickly turned around so he was in front of Sehun, right there between Sehun and the mirror. He got down on his knees and lifted up his face to look at the maknae. There was lust clouding his eyes and his somewhat pleading expression seemed to be asking Sehun if undressing him was okay. Sehun managed a soft, curt nod before turning his eyes to look at the back of Yixing's head in the mirror.

Yixing carefully pulled Sehun's sweatpants down to his knees and instantly looked up at Sehun with a teasing smirk on his face.

“Did you come prepared or is going commando in the practice room simply your thing, Sehun-ah? The fans sure seem to appreciate it and while that made me jealous before, I can't complain right now.”

Sehun looked down into Yixing's eyes and could feel his brain rapidly erasing everything Sehun had once managed to cram in there at the feeling of Yixing's breath on his . “I-I didn't... I c-couldn't... find... K-kyungsoo hyung and t-the laundry...” Oh it. Wait... what did Yixing just say? Jealous?

Yixing merely chuckled, amused by how the loud and bold Oh Sehun had become a stuttering mess in his hands, and directed his gaze back at Sehun's crotch. The first at the tip of his was cautious, but the gasp from Sehun's lips encouraged him on. He began to at the slit and the underside of the tip in such a bold, confident manner Sehun couldn't help but be slightly jealous at the realisation that Yixing had to have learned it from somewhere. From someone. Sehun tried to convince himself that Yixing secretly watched whenever he could. There was no one else. There never had been. Only Sehun and Yixing's lips on Sehun's .

While Sehun was still lost in fighting his own thoughts, Yixing dipped his face lower, grabbing coSehun's thigh with one hand, drawing circles onto the soft skin with his thumb, while the fingers of his other hand curled around Sehun's . Yixing's lips were grazing his balls and Sehun could practically see his brain crashing into a blue screen behind his eyes. Hopefully it would re-start itself before Sehun finished so he would at least know how to thank Yixing for the greatest experience of his young life.

Yixing lightly on Sehun's balls, kissed them, took them into his mouth one by one. Sehun felt wonderful sparks race across his spine, from his groin to his skull and back again. His knees buckled and in a desperate attempt to remain standing up, he lifted his arms forward so he could reach over Yixing to lean against the mirror. He could no longer stop the moans from escaping his throat so he let Yixing hear each and every one of them as Sehun slowly rocked into his hand, unabashed and yet slightly uncertain whether he was dreaming or not.

Yixing looked up at Sehun and smiled, looking mostly content and mildly proud, before moving his mouth back up to Sehun's . Sehun's eyes widened and a loud moan slipped past his lips when Yixing took him into his mouth whole.

“A-ah! Oh ... hyung... Hyung, don't stop...”

Yixing hummed around Sehun's and began fondling his balls. Inching closer and closer to an , Sehun was sure he had saved the nation in a past life. He was most likely a reincarnation of commander Lee Soon Shin. How else would something so wonderful ever happen to him? Better head over to Gwanghwamun Square tomorrow with a cup of bubble tea and salute the past me since --

Sehun's thoughts of past lives were cut short by Yixing moving his hand from Sehun's balls to his perineum and softly pressing on it while moving his finger back and forth. Sehun's eyes squeezed close, his breathing hitched, his sweaty fingers slipped pathetically against the mirror. His mouth flew even more open, he felt his knees buckle as his hips made a surprise towards Yixing's face. Sehun wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but he may have even jumped up to stand on his tiptoes for just a fraction of a second. Right underneath his skin and somewhere deep within his core, there were thousands of explosions taking place almost simultaneously and his heart felt light as if it had flown up to the ceiling, only connected to Sehun by a thin string, like a bright colored balloon bursting out from his chest.

Yixing was still on his knees on the floor when Sehun collapsed onto it, sated and feeling practically boneless. It wasn't like no one had ever him off before, living the life of an idol definitely came with some ual perks which often more than made up for the lack of privacy and precious sleep hours – however it had been the first time it had felt so intoxicating, so impulsive yet intimate. So very much like Yixing.

From where he lay on the practice room floor, on his back, panting like he had just won one of their cycling races from the Han River to the dorms, Sehun saw Yixing the corners of his lips and looking at Sehun with the kindest of eyes. Gone was the daring, passionate Yixing. Had he ever been there in the first place? Sehun panicked. He cleared his throat, unsure what to say, so he said exactly what was on his mind.

“You didn't do that just because you knew I hoped you would, did you hyung?”

Sehun was afraid of the answer. If Yixing mentioned anything about Sehun looking like he was in need of stress release or helping out a dear friend, Sehun would dig a hole and bury himself up to his neck in there. Not before he would bury all of Yixing's other friends he may or may not have ever helped in a similar manner, though. Jongin would have to help. What am I doing? Yixing has a lot of friends but he's not like that! This is not the time for a person's heart to be ordering blind jealousy with a side of homicidal tendencies!

The seconds ticked on and Sehun grew too anxious in the presence of a silent Yixing. His heart felt like it was being squeezed and his brain was back to torturing him: How did Yixing ever get to be so good? Sehun couldn't be his first, could he? Please, don't let it be Joonmyun hyung. Or Kris hyung. Mine could never compare to his .

Since Yixing wasn't talking, Sehun did. Putting his foot in it had always been a special skill of his since his school days. If only the fans knew.

“Hyung, you know you should be more selfish, don't you? You can't just go on doing things for others and disregard yourself and your own comfort. I mean, everyone appreciates everything you do but there's no need to go to such lengths to care for the rest of us. Like just last week, when --”

“Sehun-ah, haven't you realized before how much I've wanted you? Not even when we filmed for China Big Love?”

“Huh?” He said what?!

 “我喜欢你, 世勳。

Sehun understood enough Mandarin to realize Yixing had just confessed to him. Don't this up, Oh Sehun. this up and you can fling yourself out of the dorm window the oversees the sasaengs.

“Hyung...” Sehun's brain was scrambling for the right words but it felt like it was still in the middle of rebooting itself after the . “Hyung, I really like you. I like you, too, hyung. Hyung--”

Yixing's lips met Sehun's in a kiss that for the first time ever didn't involve pieces of flavored cookie sticks or a dare or a punishment game. Yixing's left hand came to the side of Sehun's face, softly caressing his face while his right arm held Yixing steady above Sehun. Seeing that the position most likely was a rather uncomfortable one for Yixing, Sehun slowly got up from the floor, never breaking the kiss, and seated himself comfortably on Yixing's lap. It was when he finally broke the kiss with a desperate need to inhale when he noticed it.

“Hyung... you're hard. I can feel you poking my .” Sehun's tone was treading a fine line between amazement and seduction.

“Don't worry about it, Sehun-ah, I'll just-- Ah!” Yixing tried to fight Sehun's hands from landing on his crotch but Sehun had had enough of Yixing's selflessness for the day. One of his hands had already slipped inside Yixing's sweatpants and the other was pushing Yixing's hands away to stop them from disturbing what he was doing.

“Shhhh, calm down, hyung. I'll even bind your hands with my t-shirt if I have to. You should let yourself feel a little selfish sometimes. Though if anything, I'm just returning the favor... that's right, just place your hands around my neck.”

With his arms around Sehun, Yixing lifted up his head to look at the maknae whose hand had found its way inside his boxers and was now Yixing's . The time for teasing was over, Sehun was determined to make Yixing feel good, as good as he could. He lifted up his other hand onto Yixing's cheek and it with his thumb. His other thumb was just about press on the slit of Yixing's when Yixing pulled his face farther from Sehun's and Sehun's hand paused. Oh God, did I just up?

“Sehun-ah... I won't be able to last for much long-- Ah! Sehun-ah!” Sehun began rubbing his thumb along the underside of Yixing's , slowly reaching the head and stopping to rub him there.

“It's fine, hyung. Just come for me,” Sehun breathed against Yixing's lips before capturing them in another kiss. He along the bottom lip until Yixing's opened his mouth and once he did, Sehun didn't waste any time, on Yixing's tongue while his thumb moved upwards back to the slit of Yixing's , pressing gently and moving back and forth. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for Yixing's arms to tighten around Sehun's neck, his fingers to wrap themselves into Sehun's t-shirt, his hips to shudder forward, the last of his breath to escape into Sehun's mouth.

Yixing pulled away from Sehun to breathe and once he had had his lungs filled again, Sehun dove in for another kiss. Sehun continued to Yixing until he felt his hyung go soft in his hand. This time it was Sehun who broke the kiss. He looked Yixing in the eye as he removed his hand from inside the sweatpants and began to it clean all the while staring at Yixing with a smirk on his lips. Yixing was blushing again but he looked happy, satisfied, and most of all in love. Sehun took Yixing's hand into his clean hand and pulled him down onto the floor. Yixing's head landed on Sehun's chest where he listened to his heartbeat while Sehun finished his hand clean. Delicious. And all because of me.

For a minute or two it was quiet. The comfortable silence was broken when Sehun finally spoke up.

“I wasn't sure before,” Sehun said, feeling elated yet heavy, still coming down from a high, “but I am now.” The hand that held Yixing's traveled up to Yixing's chest, pushing down the neckline of his top and drawing random patterns into his hyung's skin.

“Sure about what?” Yixing asked him, looking up at Sehun's face with a smile on his face. His dimple was showing once again and Sehun wanted to poke his finger into the cute little dent. So adorable. And all for me.

“Which side of you I liked the best. I thought it might have been the side of you when you dance. You're so... bold when you dance, I guess. There's such a sensual air of iness to you. But I had no idea the Yixing I liked best was one I didn't even know of.”

“And what is that, Sehun-ah?” Yixing sounded like he might fall asleep at any moment. Sehun pressed his cheek onto the top of Yixing's head.

“This side of you. Right here, right now. Having confessed to me, coming down from an I made happen, lying on top of me. This is the you I like best.” Sehun smiled into Yixing's hair and placed a peck onto his head. “And I hope this won't be the only time I see you like this. Nor that you make me chase this side of you – I want this Yixing, this blissed-out, pliant Yixing, to be there for me and only me to see every day. ...If that's okay with you, hyung?”

Yixing gently pecked Sehun's chest and though it was mostly him kissing Sehun's t-shirt, Sehun appreciated the intimate gesture.

“Of course, Sehun-ah. Whenever you want. But right now we really need to get going, Kyungsoo-yah will be serving dinner any minute now--” Yixing began to get up from the floor only by be pulled back onto Sehun. Sehun's arm pulled Yixing close to him, tighter than just moments ago. Sehun wrapped his arms around Yixing – there was no way he was sharing Yixing with the rest of the group now. Later he would have to, but in that moment on the practice room floor there were only Yixing and him and Sehun wanted things to remain that way.

Tomorrow, once again, they would be entertainment industry professionals in a group formed by a top agency. With Yixing in his arms, breathing softly against his chest, they were two young lovers who had finally confessed their feelings to each other. The rest of the world could remain non-existent a little longer. If only I had known it would be like this, I would've done all of this months ago. Such a waste of precious time.

Sehun kissed Yixing's dimple and ran his fingers through his hyung's hair in a loving, calming manner. All mine. Mine, mine, mine.

“Don't worry about it, hyung. The KFC on the way back is my treat.”


I'm sorry for the lateness of the second chapter. Working and about a bajillion family events have kept me so darn busy. But anyways, better late than never. I hope you liked it. :)

P.S. I like to imagine Kai got super jelly when Sehun and Yixing got home smelling like fried chicken. XD

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Chapter 2: Go LayHun go! One precious fics about my babies Yixing and Sehun! Love this so much. They need more love while they last. :')
hoangnhung #2
Chapter 2: Like! Like!
Fic Hunlay is too little, so I really hope author write it more and more
parvitasari #3
Chapter 2: So hot!! This story is well written.. good job!!
cottonpuppy #4
Chapter 2: This is beautiful! I think this one is a perfect canon ing fic so far. :)
Chapter 2: *squeals* I don't know what you call 'fail fluff' because This was not it. The best-named ship ever deserves more stories like this. It's a shame Sehun couldn't test out every side of Yixing in as much hands-on manner like this haha, but I think the results were pretty awesome. :D
Caren91 #6
Chapter 2: So cute xp hehe i like it. Hope to see more. Xp
I wish people drop more comments here because it is really good !
Chapter 2: Awhhh this is so sweet and cute and romantic..and y at the same time. >///<
Thank you for writing this ! ^^

It's okay jongnie, you have your scooter now. Got and buy some fried chicken okay XD
Shatzy #9
Chapter 2: Awwwww, they are too adorable and y to stand! Thanx for your work.
bubbleteaparty #10
Aww, this is cute so far!
Thank you for writing~ hope you update soon!