Seeing So Little Of Him / Seeing More Of Him

Love of An Angel
The next few days after his mom left, Kim saw very little of Gerald.

She didn’t know where he went. He was gone before breakfast was served, and he came back really late most nights.

His room was right next to Kim’s so she could hear him come and go. There were very little flurry of activity next door, so Kim knew he wasn’t there most the time. She would catch him tiptoeing on the hallway sometimes, but he would only give her a slight nod and enter his room without even affording her a brief hello. In the last few days, he kept everything entirely to himself.

Honestly, it bothered Kim to the bone. What is he hiding? Why is he so reclusive?

Kim didn’t want to ask her mom of his whereabouts either. Of course, she didn’t want Marilyn to think that she was too concerned about his welfare. But it came to a point that Marilyn herself was getting concerned of Gerald’s activities. Who could she turn to and ask but Kim?

“Princess, has Gerald told you where he was going every day?” Marilyn asked her one Saturday night.

"Why should he tell me?” Kim said blankly.

“I mean, you guys are friends...he must have told you something...”

“Mom, we were friends from before, but I’m not exactly sure if we still are these days.”

“Why, what happened?”

“I have no idea. All of a sudden, he came back like this bizarre kid who had no recollection of the past...”

“That is sad to hear, Kim. You guys used to be really close.”

Kim had to sigh after that, “Mom, I just wished he never left. I can’t imagine what kind of life he had in the States. It could not have been very good, or else he would not be so smug like he is today...”

“With your ninang Ingrid, I have no doubts of that,” said Marlene. “Jumping from one husband to the other, it must have been so traumatic for the boy. His concept of a family structure must be so skewed. Being dysfunctional is normal for him...”

“I feel sorry for him, mom. I wish I could help him...”

“If there is one person who could do that, that would be you, Kim...” Marilyn replied.

Kim grew silent. That was naturally the expectation people had for her. She needs to help him. She was the only friend he had in town and there is no one he would trust more than her.

But Kim had to dismiss that thought. That was before. Now, it’s totally different. He is different.

Besides, superman doesn’t need Lois Lane to save him. He needed to save himself. There is nothing she could do. Kim comforted herself with that thought.

“Let’s see if we can catch him early enough tomorrow,” said Marilyn. “Maybe we could invite him to attend mass with us.”

Kim nodded. Maybe Gerald was a helpless cause after all. Only God can change him.


That Sunday, Gerald didn’t show up again. He came in almost midnight on Saturday, and woke up at dawn on Sunday. By the time Kim and her parents were having their Sunday brunch, Gerald already took off in his motorcycle and nobody knew where he went.

“That boy needs some serious discipline,” said Arthur.

“Dad, it’s not your job to discipline him...” said Marilyn. “He has his own parents to do that for him...”

“I can’t let a spoiled brat run around my house without care for all our house rules. He will not be setting a good example for our kids, especially Ryan. He’s not exactly like the older brother I would want him to look up to. “

Kim had to agree with what her dad said. It was sad, of course. Before coming back, Kim was glad Ryan could get to know Gerald. She wasn’t exactly sure she’d want that now.

“Dad, give him a chance...remember what he was like when he was a boy. HE was a very cheerful, very well-mannered kid. Maybe he just got lost,” Marilyn surmised.

“It’s Ingrid’s fault. How could she let her own child go astray like that!”

“Art, Ingrid is as lost as Gerald is, you know that. She can’t possibly take care of him, as she can barely take care of herself. That’s why we volunteered to help them...that's why we agreed to take him in.”

Kim was just listening quietly as the truth to the matter of why Gerald suddenly came back home to the Philippines came to light from her own parents' mouths.

“I just pray that we made the right decision, Marilyn. I don’t know how could I help him if am not allowed to show him some discipline...”

“Art, please...maybe he’ll change on his own. IN this environment, seeing how our family unit works, maybe he’ll imbibe what he sees and learn from us... “

“You’re a dreamer, Marilyn...brutes like that don’t change overnight!”

“He’s not a brute! He’s just misguided,” Marilyn said defensively.

“He needs a good a cane on the . Or perhaps several whippings of the belt...”

Kim had to disagree silently with her dad on that. She was not exactly sure if that method could ever work for Gerald. She somehow knew that what Gerald was undergoing was more of an emotional pain. NO amount of physical form of discipline could reinforce that.

What he needed was emotional support. He needed a friend.

He needed her.


Late that afternoon, Kim was on her bed with her phone in hand. She was talking to her friend, Serra.

Serra or Serrafina Fuentebella was her classmate all throughout elementary and high school. They bonded together because their life is alike in most ways. Serra is also a daughter of a sugarcane magnate. She comes from a rich background like her. Though not as overtly pretty as Kim, Serra more than makes up for that with a very gregarious personality. She’s a natural go-getter, unlike Kim who is more on the shy side.

They became close friends because both felt they existed on the same realities and opportunities in life. They share a commonality very few other girls ever had.

“What’s wrong with the guy, friend?” said Serra on the other line.

“Nothing...except that I don’t see him a lot...” Kim replied.

“Well, that is what’s wrong with him...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if he can’t appreciate you for who you are, then he is no worth saving yourself for...”

“I did not save myself for him!” Kim protested.

“Of course, you did!” replied Serra. “What do you call years of Gerald this and Gerald that? You literally put off any of my attempts to set you up with never had a boyfriend despite the countless suitors you have. Now, isn’t that saving yourself for him?”

“Well, maybe I did!” Kim admitted with a giggle. “But I didn’t think he would change this way...”

“The guy moved on with his sordid life, big deal! Maybe it’s time you move on yourself.”

“I guess so...” sighed Kim.

Serra was right. Maybe it was time for her to get on with her own life too. This Gerald business had gone on for too long.

“So, does that mean you would let me set you up?”

“Set-up?” Kim said.

“ a date kind of thing. I know this guy who would be perfect for you. He’s the younger brother of one of my ex-boyfriends. I heard he just broke up with his commercial model girlfriend. You two would be perfect for each other!”

Kim groaned.

Serra’s idea of a perfect man for her is not exactly what Kim had in mind. One time she set her up with this long-haired, well- tattooed, waifish guy with body odor. Yes, he had a nice car and millionaire parents, but unfortunately his breeding didn’t reflect on his personal hygiene. So, Kim was not exactly optimistic with what Serra has presented.

“What does he look like?” Kim asked sardonically.

“He’s ultra cute. He’s a Don Bosco graduate like his brother, Jim. You two will hit it off, I promise...”

“Serra, I’m not too sure...”

“Kimmy, just let me set it up for you. It will do you good to see other people other than this Gerald dude. It will open up your world of possibilities and see what’s out there. “

Kim wanted to back out of her friend’s proposition when she suddenly hears a knock on the door. It was her mom.

“Kimmy, I need you to do something for me...” Marilyn said.

“I’ll call you back,” Kim said to Serra on the phone.

“Is that a yes?” Kim hears Serra say on the other line as she placed the phone back on its cradle.

“What is it, mom?” Kim asked.

“Can you take this fresh sheet and towels to Gerald’s room?”

“Mom, can’t you ask Yaya Puring instead?”

“Yaya Puring is on her day off. I have nobody to help me. Come on, be an obedient child.”


“Kimmy...I don’t think he’s there. Just place this on his bed and get out. How hard could that be?”

“Are you sure he’s not there?”

“I’m not exactly sure. But these days, there’s a 90% chance he’s not there. But if he is, then you can remind him of the early day you guys have tomorrow.”

Kim almost forgot that it was enrolment day tomorrow. They have to head out early the next morning. Kim lives in Victorias City. She travels almost an hour to go to school in the nearby city of Bacolod. Enrolment day is the busiest day at school, she had to get there in decent time to avoid the big line ups. She must tell Gerald that, or else he will have to find his own way to school. Mang Ambo, the family driver, will not be too happy driving them back and forth between the two cities.

“Okay, but if he snarls at me, I’ll hurl this soap to his face...” Kim said.

“You have my blessing, “ replied Marilyn gleefully. Then, she was gone.

Kim took the stuff from where her mom laid them. There were bed sheets, pillow cases and fresh towels. There were also a bag of toiletries filled with shampoos and bars of soap; which Kim placed on top of the sheets as she carried them with one hand like a seasoned waitress.

She slowly headed over to the other room. She knocked twice. No answer. Maybe he was not there after all.

Kim slowly turned the knob. The first thing she noticed as she entered his bedroom was how dark it was. Though it was almost dusk, there was still a fair bit of light outside. The draperies where drawn close to prevent the insidious light from the filtering through.

What is he, a vampire? What kind of person lives like this? Kim shook her head in dismay as she grasped for the light switch.

What she saw with the light on gave her the surprise of her life.

Splayed on the bed was an almost Gerald, lying in his full splendour. Kim gaped at the sight of him. Her heart skipped and danced out of her rib cage as her eyes assessed him from head to foot.

Gerald was obviously asleep. His young body was only covered by a pair of very skimpy boxer shorts. Kim gulped at his glory. He looked magnificent even in sleep. He was a man now, almost full grown. He was no longer the soft, little Gerald she knew. His muscles were well-defined and toned. He even had chest hair now, Kim observed.

In the last few days she had seen very little of him. Now, she had seen more of him than she could have ever imagined.

In Kim’s attempt to not disturb him, she dropped the bag of toiletries as she was heading out the door. As the packaged crashed on the floor, Kim held her breath as Gerald made a guttural sound.

He was awake.

“Kim, what are you doing here?” he immediately said.

Kim didn’t have the courage to turn around and face him.

“I...I brought you toiletries...” she stammered.

Kim swore she could have died in shame after that. She placed the sheets onto the floor and made an attempt to escape.

“Kim wait...” Gerald called her back.

Kim closed her eyes shut. She could only imagine his reaction.

“You can turn around now, I’m decent,” Gerald said, a few minutes later.

Kim was instantly frightened of his reaction. But, somehow she felt the need to explain herself. She decided to make a firm stand and maybe she could salvage some self-worth.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were here...” Kim said as she wheeled around.

Thank goodness he was now in a pair of jeans and a shirt. But, he did still look marvellous, bed-head hair and all.

“You could have knocked...” Gerald said.

“I did...twice.”

“You could have knocked harder...”

“With the way you were sleeping I don’t think a bomb exploding could wake you up...”

“Really?” Gerald said with a naughty smile. “How did you come up with that?”

“Well, you looked really out of it...”

Gerald placed his hand on his hips. “How long were you staring at me, Kim?”

“I was not staring at you!” Kim said vehemently.

“Of course you did, otherwise you would not have known that I was in fact dead-tired...”

“I wasn’t staring, you sorry excuse for a man! Any decent human being would make that fair assessment seeing you sleeping like that.”

“That’s the thing, Kim....I wasn’t decent...” he chuckled.

Kim could almost feel the steam go to her ears. Blood rushed to her head in a matter of milliseconds. “You are absolutely the rudest person I’ve ever met...”

“Hey, I’m not the one who’s rude...” Gerald said, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t walk in on other people’s room without knocking first!”

“But, like I said, I definitely knocked!!!”

“So, you say Kim...” Gerald replied, rolling his eyes. “Tell me, Kimmy. Did you like what you see?”

In her anger, Kim grabbed the nearest thing she could get her hands on. She chose The small figurine on the console table by the door. She immediately sent it flying across Gerald’s way.

Gerald was quick on his feet and dodged the flighty object just in time before it came crashing on the wall.

“You’re a disgusting pig!” Kim screamed. She slammed the door as she went out of his room in a hurry.

Gerald was left with the biggest grin on his face.

As he sat on his bed, he said to himself, “She likes me. She definitely likes me.”


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luvyetty #3
Chapter 20: aww please update regina
infinitejae #4
love it! its an amazing story
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zeewee #6
please update again
pogi667 #7
Happy to know that your back. Salamat and more update please