Chapter 1


This ing snow was going to be the end of him.

It’s not that he wasn’t used to it. Of course, he was. He’d lived in the same town in the same country his entire life. That didn’t mean that he liked it, though. It was just another thing, one of many, that he was forced to live with; that he had no control over.

Shoving his hands deeper into his coat pockets and tucking his chin into the neckline of his sweater, Chanyeol quickened his pace.

He was only a block from home, thankfully. Once there, he was going to settle in front of his television and vegetate for the rest of the night, and for the entire weekend to follow. That was his plan and he intended to stick to it.

Relief washed through him as he caught sight of his building and his steps quickened further. He was so focused on the doorway of the apartment building, and the elevators across the foyer beyond, that he didn’t notice the lone figure looking around anxiously just a few feet away as he passed.

Once inside, he bypassed the elevator bank and headed towards the stairs. There were other people waiting and he simply wasn’t in the mood. People talked too much. It was one of the things he hated most about them. Why was waiting for the elevator at the same time – not together, he hated that word too – an automatic invitation for conversation? Silence was an unappreciated – dead, even – art as far as he was concerned.

Home sweet home, he thought, as he unbundled, closing the apartment door behind him. He shed and hung up his coat briskly, kicked off his shoes and placed them in their allotted place in his shoe closet, then headed towards his bedroom. After a quick shower and brief trip to the kitchen, he found himself ensconced on the sofa in sweats, socks and a hoodie, a microwave pasta dinner settled on his stomach, remote in one hand and a fork in the other.

This was the life and life was good.

As he flipped through the channels, unseeing, his mind wandered aimlessly.

His weekend was blessedly empty except for one black spot: dinner at his parents’. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t argue his way out of it. But at least it was just one customary meal a month instead of every weekend like they’d initially proposed. That might’ve killed him as much as the snow was trying to.

Sighing, he set aside the remains of his meal and focused on the television. Somehow his channel surfing had wound up on a marathon of crappy horror movies. Whatever.

He was just drifting off, some time later, when he heard it.

♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪

What. The. ?

He tilted his head to the side, straining to see if he heard it again, but only silence greeted him.

Huh… He must be hearing things.

Snuggling down once more, he closed his eyes and…

♪Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on, let’s go and play…♪

There it was again!

Sitting up straight, he cocked his head again, listening to the warbly notes and uneven English of the singer.

What in flaming hell was this? Some was seriously standing outside his window at…

He glanced at the time on the television display.

…12:20am singing that ?

This. This was why he hated people. People were heads, plain and simple.

Jumping to his feet, he stalked to the window – which overlooked a dark, dank alley, for crying out loud – and opened it.

“Hey !” he called down.

♪…talking to the pictures on the walls.
Hang in there, Joan!

The “” looked up and… Okay, what the… Was he really waving at him? Seriously?

“Why don’t you go bother some other poor soul?” Chanyeol yelled down.

Despite his words, “” simply continued to sing…and wave.

He couldn’t be the only one hearing this, right? Other tenants must be disturbed by it as well. Why was he the only one trying to do something about it? This. This was why he hated people. Selfish, self-involved pricks, all of them.

“Don’t make me come down there!” he shouted in his most aggressive voice.

Was…was that bastard grinning at him?

“ this ,” he swore.

Stomping towards the door, he stuck his foot into a pair of old winter boots and shrugged on a jacket. He was out the door and down the stairs in a minute flat, foregoing the elevators once more.

He half expected “” to be gone when he got there but, wonder of wonders, he was right where he’d last seen him, standing beneath his window, still looking up as if waiting for Chanyeol to come back.

“What the do you think you’re doing?”

“” spun towards him, face splitting into a huge smile as he ambled unsteadily towards Chanyeol. He couldn’t help noticing that he was young, late teens at most, and only wore a thin T-shirt, jeans and Mickey-Mouse house-slippers.

Isn’t he freezing?, he wondered absently, his mind still too clouded by irritation to really care.

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman?”♪

“No! Now get the away from my window,” Chanyeol spat, eyebrows drawing down dangerously.

As if he hadn’t spoken, “” stumbled closer, hand outstretched to Chanyeol, lips still pulled in a wide smile.

♪“We used to be best buddies, and now we’re not.
I wish you would tell me why.”♪

Chanyeol sighed in exasperation. “I don’t know you, dude. We’ve never met. I don’t know who you think you’re looking for but you’ve got the wrong person.”

“” shook his head, stopping directly in front of Chanyeol now. His outstretched hand grabbed onto his arm, fingers digging in painfully as his wide, smiling eyes bored into Chanyeol’s.

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn’t have to be a snowman.”♪

Chanyeol froze for a moment in utter disbelief. Was this kid nuts?

Wrenching his arm away, with so much force that “” stumbled, Chanyeol pushed his would-be assailant back and spat, “ off. And get the out of here before I call the police.”

“’s” face completely fell, giving him the appearance of a whipped puppy.

♪“Okay, bye…”♪

As he watched him walk away, Chanyeol couldn’t believe that he was still singing that song. Was he an actor of some kind? He’d certainly stayed in character the entire time.

Shaking his head in wonder – wonder that there was such a variety of heads in the world, even to this extent – Chanyeol hurried back inside and made his way to his apartment. Even with the protection of his coat and boots, the cold was blistering. How on earth was “” surviving out there? And why that song of all the songs in the world? Now, if he’d sung some metal, Chanyeol might have been inclined to be kinder. That was more his style and it definitely suited his mood of the day. The kiddie crap, though… He’d seen the movie, had taken his niece and nephew at his sister’s behest – he still never let her forget the day she’d dumped them on him, supposedly in need of a “mental health” day – and while it wasn’t bad for an animated film, he didn’t see the big deal. The worst part was the music. In the film itself, it was bearable, but the kids had taken an instant liking to the songs, singing them over and over on the way home from the cinema. He’d heard Let It Go a million times on the radio since but this one, ’s choice, was also the kids’ favourite. It had gotten to the point that he’d unwillingly memorized the lyrics.

“Do you want to build a snowmannnnn,” he mimicked. “Ugh.”

Pushing the strange encounter from his mind, he settled down in front of the television again and proceeded to fall into a daze, followed by light dozing, all thoughts of his late-night visitor completely forgotten.

He woke up suddenly some time around 2:00am.

He wasn’t sure what woke him up at first. The television probably, he realized, since it suddenly sounded too loud to his sensitive ears. He reached for the remote, preparing to remedy the volume issue, when a Breaking News broadcast interrupted his cheesy horrorfest.

“We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this news bulletin. 18 year old Byun Baekhyun, last seen at his home at 5:45pm, has been reported missing by his parents. Though one might immediately dismiss this story due to the victim’s legal status, special circumstances apply, which the missing boy’s mother will now explain to us.”

He didn’t know why but his stomach suddenly sank. He just had a bad feeling about this and his fingers twitched around the remote, urging him to change the channel and go back to his blissful slumber.

When a petite, tear-stained woman came on camera, however, he knew that he didn’t have a chance in hell.

“My Baekhyunnie was in a car accident six months ago. He and his friends had just won a competition with their choir and they’d gone to the movies. He loves singing, my Baekhyunnie. At least he used to.” She paused a moment to collect herself before continuing. “On the way from the movie, a drunk driver collided with the car he and his friends were traveling in. His best friend died and Baekhyun was seriously injured. For a while there, we thought we were going to lose him too but by some miracle, he survived. My baby has always been strong. It was a tough road, his recovery, but though it was hard, he pulled through. He hasn’t been the same since, though. There’s nothing wrong with him mentally…psychologically or neurologically but…he’s not the same. He doesn’t talk much and he hates going outside. The furthest he goes is the park across the street from where we live. He likes it there but only there. I don’t understand what would cause him to go wandering around. Unless…” Her voice broke as she considered what Chanyeol assumed must be every mother’s nightmare. “He gets disoriented when he’s away from home for too long and when he’s upset, he panics. That may be really annoying for someone who doesn’t know, doesn’t understand his condition, so please if you see him or…if you have him, just call us and we’ll come for him. I’m not interested in prosecuting anyone and I have no money to offer as a reward. I just want my son back.”

Chanyeol barely noticed the number that flashed at the bottom of the screen, unable to look away from the crying woman’s face.

“These are some pictures of the missing boy, Byun Baekhyun,” the announcer said from off-camera. “Is there anything else you would like anyone watching to know about your son? Anything that could help them find him or get him back to you?”

As he watched, the woman disappeared and pictures of Byun Baekhyun flashed on-screen.

It was him. . He should’ve known…he did know. The minute he saw the crying woman, his gut had tried to tell him, had warned him to mind his own business, but he hadn’t listened.

Once upon a time, Byun Baekhyun had been a young, carefree, constantly smiling – if his pictures were any indication – young man. His smile was the same now as it was then, before his accident, however as  he replayed his encounter with the boy in his mind, he saw it now. The strain, the anxiety. They’d been there in his eyes, at the corners of his mouth. He’d been trying to tell him something, hadn’t he? But he’d been too tired, too pissed off to care.

But why…

“The movie he saw on the day of the accident was Frozen and ever since then, it’s been a measure of pain and comfort for him. He can’t watch it. I suppose it reminds him of his best friend, who he lost. But when he gets upset, he just starts singing that song. Not the popular one, the other one. ♪Do you wanna build a snowman…♪” Her voice broke and fresh tears trailed down her reddened cheeks. “If you find him and he’s singing, please don’t be alarmed. It just means he’s scared and he’s trying to be strong, that’s all. He was so smart, still is, but since the accident it’s like he’s a child again…up here.” She tapped her temple. “Please…just help me bring my baby back home.”

“Once again, that number is…” The announcer rattled it off, returning to the screen. “If you see Byun Baekhyun, please call this number or contact the network immediately.”

Chanyeol tuned out, dropping back against the sofa.


What was he supposed to do now?

Nothing, a wise little voice advised. You didn’t know and he’s probably long gone. Someone else will find him. He’s not your problem.

It was true. He hadn’t known who the kid was, what problems he’d had, when he’d met him.

When you chased him away, you mean, another voice, sarcastic and judging this time, prodded.

Shaking it off, he centered himself.

He didn’t owe it to anyone to keep an eye on their children. The woman should’ve supervised the boy better if she hadn’t wanted him going off on his own.

Nodding to himself, he turned the television off, stretched out on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Sleep would come again. He just needed to relax, to find his happy place.

Twenty minutes later, he opened his eyes in defeat.

Sleep didn’t come. He couldn’t relax. Apparently, he had no happy place.

Sitting up, he threaded a frustrated hand through his hair.

Right. I’m going to do this, he thought, somewhat surprised at himself.

It wasn’t guilt that drove him, he assured himself, as he once again slipped his feet into boots and pulled on a larger, thicker jacket. He snatched up a pair of wool gloves as an afterthought.

No, it wasn’t guilt. He was not going to look for the kid because he felt somewhat at fault, he rationalized, making his way down the stairs yet again. He was doing it because…well, because he was a human being. He was not a head like so many other people in the world were. There was a lost, cold, frightened child somewhere out there and he was going to do his best, his civic duty, to reunite him with his mother. It’s what any decent person would do. His mother would be proud.


The ing snow was going to be the death of him.

Sometime during the past two hours, the occasional flurry had turned into a full flake-fall.

“Don’t you know there’s a lost boy freezing his off out there? Have a ing heart,” he muttered, watching as his breath came out in a frosty mist.

He decided to start at the most logical point, where he’d last seen the boy. Striding around the corner of his building, though, he already knew that he wasn’t there. He’d run him off, away, after all.

Next, he started walking in the direction he’d seen the kid go. It was late and everywhere was closed. There was no night-life to speak of in this part of town, nowhere the boy could go to seek refuge from the bitter cold. And given how far he’d walked – he was an hour away from his home by car – Chanyeol knew he wouldn’t be able to find his way back.

“Byun Baekhyun!” he called, figuring it would help him cover more ground. “Baekhyun-ah!”

It only took a few minutes for his throat to freeze up, for his voice to turn hoarse, but still he continued.

He didn’t realize at first, too focused on his mission, too beaten by the cold, but as time wore on, as he moved further and further away from his building and the surrounding area, panic began to settle deep in his chest. Not just panic: fear, an emotion he wasn’t very familiar with. He couldn’t remember ever being afraid of anything but he was now. He was terrified, actually. The horrifying, sneaking thought that it was too late, that the boy would be found dead – killed either by the elements or some nefarious evil-doer – and it would be his fault, his and his alone. If he’d been less of a selfish …

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on, let’s go and play.”♪

He jumped when the words first came out of his mouth, surprised that his mind was even capable given the chaos it was currently experiencing. He was willing to try anything, though. Whatever it took.

♪“I never see you anymore. Come out the door.
It’s like you’ve gone away.”♪

He stopped, needing a minute to take a breath. The cold air was freezing his lungs, making it burn unpleasantly.

“Baekhyun-ah!” he called, receiving a chorus of barks for his troubles. “Byun Baekhyun!”

He looked around, turning as he surveyed his surroundings. He was in the middle of the road on a quiet street. There were only houses here, nowhere for the boy to hide or take cover if need be.

Sighing, Chanyeol began to retrace his steps, trying his hardest to put himself in the boy’s shoes. Where would he go if he was lost, alone and freezing, and needed somewhere to take shelter?

It wasn’t so easy, though, was it? Baekhyun was an adult, technically, but as his mother had said, when he was upset, he panicked and there was no way for Chanyeol to know how high-functioning his brain might be at the moment.

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bikes around the halls…”♪

His niece and nephew would die laughing if they could see him right now, he thought fondly, a small smile twisting his lips. Thinking of them made his heart ache even more for Baekhyun’s mother. He couldn’t imagine his sister ever having to go through something so soul-destroying.


Another eruption of barking drew a sigh out of him and he stopped for a moment to think, trying to come up with a plan.

Suddenly, the faint strains of a song caught his ear. He tilted his head, hoping that the snowy wind wasn’t playing tricks on him.

When he didn’t hear anything immediately, he started singing once more.

 ♪“It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms.
Just watching the hours tick by.”♪

There! There it was again. The voice was soft, faint, but it was definitely there.

“Baekhyun-ah! Byun Baekhyun! Where are you? If you can hear me, keep singing.”

For a moment all was still, silence reigning, and Chanyeol feared that he had lost him. Then…

♪“Please, I know you’re in there…”♪

Chanyeol’s heart kicked up a notch, a surge of adrenaline wiping away the fatigue of the day and warming him all over.

“Yes, like that. I’m coming, Baekhyun. Just keep singing. I’ll sing with you. Let’s start from the top.”

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman.
Come on, let’s go and play.
I never see you anymore.
Come out the door.
It’s like you’ve gone away…”♪

Chanyeol trailed off so that he could focus on Baekhyun’s voice and only Baekhyun’s voice. It took longer to pinpoint his location than he liked, his voice carrying on the wind that decided to pick up just then. Surprise, surprise.

Eventually, he found himself turning down a small side-street and around an alley behind a convenience store. There, leaning against a dumpster, was Byun Baekhyun.

He was huddled in on himself, knees pulled all the way to his chest, teeth chattering. He had an impressive pair of lungs, however. Strong and not at all unsteady as it had been earlier. Chanyeol spared a moment to wonder how the people above the store and their neighbours hadn’t been awakened by the boy’s singing.

Probably couldn’t give a .

It was an eye-opening moment for him, acknowledging that he was one of those people. Or had been.

As he approached, Baekhyun stilled, singing cutting off abruptly.

Chanyeol knew the instant he recognized him, saw it in the way he shrunk in on himself, as if trying to make himself smaller, to get away from Chanyeol.


It hurt, actually. It really did.

Clearing his throat, Chanyeol picked up where Baekhyun had left off.

♪“We only have each other.
It’s just you and me.
What are we gonna do?”

Chanyeol approached him slowly, stopping to squat when he was a couple of feet away. Smiling gently at the boy, he held out a hand.

♪“Do you wanna build a snowman?”♪

Baekhyun looked at him warily for a few long moments before finally reaching one shaky hand out and placing it in Chanyeol’s.

Chanyeol helped him to his feet, steadying him when he wobbled on his numb, frozen legs.

Baekhyun looked up at him, eyes wide and questioning.

It reminded Chanyeol of his nephew when he was a toddler.

“Baekhyunnie?” he said gently.

Baekhyun nodded, lips splitting into a huge smile.

The relief and trust in his eyes broke Chanyeol’s heart. How afraid he must have been, out there on his own.

“I’m Chanyeol,” he said conversationally, slipping off his gloves, one at a time, and sliding Baekhyun’s smaller hands into them. He only had the one coat, not having considered bringing another, and they were at least a 30-minute walk from his apartment but the coat was large and bulky, big enough for the two of them if he draped it over his shoulders and held Baekhyun close.

“It’s freezing, isn’t it?” he asked.

Baekhyun nodded again, eyes still bright.

“I know. I’m sorry it took me so long to find you,” he said solemnly. “We have a bit of a conundrum. I only have one coat, but there are two of us. We can share it, but only if you don’t mind if I put my arm around your shoulders. Is that okay?”

Again, Baekhyun only nodded, but he shifted closer.

Chanyeol’s smile turned into a full-fledged grin. He quickly shrugged out of the coat, slipped an arm around Baekhyun and draped the coat over them.

Looking down into that guileless, trusting upturned face, Chanyeol felt like he had done something truly momentous for the first time in his life.

“Let’s go home.”


A/N: I haven't even seen Frozen yet but somehow, this happened...

EDIT: I finally watched Frozen. Don't get the hype, though the CGI is admittedly pretty. Also, please don't ask for a sequel. This is just a simple drabble. Let's enjoy it for what it is and be content with that.

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vyiself #1
Chapter 1: This is soo beaitiful... my heart hurts at the info that Baekhyun sang that sonh when he was scared... my baby...
minminsy #2
Chapter 1: What a beautiful drabble.. My poor baby Baekhyunee, got teared up for the tragic accident that changed his life. May u found happiness again after meeting Chanyeollie.. Haha..
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 1: Aww..I really want a sequel
Chapter 1: This was really sweet and cute. I'm usually not into drabbles like this, but I really liked it.
BabyFratellis #5
Chapter 1: You need to make a sequel of this!!
Sehunna94 #6
Chapter 1: mayghad... so cute... T_T

... it was short tho.. ;___;
(for sure Chanyeol will be B's new bestfriend T_T)
cute and eyeopening story, authornim.. thanks to this~ :>
EXOoni #7
Chapter 1: Awwwww!!!!! Poor baekkie!!! Author-nim please continue the story!!! Please please please!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww awwww it's too cuteeeee
kawibawibo1214 #9
Chapter 1: im cryin ;A;;;; this is just so good and so sweet and cute and ughhh i wanna hug byun ><