Life Again


A few days after his breakdown, Kris starts unpacking the moving boxes.
Suho watches him, practically glowing with happiness and it was the first time that Kris catches himself thinking, that the angel is beautiful.


“It’s pretty,” Suho says, looking around the living room. “Finally looks like a home.”

“It does,” Kris agrees.

Together with the boy, he has turned the cold, uncomfortable apartment into something that actually feels somewhat homey.

All the stuff his parents and the rest of his family bought for him for the new apartment finally has a place and it does look nice. Nothing like the house he has lived in with his wife and kids but it has its own charm.

“Let’s look at my bedroom,” he says and Suho follows him, grinning happily.

Kris doesn’t even noticed how he has started to call everything in the apartment ‘his’.

‘His bedroom’.

‘His living room’.

‘His bathroom’.

‘His kitchen’.

‘His apartment’.


“Suho-ya?” he asks one day, sitting in front of his computer. He hasn’t touched it in a while and he hasn’t read any of the mails he has gotten. He isn’t ready for that yet.

“Hmm?” Kris replies from the couch where he is sitting.

“Could you come here for a moment? I want to show you something.”

Suho looks at him, his eyebrow raised and not for the first time, Kris is somewhat amazed at  Suho’s ability to raise only one eyebrow. He doesn’t know many people who are able to do that.

Suho gets up and walks over to him, standing behind him, looking at the screen.

“What is it?”

Kris calls up the website he has been browsing.

“I... I googled you up,” he says, suddenly slightly nervous. He can feel Suho stare at him.

“You what?” the angel asks disbelieving.

“You said that when you’re in human form like this, you start wondering what happened after you died. So I looked that up.”

“Y-You did?” Suho’s eyes grow big, as big as saucers.


“And... What... what did you find?”

The boy sounds terribly nervous; fidgeting with his hands, something Kris has never seen him do in all the time they spent together.

“Here. Look,” he points at the website. “You lived in Seoul. Your parents both died a few years ago. You have a little sister.”

“H-h-have?” Suho stutters and Kris smiles at him.

“She’s still alive.”

Suho stares at him, tears b in his eyes. “Oh my God,” he whispers. “Oh my God... I...”

He turns to Kris.

“Thank you,” he manages to choke out. “Thank you so much. I...”

He breaks off and kisses Kris.

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2454 streak #1
Chapter 13: congrats Kris for finally moving on, it was tough and it took a long time but what matters is that he's free to live his life again now...

thank you for this authornim! it was beautiful!
2454 streak #2
2454 streak #3
Chapter 11: Kris finally starting to move in from the tragedy warms my heart... he shouldn't have blamed himself for so long since he shouldn't have blamed himself from the very start!
2454 streak #4
Chapter 10: isn't it dangerous to look up Suho's past life? aren't there gonna be implications???
2454 streak #5
Chapter 9: poor Krisㅠㅠ
2454 streak #6
Chapter 8: heaven hierarchy is pretty interesting
2454 streak #7
Chapter 6: at least Kris was more amicable to Jun the next morning... the anger and disbelief would've been very tiring for him tbh
2454 streak #8
Chapter 4: a sassy guardian angel!
why is he even drinking beer? Suho pls
2454 streak #9
Chapter 2: Kris is desolate... what a tragedy he had to go thru
Chapter 13: OMG! This is wonderful author-nim! I-I cried TT^TT
Poor Kris...