The Beginning





“There are still people in the house!” he hears someone yell and it’s as if someone’s just poured a bucket full of ice cold water over his head

Someone’s still in the house. The house that’s burning. His wife. His kids.

Suddenly, he feels panic rising inside of him. His wife! His kids! They’re still in the house! The burning house! Someone needs to get them out of there!

He hears someone scream and it takes him a while to realize, that it’s him. He is screaming and screaming, loud, louder, as if he could stop the all consuming fire with that.

“My family!” he finally manages to form words. “They’re in there! Help!”

But no-one answers.

“Someone help them!” he screams again and starts running towards the burning house at the same time. Someone needs to help them. He needs to help them. His wife. His kids. In the burning house.

He almost reaches the house, the air around him getting hotter and hotter, but someone suddenly stops him.

“No, sir!” someone tells him. “It’s too dangerous! You can’t go there now!”

“But my wife! My kids! They’re still in there!” Kris cries, trying to get past the man, trying to make him understand. It’s important that he gets to them! He has to save them! They’re his family!

“I know, sir. We’re trying everything we can. But you need to stay here, okay?”

“No!” Kris’ past reasoning now. They need him! “I have to…” he coughs from all the smoke. “I have to help them! Please!”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t let you go.”

Kris starts to fight now, trying to get out of the man’s grip. Why doesn’t he understand? It’s his wife. His kids. In the burning house. He needs to get to them!

He cries, he knows he’s crying, the smoke burns in his eyes, in his throat, the heat is everywhere. He thinks he can hear screams from the house.

“Please,” he sobs. “Oh God, please.”

“I’m sorry, sir. But it’s too late.”



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2451 streak #1
Chapter 13: congrats Kris for finally moving on, it was tough and it took a long time but what matters is that he's free to live his life again now...

thank you for this authornim! it was beautiful!
2451 streak #2
2451 streak #3
Chapter 11: Kris finally starting to move in from the tragedy warms my heart... he shouldn't have blamed himself for so long since he shouldn't have blamed himself from the very start!
2451 streak #4
Chapter 10: isn't it dangerous to look up Suho's past life? aren't there gonna be implications???
2451 streak #5
Chapter 9: poor Krisㅠㅠ
2451 streak #6
Chapter 8: heaven hierarchy is pretty interesting
2451 streak #7
Chapter 6: at least Kris was more amicable to Jun the next morning... the anger and disbelief would've been very tiring for him tbh
2451 streak #8
Chapter 4: a sassy guardian angel!
why is he even drinking beer? Suho pls
2451 streak #9
Chapter 2: Kris is desolate... what a tragedy he had to go thru
Chapter 13: OMG! This is wonderful author-nim! I-I cried TT^TT
Poor Kris...