For the second time around..



Luhan fell deeply inlove four years ago. He loved her so much. he gave her all the love he can possibly give to a person. But she broke his heart. He felt dumbfounded and hurt. He did everything to be an idol.Then, he became an extremely popular star. What would happen if he meets her again? Will he take revenge? Or will he fall inlove again?


“You broke my heart” This was the last words she heard from Luhan six years ago. She was so stupid. She did that to make her father happy. But she felt like a dead person aftermath. She loved him so much. But she wants to be loved by his father. She made a choice. She regretted it. What if she sees him again? Will she apologize? Will she fix everything and tell him she still love him? Or will she continue to do what her father wants?


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