
Special Place













*Alarm rings*


X: ''Aff.....ooh no....''


You don't want to get up, you have to go to school and you're gonna see him. You have no clue how he's gonna look at you and you're affraid that he asks you something about yesterday, or worse....


X: ''What if he told his friends? They're going to laugh and make fun of me for sure.....''


Your motivation is zero by now and you have to force your body to leave bed. 

In the bathroom you look at the mirror and see how bad you look. You're eyes are still swollen from crying and your face has a heavy expression, just can't force yourself to feel happy.


Today you took more time than usual to get ready, you didn't had strenght to eat breakfast and now you're just ''crawling'' to school.


At school:


(Before opening the door of your classroom)


X: ''What the hell am I gonna do? What if he's here already? Do I look at him?''


Has you open the door, you put your head down and walk has fast as you can to your sit. He's already there, even tough you didn't look you felt his presence.


Altought you didn't noticed, has you entered he stopped talking with his friends and followed you with his eyes all the way 'till you sit. He wanted to talk to you but, because of your action, he gave up.


The morning goes by and you never left your chair. In the breaks you just stood there with your head on the table looking at the walls.


A girl from your class entered one time and asked you if you were ok but you turned your head the other way. You didn't do tht to be mean...but you were so sad that, if you opened your mouth to sai a single word, you probably would start crying. 


Lunch time arrived. Now, you have no choice but to get up.


You walk throught the school like a ghost and has you arrive to the cafeteria you immediatly see him, but don't even have strenght to cry, your heart...your heart stopped beating long time ago. You go pick up your lunch and your expression doesn't change the all time. 


Because of what happened yesterday you thought about all the other times you messed everything, all the times that you had the opportunity to talk to him but didn't do it and instead you made a complete fool of yourself. 


X: ''Why do I have to be like this? Why was I not born normal?''


You're preparing to go to the next class but you remember you need a book that's in your locker.


You open it up and a bunch of things fall.


X:''....great...the day just got better...''


Your picking up your stuff and suddenly someone starts to help you. When you look up...It's him!


For moments you look each other in the eyes and your mind just goes blank. When you come to your senses you immediatly get up and prepare to runway again but...he holds your arm.


Zelo: Please! Don't go!

X: Sorry! I have things to do...


You try to go but he holds you tight.


Zelo: No! I'm not gonna let you go away this time! I need to talk to you!

X: talk...with me?!

Zelo: Yes...there's been something I've wanted to ask you for a long time...

X: Ooh...ok...What is it? 

Zelo: Humm...I was wondering...Do you wanna go out with me? *blushes*

X: (with eyes wide open) WHAT?!

Zelo: Oooh! You don't want, right?! Sorry! I shouldn't have asked...sorry...


He's face went dark and he turns his back to go away.


X: NO!! WAIT!!

Zelo: (turns his head and looks at you) Humm?!

X: I want! I want to go out with you!

Zelo: Really?! (he's face immediatly brightens up) So...can we go tomorrow after school?

X: Sure!

Zelo: Ok! I'll be waiting for you outside tomorrow. Bye!

X: Ok! Ooh wait....we still have classes...aren't you going?

Zelo: No...I've talked to the teachers because I have things to go take care of.

X: Aaah...Ok! Then...see you tomorrow! Bye!

Zelo: (with that gorgeous smile that melts you) Bye! 


Has you watch him go away you can't beleave that it just happened. It was all so surreal. You feel like squealing but you have to control yourself.


You spent the rest of the day with a dork smile on your face. You're teachers even called your attention...but what can you do? You can't concentrated now!


School is over and you go home. 


Now the streets seem pretty again and has you take a deep breathm you feel all the bad energies going away.


You arrive home.


X: Hi family!

Mom: Hi...what's going on with you? Yesterday you looked you are all happy? Are you alright?

X: I couldn't be better!


Today the dinner even tasted special.


X: Mom! The dinner was great! 

Mom: (surprised) Well...thank you...


(Has you go to your room)

Mom: This girl....what the hell is going on with her?


In your room you lay down on your bed, hug on your pillow and feel asleep.


This time you're smiling....





Let's see how the dates goes next chapter!






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Daelo13 #1
Chapter 3: Omg *squeals* that was aweeeesoooommmmmeeee!!
nerdyviv #2
Chapter 3: cuteeeee hehe :D
Ilabya #3
ta really cool o poster yume ! :D
ilovezelo24 #5
i really liked it, keep up the good job and update soon :3
Chapter 3: oooh cool yume, i really like it♥
Chapter 2: ohohohohohho~i like the chapter can't wait till the other chapter yume :D keep up the good work :3
Chapter 1: this is good i like it :D
Its nice i like it keep it up
oooh yeeaah seems interesting yume :D keep up the good work