Chapter 6: Nothing


After class, Tao, Xiumin, and I decided to go to a cafe together. We didn’t really want to go home yet and face the mountain of homework we had been assigned to us. Plus we felt like eating something sweet and food always tastes better when you eat it with company.

 “Let’s go somewhere that serves Japanese crepes!” Tao said.

 “But I want cake...” Xiumin pouted and looked down at the ground.

 “I know a place where we can get both.” I hesitantly told them. “But I don’t know if you would want to go there. It’s kinda-”

 “If they have both, then we should go.” Tao interrupted me and crossed his arms. “That way were can all get something we enjoy.”

 “Well, okay. If you’re sure.” I bit my lip and tried not to laugh. They had agreed to go without even asking what kind of cafe it was and that was a big mistake. I couldn’t wait to see Tao’s reaction when we got there.

 The cafe in question wasn’t that far from our college campus so we walked over to it instead of driving and risking not finding parking on the busy town roads. Every time we passed by a cafe Tao would point to it and ask if that was it. With every no I gave him, he grew a little more frustrated.

 “Geez,” He whined. “How many cafes are we going to pass before we’re there? I’m really hungry, Hanuel Gi!”

 I giggled. “We’re almost there, Tao. Just one more block.”

 He huffed and walked a little faster, impatient to get there. We paused at the street corner to let a car zip passed us before crossing. On this block there was a hat store, a woman selling jewelry, a Chinese restaurant, and  cute pink cafe. Tao walked down the block once before pausing in front of the cafe and turning to me.

 “Where is it? I thought you said the cafe was here.” He looked at me with fear in his eyes. He knew my answer but he couldn’t bring himself to accept his fate.

 “It’s right there.” I pointed to the cafe just as a pair of sweet lolitas came out of it.

“Hanuel Gi!” He covered his face with his hands. “Why?! I can’t go in there!”

 “Why not?”

 “It’s not manly.”

 I gave him a look. “Really, Tao?” He frowned at me and I sighed. “Well, how I see it, a real man wouldn’t mind going in there because he would be confident in his masculinity. Plus, that’s all bogus. Liking pink and cute things doesn’t change the fact that you have a . Gender stereotypes are stupid.”

 “Really?” He asked me tentatively.

 “Yep. Now come on,” I took one of Tao’s hands and one of Xiumin’s in my own and led them to the cafe. “Food’s that way!”

We were cheerfully greeted by a girl with curly blonde ringlets framing her angelic face. “Hello! Welcome to Fantasy Fancy!” She stopped when she notice and smiled even larger, if it was possible. “Oh! Hey, Hanuel Gi! I thought you were going to come in for breakfast today. Did something come up?”

“Something like that, yeah.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. The waitress was my good friend, Amber. And while I loved her to death, I didn’t really want to tell her about last night. Frankly I didn’t even want to think about it. “Sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“Nah, it’s fine. You’re only a few hours late.” She smiled. Then turned to Xiumin and Tao. “I haven’t met you two before. Who are you?”

“I’m Tao.” He gave her his most dazzling smile as her bowed slightly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Xiumin.” He told her shyly.

“Oh? Well, my name’s Amber! It’s wonderful to finally be able to meet you guys,” She looked at me mischievously from the corner of her eye, giving me a bad feeling. “Hanuel Gi always talks about you two.”

Oh great. Now they’re going to bug me about that I’ve been saying. Thanks Amber.

“Really?” Tao’s eyes seemed to sparkle with interest. “What kind of things had she said?”

“Am-” I started to beg her not to say anything but was quickly cut off by her.

“That’s something you’ll have to ask her. Now then,” She suddenly turned to the side and gestured toward the dining area. “Right this way please! Our finest table is waiting for you.”

As she led us to our table, Amber chattered on while Tao and Xiumin walked on either side of me with cheshire grins. They loved to tease me and Amber had handed them the perfect opportunity on a silver platter. Lunch wasn’t going to be a peaceful experience at all.

Just as I feared, the second we had been given our menu and Amber was out of earshot, Tao turned to me with that stupid smile still stretched across his face.

“So... You always talk about us.” He rested his chin in his hands, his eyes with with mischievous light.

“Oh, you be quiet.” I opened up my menu and tried to use it to hid my face, but Tao would have none of that. He pushed down my menu and gave my a sultry look.

“What exactly were you telling her, Hanuel Gi? Was it about how unbelievably handsome we are?”

“Or how smart we are?” Xiumin chimed in.

“How charming we are?"

“How funny we are?”

“Or maybe it’s something more embarrassing, like how y we are?”

I snapped and smacked him on the forehead with my menu.

“No, I was telling her about how much of an idiotic dork you are.”

Tao pouted and rubbed his head while Xiumin snickered behind his hand. Then I smack him too. Tao wasn’t the only one guilty.

We had fallen into a comfortable silence when a sicken voice interrupted.

“On a date with two guys at once, Hanuel Gi? Wow. And you won’t even give me a chance. How cold hearted."

“Ugh. Go away, Alan. I really don’t want to deal with you right now.”

The slimeball grinned and walked over to our table. He sat at our table in the only empty chair, the one next to me.

“You make me feel lonely whenever you act like that, Love.” He murmured and reached out to play with a strand of my hair. I huffed and put my hair over my shoulder so he couldn’t reach it.

“Don’t call me “Love”. And, Hey! While you’re at it, Buzz off!”

“And why would I do that?”

Xiumin, being the sweetheart he is, stepped in to help me.

“Because she obviously doesn’t want you here.” he scowled at Alan, but unfortunately he looked more like an adorably angry puppy rather than a pissed off wolf like he wanted to.

“Hm...” Alan pretended to consider before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think I will. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you.” He gave me what I’m sure he thought was a passionate gaze. He just looked like an idiot. “Why haven’t you been at work lately?”

“Avoiding you, obviously.” I visibly scooted my chair away from him. The legs scraped across the floor with a deafening screech, emphasizing that he wasn’t wanted.

“Really?” He actually had the audacity to pretend to be surprised. “Well-”

“Alan!” A loud voice interrupted him. Amber came storming over to us, looking angrier than I’ve ever seen her. She yanked him out of his seat by his collar and yelled in his face. “I’ve kicked you out of here before and I will kick you out again if I have to say this twice. Get out of my cafe!”

He smiled patronizingly at her before turning to me. “You have so many white knights, Princess. They always seem to be around to shelter you from the world. I guess I have no choice but to leave. I’m outnumbered. See you later, Love.”

He pried Amber’s hand off him and gave us a small wave before walking away with a swagger in his step and his head held high.

“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!” Amber yelled after him. When he was out of sight, she shuttered.

“Me, too.” I grumbled.

“Here, let me get you all coffee. On the house.” Amber started to walk away but i stopped her.

“Oh, I couldn’t.” I tried to turn her down but she shook her head.

“After dealing with that creep, you need some.” Amber quickly went back to the kitchen. I could take a guess that making the coffee was just a way for her to vent her anger. She hated Alan with a burning passion that could only be compared to fiery things like wild fires and volcanoes.

“You okay, Hanuel Gi?” Xiumin asked me. I nodded and tried to smile but ended up with more of a grimace.

“Who was that jerk?” Tao looked fiercely angry and his hands were balled in tight fists, his knuckles white. “Has he bothered you before?”

“Unfortunately, he has.” I pulled my hair from over my shoulder and put it up in a bun. “His name is Alan.”

“Does he bother you at work? We could come and make sure he doesn’t-” I interrupted Tao before he could finish his offer.

“It’s okay. Tombo throws him out if he tries anything. thanks though.” I smile gratefully at him. “I appreciate the offer though.”

He looked unconvinced but thankfully dropped it. A little while later, Amber came back over and gave us our coffee. She seemed a bit calmer but still pretty ticked off.

“Do you guys want anything else? Maybe something sweet?” She quickly pinned back a loose strand of hair before pulling out her notepad.

“I’d like a Japanese crepe.” Tao said.

“Alright,” She quickly jotted that down and turned to Xiumin and I. “Anything for you two?” We both shook our heads. I don’t know about Xiumin, but our encounter with Alan made me lose my appetite. “Right then. I’ll go grab that cake for you.”

“Oh!” Xiumin suddenly perked up and turned to Tao. “You were having trouble with our poetry assignment earlier. I can help you when we get home if you’d like.”


All of a sudden, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

I could still feel the sickeningly warm breath of my kidnapper on my cheek. I subconsciously touched the bruise on my wrist, dark reminder of all that had happened.

I remembered what was waiting for me when I got home; an empty apartment with no one to see if it was empty.

“Please. I need all the help I can get.” Tao paused and looked at me, concerned. “Are you alright, Hanuel Gi? You look a bit freaked out.”

"Wha- Oh yeah!" I smiled and tried not to show my distress. Maybe I could have them come over for a while? That would make me feel a lot better. "But, um, hey! Wanna come over and work at my place? It’s no fun to work alone. Besides, I'm making brownies!" Pleasesayyespleasesayyespleasesayyes.

"Sure!" Xiumin immediately replied.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Tao agreed. "But, Xiumin, you're just in it for the brownies, aren't you?"

"Hey, her's are really good!" He said defensively.

"Thank you!" It made me happy to know that he liked them. "I'll make some extra so you can take so home."

"Aw, that's not fair! I want some, too!" Tao pouted and made puppy dog eyes at me.

"Fine! Fine I'll make two batches! Now stop looking at me like that." I pushed his face away from mine and smirked. "You look so sweet, I might get cavities."

After that, Xiumin and Tao got into the car and I got into mine and we drove over to my apartment. When we got there, a nice surprise was waiting outside my door for me.

"Where were you?" A slightly strained voice asked me when I got to the top of the stairs. Warm arms wrapped around me and held me tight. "I told you to stay home today!"

"Kris-?" My arms instantly hugged him back and a faint blush painted my cheeks. Oh my god he’s hugging me He’s huggingmeheshuggingmeheshuggingme. "What are you-?"

"Kris?" He quickly let go of me and pushed me away when he realized we weren't alone. Tao was looked at us strangely. "You know Hanuel Gi?"

"Tao? Xiumin? What are you doing here?" Kris’s eyes widened slightly.

"What? You guys all know each other?" I asked my friends. This was just too weird...

"Remember when I told you I moved here from another country?" Kris kept his eye on the others. "I didn't come alone. I was in a group of twelve who all came to this country together. They were in that group."

"Really?" I looked at Tao and Xiumin. "I didn't know you guys were immigrants."

"You never asked." Tao shrugged at me. "Xiumin and I came here for school; That's how we met Hanuel Gi. But how do you know her, Kris?"

"We met at the cafe she works at." He averted his eyes from them and instead looked at the wall next to him. A strange tension filled the air, making me nervous. I glanced back and forth between the boys and tried to figure out what i could do to break the silence. I didn’t really understand what was going on. What if they started fighting? Gosh, why’d this have to happen in the hallway in front of my apartment? The sound echos around the building like you would not believe. What if things got ugly? Would my neighbors call the police? Couldn’t this have happened somewhere in priv-

Oh. Wait a minute.

"What are we doing here?" I face palmed and pointed to my apartment. "My house is right there. Let's go inside and talk there."

The boys nodded in agreement and I pulled out my keys. Even though i couldn't see them while I unlocked the door. I could practically feel the silent conversation going on behind me. Something felt off between the three. None of them had mentioned what their home country is and Kris did that impossible feat yesterday to save me.

Plus they were all drop dead gorgeous. Like for real. Rude.

Save some hot for the rest of us.

I banished those thoughts to the back of my mind. Now was not the time to be making conspiracy theories about my friends.

"Make yourselves at home-" I started as I opened the door. But I abruptly stopped when I saw the state of my home. I slammed the door shut and turned to my friends with wide, shocked eyes.

"Hanuel Gi?" Tao gently touched my arm. "Hanuel Gi, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't understand. Everything was fine before class. Now everything's broken."

The boys tensed up at the same time, like wolves who had caught the scent of prey, and sprang into action. Kris pushed passed me and went into my apartment with Tao on his heels. Xiumin pulled me a few yards away from the door and put a protective arm around me. He was no longer the cute boy I liked to joke around with. He was a strong, angry, and dangerous man. The change had been so quick, it was like a switch had been flipped inside him.

When Tao and Kris came out, they were different, too. Kris was angry, just as he had been when I'd been assaulted. I never thought I'd see that expression on his normally empty face again. Tao, normally so kind, looked dangerous and cold. These were sides of them that I never knew existed. I guess I didn't know everything there was to know about them.

"It's empty." Tao told Xiumin. "Who ever did it is long gone."

"Who would do this?" Xiumin's question was met with silence.

"Can I-" I started, interrupting the deafening quiet. "Can I go in and see?"

The three glanced at each other before Kris nodded. He took me from Xiumin and led me into my home.

It was awful.

Nothing had been spared.

My couch was ripped to shreds and stuffing spilled out of it like blood. Torn up paper littered the ground like ashes spat out of a fire. All the clear glasses had been thrown from the cupboard and onto the ground. The shards glittered like fallen stars in the light. My posters had been ripped from the walls and my CDs had joined my dishes in the floor.

I had nothing

All my things are gone.

My knees wobbled and I fell to the ground.

Nothing nothing nothing

I have nothing.

I began to cry, my tears landing on what remained of my home. I think I started saying things but I said I couldn't tell you. I was too shocked. I was too scared. I was too alone.

I have nothing.

I am nothing.

It's happening again.


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Love it <3
Chapter 6: great story author nim please do continue!!