Chapter 1: A Cool Guy and his Chicken


It’s said on our planet that there are rights that all people must have, rights that cannot be taken away. The right to basic needs, the right to dream, the right to love.

Afterall, isn’t that what makes us human?

We live like no other species. We are like shooting stars. We blaze through the sky before vanishing forever. Our lives are so sort. We never have the time to learn from our mistakes and become the perfect, wonderful people we have the potential to be. But despite our imperfections, we manage to find a way to love each other and that is what makes us human.

This love, a very human love, is how our story begins. It is the story of the first extraterrestrials on earth and how I fell in love with a imperfectly perfect man.


I yawned as I walked toward the Earth Cafe. Shadows hid the normally cheery front of it, causing me to stumble over a rock I hadn’t notices. I grumbled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The sun hadn’t even risen above the horizon and I hadn’t woken up yet but still it was time for another day of work. Oh well, at least it was mostly enjoyable work. I opened the front door and was greeted with the scent of musty earth and bacon sizzling on the stove. The familiar smell perked me up a bit and I smiled as I walked in.  

“‘Morning, Hanuel Gi!” Tombo, head chef and manager of the cafe greeted me.

“Good morning, Bobo!” I called him by his nickname and gave him a hug. When he wasn’t my boss, Tombo was my parental figure and caretaker. He was someone I could always rely on and we were practically family to each other. “How was your date late night?”

“It was wonderful, thanks for asking! We’re going to meet up again next friday.” Tombo blushed and smiled excitedly. He has been on a lot of dates before but he just never seemed to click with any of them. He seemed to really like this one though. I hoped they were a good person. In my opinion, he deserved no one less than the best person in the whole world.

“Good for you!” I said and lightly tapped his shoulder. “Tell me all about it after work, ‘kay?”

“Okay.” He winked and I smiled in reply.

I went over to the computer and clocked in. “Hey, Bobo, what should I do before we open?”

“Could you water the plants? They look like they need some.”

“Can do!” I gave him a little salute and grabbed the watering can from the supply cupboard.

Cafe Earth, true to it’s name, tried to be as natural and earthy as possible. It’s part of the atmosphere of the place. Which is why there are plants everywhere. Flowers in vases, moss by a small water feature in the dining room, potted trees, you name it, there’s probably some growing here. Tending to all the plants took a lot of work, but it’s worth it. If people are too busy with their everyday lives to go visit nature, then at least the cafe can be a place where nature come to them.

Water all the plants inside took about twenty minutes and by that time the sun had bugun to peak over the horizon and light shined through the windows. It was getting close to when we open so I went to find Tombo to see what else I could do to get the cafe ready.

I ended up wiping down the tables and sweeping leaves of the porch until the first customers came. There was always a big rush at breakfast because Tombo makes a mean omelette. I was moving nonstop from the kitchen to the tables to ge everyone’s food. Around eleven though things calmed down enough for me to talk to the regulars.

“Hey, Song Yi!” I waved to the woman who had just walked in the front door. “You want the usual?”

“When was the last time I got anything else, Haneul Gi?” Song Yi smiled at me. “I’ll be out on the porch today, so bring it out there.”

“Roger that!” I saluted at her and ran to the kitchen. “Chicken and beer!” I yelled into the window and pinned up an order form.

“Song Yi?” Tombo asked from the stove.


“Is it a celebratory chicken and beer day for an ‘I fought with my boyfriend’ chicken and beer day?”

“Her eyes weren't red so something good must have happened.”

“That’s good. I don’t want to have to deal with her drunken pity party ever again.”

“Me neither.” That had been one wild night. She had called him time and time again while sobbing and screaming about things that made no sense. At one point managed to calm down but then started crying even harder when she saw a woman’s silver heels. But that was also the first and only time I’ve seen her boyfriend. She had told me he was a professor but I hadn’t imagined him as someone so young or handsome. I had definitely been a night to remember but not ever want to experience again. “I’ll make sure I don’t give her too much to drink, just to be sure though.”

“Good idea.”

I waved at him and then went around to all my tables and made sure that everyone had everything they needed. Mrs. Ganner had needed some water for her young daughter, Rosie had needed some napkins because she spilt her shakes (again), and Alan wanted my number. I shot him down as firmly as I could but I knew he would be back. “No” wasn’t a word in his vocabulary if you believe the rumors. After clearing the table for the Momiyama family, I went to check the kitchen.

The porch was my favorite part of the restaurant. It was wide open and beautiful. Iron chairs and tables with rose decorations were scattered across it and in the middle of everything was a roaring fire. The porch overlooked a scenic lake and the mountains framed it perfectly. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

Song Yi was sitting at the edge of the porch by the railing that had vines creeping up it, look at something on her phone.

“Here you go!” I said, and sat the plate and drink in front of her.

“Thanks.” Son Yi said as she put down her phone. She didn’t even stop to look at me before taking a long sip of her beer. She sighed and set own the bottle with a thunk.

“So,” She quickly spoke before I could leave. “How’s it going with Alan? I heard he’s targeting you now.” Her eyes seemed to sparkle with interest.

I hesitated for a moment, I was at work after all, but my need to complain to someone about him won out. I let out a groan and covered my face with my hands. “I keep telling him no but he won’t listen. He’s stubborn beyond belief.”

“Guy’s like that deserve to be thrown off a cliff. When a girl says no she means it.” She told me in between bites of chicken. “Stay strong, Haneul Gi. Don’t you dare give into his pestering. A girl like you is too good for him.”

“Thanks, Song Yi.” I smiled. “Anyway, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“‘Kay. Bye!” She turned her attention back to her food.

I stretch as I walk back to the kitchen, my stiff bones and cracking in protest and I let out a huge yawn. I ran through things I had to do, trying to keep myself awake. Table six’s order should be done soon. I need to go pick those up. I’m almost out I’ve napkins, I’ll need to get more. Oh man. It’s been such a long day and I’m so tired. How am I only half way through my shift? Will today ever end?

“Excuse me,” A voice interrupted my thoughts. “Can you come over for a while?”

“Yes!” I whirled around, my brown hair swirling around me. Quickly walking over to the customer, I shove down all my tired thoughts away. Thinking about that will only make time go slower and the work harder. I put on my brightest work smile and asked the customer, “Can I help you?”

The man sitting at the table and looking through the menu was undeniably handsome. His blond hair hung over one side of his head and his brown eyes, though beautiful, were empty of warmth. He held himself coldly, as if he thought he was better than everyone else. And to top off the ‘cool guy’ look he had going on, piercing riddled his ears and his clothes screamed designer.

“Do you have Akezrka?” He asked.


“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I inclined my head a bit so I could hear him better. Had I misheard him because I was admiring his good looks? God, I hope not. That’d be humiliating.

“Do you have Akezrka?”

Okay, I definitely didn’t mishear him. Akezrka? Is that a Russian dish?

“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t.” I bit my lip.

“Hm...” He made a noise of disinterest. The man looked over the menu for a moment before speaking up. “What would you recommend?”

“The chicken and beer is pretty good!” I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. We normally get usuals here and they always know what they want to order. My cheeks turned a light pink as I realized that chicken and beer doesn’t really fit his cool guy image. A guy like him would order our steak medium rare. Chicken was a stupid thing to recommend.

“I’ll have that.” I started slightly at his words. He folded up the menu and handed it to me. I thanked him out of habit and headed back to the kitchen.

Through out the rest of my shift, I found my eyes being naturally drawn to the cool guy. Something about him bugged me, though I couldn’t pick out what it was.

Was it the flash of distaste in his eyes when Alan tried to flirt with me again? Or was it that he never seemed to notice how all the girls in the cafe keep glancing at him from the corner of their eyes? Was it that he was completely alone but never seemed awkward or alone?

Somehow none of those seemed to explain how he made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

When I collected the bill from him, I asked him if he enjoyed his food like I do with every customer. He smiled at me and his cool guy exterior seemed to melt away exposing a sweet part of him. He nodded and told me it had been delicious.

That night. when I went home, I thought of him again. I wondered what he was like when you got to know him. Was he a “cool guy”? Or was that just a show he put on? What kind of friends did he have?

But most of all I wondered why he felt so familiar.

Hello! This is my first multichapter fic on Asian Fanfiction! I'm really excited for this fic and I hope you enjoy it! I know it starts off a bit slow but I promise it picks up pretty soon! I plan on updating every frieday.
See you next week!
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Love it <3
Chapter 6: great story author nim please do continue!!