~ One

The secret demon

 SooHyun walked down the lonely streets of seoul , a tear rolling down her eyes. " Why are they so cold?" She said as the tears rolled down her eyes. Soohyun had a dense history of being bullied , even though her siblings were there to stand up for her. She still felt trapped in the bulling going around her. ' I just want to kill myself!' She thought to herself as her face got streaked with tears. SooHyun was a couple of blocks away from home , she was just returning from study groups at her school. Soohyun kept on walking , her thoughts in a whirl that spinned around her mind. She kept on walking , not giving a crap on what was in front of her. Soohyun was crossing a street when a car came in front of her and spinned , pushing her small body away.


SooHyun's body stood still , not moving a muscle. She found her self dripped in the pure darkness , her breath getting shorter. SooHyun didn't give a crap about her being dead or not , she just wanted out of this cold world.She waited for it , waiting for her death to finally happen. It was finally getting quiet dark until his face came , brightening up the darkness with his warm smile.

" SooHyun." He said , his voice sounding like a sweet breeze.


( Just pretend chanyeol is looking at soohyun like this)


Soohyun couldn't get a full image of his face , just the eyes and the voice. It sounded like a harmony , but how did he know her name? SooHyun couldn't say anything since she was still recovering , his face slowly disappear from her view. She slowly closed her eyes  , his voice still echoing in her head. SooHyun didn't feel the darkness that was slowly closing on her anymore  'Why do i still feel alive?' She thought as she headed to back to unconsciousness.


SooHyun woke up to pure white walls , her vision feeling blurry and slightly dizzy. " Lee SooHyun , I was so worried about you. You should had told me or chanhyuk to pick you up  from school.I'm never going to let you walk home alone" Qri said with her eyes filled with redness , sitting at a chair near soohyun's bed. " You're lucky that you didn't have any bad injuries. " It's ok , I'm fine." SooHyun says , looking at her sister. Qri wished she could believe those words that came out of soohyun's mouth , Qri knew about her being bullied and wishes she could accompany her at school. SooHyun woundn't allow her to see her at school , she just didn't want to be risked being seeing with someone who is famous around her school distirct. Ir would cause attention that soohyun woundn't want at all. A image popped up on soohyun's mind , a pair of eyes and a warm smile. It seem familar to her , ' Why am i thinking of eyes and a smile?" soohyun thought to herself. Not remebering what happened. Chanhyuk walked in , his eyes showed relief when he saw that soohyun is alive. " SooHyunnie!" He hugged his sister so tightly , on his face was a slight smile. Soohyun smiled a little , it kind of been a while since she smiled. The last time she smiled was when her mom gave her a hug when she was only 11.

SooHyun felt depressed when her mom died , it caused a huge rip in her family. Her family wasn't the way it was used to be.It grew cold , soohyun's father became a alocholic and he abanboned his children. Whenever his father looked at soohyun or sometimes even qri , they both had a little bit of their mother in them. But in soohyun , it showed a lot. SooHyun's father didn't even dared to look in soohyun's eye , not even face to face. SooHyun also became weak and it lead to people teasing her then it leaded into people bullying her. SooHyun was often bullied for her appearance , She wasn't the prettiest at school. SooHyun wasn't pretty like her sister , qri. People at her school would give her looks when they saw her with qri. Boys would talk to her , but it was mostly for qri since they wanted to get in contact with qri.

SooHyun knew that her two older siblings wouldn't leave her side , it kind of annoyed her a little. SooHyun was quickly drawn away from her thoughts , when she started to think about what happened last night.She didn't know anything but all she saw was eyes that glowed slightly and a warm smile.



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jeiyeon4 #1
Chapter 2: Sorry for the double chapters.