When It's Late and He isn't Home
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After you've parked, you saw that his car is still here so it means he's still in the building dancing or resting. Pressing the elevator button after entering the buidling and press the 7th floor. Soon, you arrived and you rushed to the practice room. Slowly with jittery hands, you peeked and saw him dancing diligently with all his might.


" Kai."


Startled from my voice, he accidentally missed a step which caused him to fall from his position. " Ow!" a yelp came out of his mouth as i quickly hurried to him to make sure he wasn't hurt. And like how everyone does, i ask him a common question. " Are you okay?"


His bangs sticked to his forehead as sweat rolled down on his flawless face, tired but determined eyes, navy blue v-neck that shows his collarbones, track pants and black high top converse. The way he looked at me was in a so vulnerable way that made just wanna hug him till he can't breathe.


" Do i have to ask you again?"

" Sorry. It's just that you look beautiful with your hair down."


Like in any common movie, girls blush when complimented and so do i. But mine isn't as obvious as theirs.


" What brings you here? I thoght you're waiting home if i'm not mistaken."

" Oh no. You're statement is correct. I was just worried since you never do come home late."

" I just needed more practice since our comeback is getting nearer."

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