The Pain of Being Us 2

The Pain of Being Us

"So, how long have you been here?" Wonsik asked.
"I've been here... Around two weeks? No, no, more than that. Less than a month, I'm sure. But hey, aren't you gonna eat that? You really do need energy for tomorrow, and there isn't going to be second meal today, there’s only one per day. I know it's pretty... disgusting at first, but if you don't get anything to eat for a few days, you'll eat anything." Hakyeon answered.
"It doesn't look good at all." Wonsik poked at his food.
"If you don’t eat it they'll hand it to someone else."
"Have you really been eating this for a month?"
"Yes. I'm totally fine with it already, it'll take a few days to get used to it."
In the end Wonsik ate half of the food before placing it on the floor.

The next day when Hakyeon woke up, Wonsik was already gone. He spent the day listening to the others chat while just lying on the floor, waiting for night to come.

The day after that was the same, but in the evening just a little before the sleeping gas was released, Wonsik was brought back. They didn't get to talk at all before Wonsik fell asleep.


"Hey... Hakyeon." As soon as he heard his name being called, he turned his head toward the cage next to his. Hours had passed by since Mike woke him up, and Wonsik was left to sleep, since he had been doing tests till the previous night.
Wonsik was still lying on the ground, looking absolutely exhausted. His eyes were only half open, and Hakyeon was sure the other was about to go back to sleep.
"Yeah?" he still asked, wondering if he would get an answer.
"You are so strong...."
"...What?" Hakyeon wasn't sure if he had heard correctly. Why would the other call him strong?"
"I thought I was going to die... During the tests...." Wonsik mutters, and slowly closes his eyes.
Hakyeon stared at him, confused. He felt warm inside, the other’s words made him so happy. Wonsik had been doing the tests for two days, and the first thing he says as he wakes up, is that he, Hakyeon; was strong. He hadn't felt strong since he had been brought to the prison, yet the boy made him feel so powerful with those few words he said while half-asleep. Slowly, the corners of his mouth shyly lift up in a smile.



On the fifth day they awoke to gunshots.

One of the mutants, a girl Hakyeon remembered by the name of Lina, had thrown food on Mike -judging from the food on his hair, face and clothes- making Mike lose his temper and shoot her. Some of the people in the room screamed, but most of them woke up with a jolt, looking around until their eyes found Mike in Lina's cage, taking off the chains on her hands and ankles, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her body out. Everyone was quiet, some letting out small cries, fearing that their lives would end the same way.
Wonsik looked absolutely terrified, and Hakyeon thought he was close to throwing up. Of course Hakyeon had told him that people got killed here, but he hadn't expected that the guards would kill in front of the other mutants.
They didn't speak, and the whole room was quiet, except for a few sobs.
Hours later some started to talk quietly, but Wonsik and Hakyeon kept quiet.

Neither of them could finish their food, and Wonsik was lying on his back. Hakyeon kept glancing at him, wondering if he was alright.
He too, had been shocked the first time he had seen one of the mutants getting killed.
He was glad though, that Mike had shot her and ended her life quickly. Sometimes, the guards liked to torture the mutants, and beat them to their deaths. Some were taken away from the room and their screams could be heard for hours.
"Do you have any siblings?" Wonsik suddenly asks. Hakyeon was surprised by his voice, and he slowly took in the question.
"Yes, I do. I have an older sister, and a younger brother. How about you?" he answers and looks at Wonsik who smiles slightly.
"I have a younger sister, she's 15. I'm really worried about her, and I miss her...."
"I miss my family too.. How old are you? I don't think you've told me."
"I'm 18." Wonsik turns his head to Hakyeon.
"Oh, you’re younger than me. I'm 20." Hakyeon says and smiles. He had thought Wonsik was around his age, but he was still a little bit younger than he had expected.
"And how old are your siblings?"
"23 and 17."
"Are you close with them?"
"Yeah. We have our fights but I love them both a lot." Hakyeon says, and smiles as he thinks of his family. "I'm happy neither of them are mutants, if they were taken here too, I'd be devastated." Hakyeon says, shaking his head. Wonsik nods in agreement before answering.
"I know, my sister is not a mutant either and I'm really glad about that, I wouldn't want her to go through the same as me, and all the others here..."
The boys smiled at each other before they heard the gas being released, and Hakyeon lay down on the floor. He smiled at Wonsik before closing his eyes.


The days that followed were just like the others; waking up to Mike yelling outside the cage and quickly eating whatever he gave you. Wonsik had gotten used to the food now and ate everything quietly.
"Do you have any hobbies?" Wonsik asks after the guards took away their plates.
"Yeah, I love to dance, I've been in quite a few competitions and I did pretty well in them. How about you?"
"I like writing songs, mostly. And I went swimming with my sister quite often. She loves swimming... But how well did you do in those competitions? Did you ever get first place?"
"I like swimming too! And yeah, I did get a few medals." Hakyeon says, and smiles shyly.
"You must be really good! Once we get out of here, you'll have to show me!" Hakyeon's smile falters a bit and he stares down at his hands.
"....If we ever get out......" he mumbles and Wonsik realizes his mistake. Quickly he tries to cheer the older one up.
"Hakyeon, our parents must be worried and searching for us! They will find us."
"How could they find us here? We have no idea where we are! This place could be somewhere hidden, in a forest, on a faraway island... No one has found us yet-"
"Someone will get us out. Sooner or later, you'll see."
"Just hope we'll make it till then. Around a quarter of the people who have been here are already dead." Wonsik goes quiet for a while and looks around the room.
"Yeah, but most of us are still alive. We will make it, I promise." he says and turns back to Hakyeon and smiles.
"You can't promise something like that." was all Hakyeon said before turning his back to the other and ignoring him for the rest of the day.

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editing stuff. writing a new chapter too, no idea when i'll publish it.


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liesonfloor #1
Chapter 6: I hope things get better soon! I haven't commented before but really enjoy this story and can't wait for more of it, but your well being is most important; take care of yourself!
Chapter 6: Take your time with updating! It can be really tough losing family members, but we gotta remember that they are in a better place.
Good luck with your job and apartment, and remember to take good care of yourself! You have to make your health your first priority so that you don't get sick! I'd rather know that you're healthy and taking your time with updates than you being unhappy.
I'm really happy 'cause I found this story!!
This is really interesting^^ <3