Kitchen Radio

Kitchen Radio

Morning flashes bright and loud and childish through the curtains and it feels almost surreal when Youngjae finally opens his eyes; that’s not how light usually works, all white and pure and eerily cool in the air, and when he rolls around to try and sleep some more he’s faced with Daehyun looking at him like he’s the most majestic and beautiful thing in the world.

"Happy twentieth anniversary," the older sings softly, his fingertips trailing up and down the younger’s exposed arm. Youngjae smiles and burrows himself into his pillow, sighing and yawning and stretching like a cat after a good meal. "Happy twentieth," he agrees happily, and the look Daehyun gives him as he scoots closer to his chest is one of pure love.

Birds chirp outside and Youngjae takes the time to trace the proud line of his husband’s nose and dive into the deep chocolate ponds that are his eyes and kiss the soft velvet of his lips just like he did twenty years ago; their lips meld together perfectly and move together seamlessly and there’s so much love in this moment it burns them both, but they could never stop. Their hands run through hair and trace sleepy skin and Daehyun makes Youngjae shudder and gasp when he on that mole on Youngjae’s shoulder, the one that always drives him crazy whenever the younger wears something a little too revealing.

And time drips lazily from the ceiling and fingers trail down exposed ribs and lips claim what’s theirs and bodies move together in harmony and “Dae, please” and it’s hard to breathe when they’re so perfectly entangled in each other and when Youngjae asks him to move Daehyun moves, just like that, and then they’re swinging together on that one fine edge between pleasure and reality until finally, finally, they fall off.

"I love you," Daehyun breathes a few minutes later, when they’re both dirty and sweaty and completely entwined with each other and Youngjae nods and kisses him softly, carefully, the kiss swallowing his smile.

"I know."

The kids are down at the kitchen when they finally make their way down after a shower and there’s a chorus of “Happy twentieth anniversary”s from the twins before Youngjae can even say good morning; it’s okay, though, because he gets all the good luck he needs when Junhong climbs into his lap and presses a kiss to his cheek.

Breakfast includes Himchan’s special French toast (the special part is when you eat it while speaking in a French accent) and a whole lot of maple syrup, and Yongguk has a wonderful idea. “Tell us about your wedding, dad,” he asks Daehyun with a large smile, and Daehyun looks so pleased Youngjae’s afraid he’ll burst into flames.

"Ah, what a fine request, my young man," he begins ceremoniously as Himchan makes the most depressed noise a human being can make. "Gather round, kids, so you may hear the great story of how Yoo Youngjae and Jung Daehyun got married."

"All of the stories about you and dad start the same," Jongup accuses lightly, biting into his buttered toast and raising an eyebrow at his twin, sitting right in front of him. Junhong just shrugs and leans back against Youngjae’s chest, playing with the hem of his shirt absentmindedly. 
Daehyun coughs and starts again.

"Our story begins with a flower."




There’s a knock on the door and Youngjae jumps out of his skin, cussing loudly and whipping around to face the entrance to his room. “Son of a— yes?”

The door opens and a hand shoots in, holding an orange rose carefully; a moment later Daehyun’s stepping into the room with a large smile, looking quite handsome with his usually messy hair styled and his tie slightly loosened. Youngjae relaxes and smiles back almost instantly, jumping to his feet and gliding over to his soon-to-be-husband with excitement swelling in his chest.

"You look so handsome," he states fondly as he smoothes out a crease in the older’s jacket, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth before stepping back and admiring the man in front of him. Daehyun shrugs modestly and spins around once with his arms spread to the side, allowing Youngjae to take a good look.

It’s a little odd and hard to believe, but after almost two years of a solid relationship and two more months of lazy planning (they were both really bad at meeting deadlines, admittedly) their wedding day is finally here; the guests are seated in front of the alter and the food is ready on the tables and (most importantly) the gifts are stocked up in a big basket at the corner of the venue. Aside from a few mishaps and the unfortunate fact of Youngjae’s parents missing, it’s all perfect; now all they have to do is to step out there and get married.

There’s another knock on the door and Youngjae’s cousin smiles at them shyly, looking almost ashamed for interrupting them. “It’s starting,” he announces before retreating and Youngjae’s heart almost thumps his way out of his chest.

Daehyun chuckles nervously and reaches out his hand for the younger to take and his eyes are so warm and calming Youngjae relaxes almost immediately, taking the older’s hand and squeezing it tightly. “Let’s go,” he says softly, and then they’re out of the room and walking down the aisle and it feels so surreal Youngjae’s half-expecting to wake up and find himself in his bed, alone.

The ceremony goes along perfectly; rings are exchanged and heartfelt speeches are made and Daehyun’s voice cracks when he says “I do” and the moment seems to choke all the air out of their lungs and I now pronounce you lifetime spouses and the priest doesn’t even have to ask them to kiss because the minute the announcement is over Daehyun has his arms around Youngjae’s neck and their lips fit together so well it’s almost ridiculous. It’s impossible to be happier than they are right now.

Their first dance together as husbands is a slow one. Soft music plays in the background when Youngjae rests a hand on Daehyun’s hip and their fingers entwine together and they press close to each other, close enough to feel the other’s heart beating through the layers of clothing separating them; Daehyun smiles and presses his forehead against the younger’s and they stay like that for as long as humanly possible, their smiles wide and their bodies close and their eyes slightly teary and Youngjae leans in for a soft kiss halfway through the song. “I love you,” he whispers against Daehyun’s lips, and the older cracks a smile.

"I know."




"I love this story," Yongguk exclaims suddenly, and both Daehyun and Youngjae turn to look at their oldest son with their eyebrows raised high and their eyes expressing sheer surprise. "You do?" Daehyun asks in bewilderment, elbowing Youngjae in the ribs as a smile slowly blooms on his lips. "He likes my story!"

Youngjae just laughs and stands up, setting Junhong on the floor carefully and stretching despite his aching back. “Alright, why don’t you all go upstairs so your dad and I can have some time alone,” he orders more than suggests, and Himchan turns paper-white in an instant; before any of them can protest he has the twins in a death grip, leading them upstairs without looking back. Yongguk follows close behind with his head shaking from side to side and his smile threatening to break his face. Youngjae waits until all three doors are closed before turning to the radio resting on the kitchen counter and switching it on, the music soft and light in the clear morning air.

"Care for a dance?" He asks Daehyun with a smile, extending his arm and wiggling his fingers in sort of an invitation. Daehyun laughs and grabs his hand without even thinking twice, letting Youngjae pull him to his feet and up against his chest. A guitar plays pleasantly in the background and the atmosphere is almost heavenly as they sway from side to side slowly, like trees moving in the wind; Youngjae rests his cheek against Daehyun’s and circles his torso with his arms and they stay silent for as long as they can take it, moving together and breathing together and simply being together and they’re so used to being like this it just feels natural by now.

The kitchen radio doesn’t fail them- after the soft song they’ve been dancing to comes another one and they don’t have to change their position, luckily. Youngjae waits for the song to reach its middle before talking, his voice small and quiet and infinitely warm. “Twenty years, huh.”

Daehyun sighs. “Seems like it,” he approves lightly, his arms tightening around the younger’s neck. “Are you sick of me yet?”

And Youngjae laughs because how can he ever get sick of this amazing man, how can anyone? But he knows Daehyun’s slightly scared of being left alone; that fear is one of the main reasons their longest fight lasted about a day and a half and it’s also why he could never stand it when Youngjae went on business trips and when Youngjae was in the hospital that fear almost killed him and suddenly Youngjae feels guilty for laughing, so he pulls away just a tiny bit, just so he can see the older’s face properly.

"I could never get sick of you," he says as clearly as possible before leaning in for a kiss that gives Daehyun no time to argue; the air is sweet and birds chirp outside and the kitchen radio keeps on playing in the background and they keep on dancing, mouth to mouth and heart to heart.

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Chapter 1: Gahhh cute and sweet!
Chapter 1: awwwwww this is just so sweet and cute and ahhh
i like it :)
Chapter 1: i love you so much, can i marry you?

istg this universe is just the best, i could cry
Chapter 1: awww~~~ fluffeeeh ;A;
so sweeet~~ idk I feel like eating rainbow then puking out unicorns (?) hahahaha~~
I love it eonni~! ♥♥