
High School
chapter two

"So. First things first. Quiz time," Mrs Ahn said as she stopped in the middle of a field.

Instantly everyone groaned.

"It's not that bad. C'mon. Question one. Do you know where we're standing?" 

Someone raised their hand.

"Yes... What's your name, sorry?" Mrs Ahn asked.

"Son Naeun." The girl replied.

"Nice to meet you Naeun. What's the answer?" 

"Field number one. The field for soccer."

"Correct," Mrs Ahn sounded genuinely surprised. "I didn't think anyone actually knew. Anyway, as you can see straight ahead," She pointed to the enormous building about 50m away from the soccer field. "There is a building. That's the whole school building. Used for everything to do with learning, besides P.E. Where we were for the assembly is the auditorium. It serves as our school hall and for performances for the performing art students. Okay? Anyway, back to the school building. First years are on the top floor, seconds are on the second, and third years are on the bottom. Make sense?"

1-A all nodded.

"So where are the first years classrooms?"

"Top floor," A boy called out.

"Correct... Who are you? I'm sorry. I'll try to learn all your names by the end of next week."

"I'm Bang Yongguk, miss."

At the sound of his name, Luhan's head shot up. 

Bang Yongguk? As in Bang Minah? Are they related or something? God... I hope he's not the same as her. Yeah, I know I only just met her, but I can judge her already, can't I? I mean, it IS my own decision, right? That Minah girl is disgusting. No. Even worse. She's one of those ty girls like from Mean Girls, right? Oh great. Here I am, first day of high school and all I can think of is Mean Girls. Ew. Goddamit. What is wrong with me?

He was so deep in thought that he didn't realise the class was already walking to their homeroom. Evidently, he wasn't the only one who was deep in thought.


"Whoops. Sorry," Came a deep-voiced reply to the bump.

Luhan whipped his head around... And looked up. 

The tall boy scratched the back of his head. "I'm Park Chanyeol... Are you in 1-A? Do you know where the class went?"

"Yeah. They went that way," Luhan pointed to a group of people just starting to enter a building. "We should hurry up."

"Yeah... We should. Oh, right. I forgot to ask what your name is."


"Just Luhan?"


"No Luhan?"

"I meant no as in not just Luhan."

"Ohh, right. So what's your surname?"


"Oooh exotic. Chinese?"


"I'm Korean."

"Yeah... I kinda figured that from your surname, Park."

"Oh, right. What were we about to do just then?"

"Follow the rest of 1-A...?"

"Right. Sorry No Luhan. I'm kinda forgetful sometimes. Wait, was it No Luhan? Or just Luhan?"

Just as Luhan was about to reply, Chanyeol beat him to it.

"AHA! That's right! You've got the exotic Chinaese surname! XI LUHAN. RIGHT?!"


"Wait... So I was wrong?"

Luhan facepalmed himself. "You were right," He sighed as he shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Oh, right. I knew that!" 

"You say 'right' a lot, don't you?"

"Why? Would you prefer it if I said 'left'?"

"Was that meant to be a joke?"



"So... I guess this is gonna be our homeroom for the rest of the year," Namjoo whispered to Chorong as they reached their destination.

Chorong nodded. "I guess so."

"Wow... I was kinda hoping it'd be a bit more colourful... You know what I mean?"

Mrs Ahn had overheard the two of them talking. "Yes, I know what you mean. Don't worry. I'm sure that as the year goes on, the classroom will get filled with more happiness!" 

She turned to the rest of the class. "Did you kids hear that? I want you to make this a happy environment. And because I want it to be happy, I'll let you guys decide where you want to sit. Beware, though. You'll be stuck with that seat for the rest of the term, okay?"

Almost at once, all the 1-A students shoved to get in the room. They wanted to get stuck with good seats, not ones in bad spots. And, since the tables were two-seaters, they didn't want to wind up being partners with some awkward person.

Lucky for Chorong and Namjoo, they had been at the front of the crowd and got to choose where they sat first. 

Next to the window that ran along the whole of the left side. Well, Chorong next to the window and Namjoo on her right.

"That was fast..." Mrs Ahn chuckled. "Well, you guys can all get to know each other for a bit while I hand out the stuff you'll need to survive high school. That means your timetable and a map of the school. I'll go around to you kids one by one so I can get to know you myself. Deal?"

"Yes Mrs Ahn," Everyone chorused.

She smiled. "Commence your talking!" 

And just like that, Namjoo turned to Chorong and smiled. "So, what middle school did you come from?" 

"*****, you?"

"*****? Cool! I came from *******. Do you know where that is? Most people wouldn't know." 

"Most people? More like nobody." A voice came from behind them. Chorong and Namjoo both whipped their heads around to face a boy with a tall build. 

"And you are..." Namjoo asked.

"Someone that every girl should know."

Namjoo scoffed. "Really? Then I'm not every girl. I bet Chorong doesn't know who you are, either."

"A- Actually, N- Namjoo..." Chorong began quietly.

"Aha see? She knows me," Sehun said proudly.

"He was the one who asked us who Mrs Ahn was... But I don't know his name."

"HAH!" Namjoo exclaimed. "Not every girl knows you."

"But she remembered me. I bet you're pretending not to know me, just because you've already got a crush on me." 

Namjoo's mouth flew open. But, before she could reply, a tall girl with a beautiful figure turned around in her seat in front of Chorong, and spoke.

"Don't mind Sehun. Without him being friends with Luhan, he never would've been as popular as he thinks he is."

"Gee... Thanks Hayoung. Wait a minute... You're in this class too?!"

The girl, Hayoung, ignored him. "Speaking of which, where is Luhan?" 

"He's right next to..." Sehun stopped. He was about to tell Hayoung that his best friend was right next to him, except for the fact that he wasn't. 

"Exactly." Then, she added as two people walked into the room. "Speak of the devil." 

Sehun turned to the door. "HEY! Luhan! Saved you a seat, here." 

Luhan smirked, waved and made his way over to the empty seat in the back row next to the window. 

He purposely pushed a girl's pencil, just to see what her reaction would be like when he picked it up for her. He bent down, picked it up and, as he was about to stand again and return it... He looked up.

And what he saw, or should I say, who he saw, shocked him. 

It was almost as if Luhan had forgotten how to breathe. What was this feeling? When did he ever feel this way about a girl before?

He silently returned the pencil and finally sat down next to Sehun...

Directly behind the girl who made him feel something unusual. Something that he had never felt before. A deep stirring inside his stomach that made him feel like he was falling from the sky.

The girl who distracted him from flirting with another girl.

The girl with beautiful hair and beautiful skin who was just beautiful

The girl who made him finally believe that love at first sight was actually real.

The girl.... Who was giving him no attention whatsoever. 

Sehun nudged him. "What's wrong, Lulu? Where were you? Also, you're staring at hair."

"Huh? Oh I was talking to this guy named Chanyeol. That's him over there." He pointed to a boy who looked like he was feeling quite awkward sitting in a chair that was evidently a bit too small.

"Oh, okay. Then why were you staring at the girl's hair in front of you?" 

"I wasn't." 

"Then what were you staring at?"

"A fly."

"What fly?"

"A fly from the sky."

"What fly from the sky?"

"A fly from the sky that left the room already."

"O...K then..." Sehun said unertainly. "Oh, hey, did you know that Hayoung's in this class, too?"

"Hayoung? Oh Hayoung? As in the Hayoung that you've had a crush on since kindergarten?" 


"Admit it. You still like her." 

Sehun turned away and pouted stubbornly. 

Luhan shook his head and smiled, just as the two girls in front of him turned around.

The one with short hair looked at Sehun, then at Luhan. "What's with him?" She asked.

"Nothing." He replied, purposely avoiding looking at the girl directly in front of him. He settled on looking at the short-haired girl. 

"Who are you?" He asked her.

"Kim Namjoo. And I take it that you're Luhan?"

"Why yes, how did you know?" He smirked.

"She was talking about you," Namjoo pointed at Hayoung.

"Ah, so Hayoung mentioned me? Did she say anything about Sehun?"

"Yes, actually."

Sehun's head immediately perked up. "Really? What did she say about me?"

"That you wouldn't be as popular as you are now without Luhan."

"She said that I'm popular?" He smiled to himself before turning away.

Out of the corner of Luhan's eye, as he was laughing to himself about Sehun, he saw Namjoo nudge the girl next to her.

"I'm Chorong..." The girl put out her hand and he turned to face her.

Luhan eyed it for a long time before looking at her. "Just Chorong?" 

"Park Chorong." 

He took her hand and shook it... He thought it would just be like all those other handshakes at the end of soccer games...

He didn't expect it to be something different.

It was like a bolt of electricity ran through both of them. Tsssss, it crackled.

"Ah... Am I ruining a moment, here?" Mrs Ahn's voice cut through the crackling.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Luhan asked.

"Well, I was just talking to Hayoung and Naeun over here, turned and was about to talk to Chorong and Namjoo, and I see you two shaking each other's hands for a long time. Too long to be just a handshake. You're still holding each other's hands, by the way."

Chorong looked down and let go immediately. "S- Sorry..." She mumbled to Luhan.

He was about to tell her that she didn't need to apologise, but she already turned back to talk to Namjoo, Hayoung and Naeun.

Luhan looked down at his own hand, left behind by Chorong's.

What is this unusual feeling that has taken over my soul?

 AUTHOR'S NOTE They mettttt! Ok, so their meeting was in Luhan's point of view, but the next chapter will have Chorong constantly thinking about it. 

# Love at first sight <3

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Penawar #1
Chapter 2: update soon
RPWorldHahax #2
Chapter 2: Interestinggg. c: Update soon !
misseu #3
Chapter 2: best story line update soon authornim!
misseu #4
Chapter 1: i love this!
kyuyoung #5
Chapter 2: That was cute author-nim :3 keep your good work keke I'll wait for your update and well I'm a bit curious about their past what makes luhan so popular and also about sehun and hayoung hoho fighting!!
Chapter 2: It's so cute, luhan must be mesmerize by chorong's beauty ><
kyuyoung #7
Chapter 1: Caught my attention ㅋㅋ will wait for your update author-nim^^
Chapter 1: interesting so far and I love it. ^^
Chapter 1: I'm curious abt their first meeting kkk. Keep update author-nim!
Chapter 1: Im looking forward for your story authornim ^^