First day

Not your typical School life.


[Hyun Ae's POV]

“Hyunnie!!” Loud scream from my mother made me skip a beat. “You are going to be late dear!”

“Yeah I know” I yelled back, fixing my short hair. I turned back and grabbed my uniform. After fixing self , i applied simple makeup and grabbing my bag on the floor, I took a pause to take a look of myself from toe to head on the mirror in front of me.

Self – checked, I grinned.'Damn you look hot, today girl' I winked to myself while snapping finger toward my mirror.

"Opps, i forgot something" I took out my big black-framed spectacle and put it on. 'now you really hot girl' I giggled light as my mother yelled my name again.

"Alright omma!! i'm coming" I mumbled, strode out from the room.I ran to downstairs and dashes to the door as my mother waited there, holding yeah.. My favorite food ever, a BURNT toast haha

“Mian hae, omma” I breathed, clasping my hands together

“Don’t slack too much dear” She frowned. “You already 16, and you know it!”

“I know I know” I grinned sheepishly. “I gotta go now! Bye mom!”

I kissed my mother on both side of her cheek and took the toast from her and put it on my mouth.

“See ya!” I winked.

“Good luck on your first day of school” She smiled. "AND DONT WINK TOO MUCH!!"

“Yeah” I squeaked as I took my beautiful and yet marvelous bike; a damn ugly old bicycle to get off to school.

Hello all. The name is Yoon Hyun Ae. Yes, I am the only precious child of my parent, and just yesterday we moved into that house. This place is not bad after all despite that I missed my old hometown. And yes, today is going to be my first day at this place’s school. What is the name of that school? Hmm, oh yeah, it’s Rising Sun High. Cool huh the name.

I stopped as my eyes widen when i saw the school in front of me,WOW it was damn HUGE!!

Haha,i'm just kidding. it’s not really huge or something. It just an average school *cough* it just only cleanlier and fresher than my old school.

I giggled alone, and breathed deeply. Holding my fist, and raised it to the air while screaming “Hwaiting” in my heart.
Realizing that people surround me started to look to me suspiciously, I quickly withdraw on what I did, turning back and suddenly bumped into which me to lose stable and fall. I quickly shut my eyes and suddenly I felt a strong force pulled me toward it, and so I instantly opened my eyes and saw tall man in front of me.

Whaa-haaa, he's so tall and cute!! Make me want to pinch him, God!! i fallen in love at the first sight!! Despite he had the look of arrogant one, but still HOT!

“Ah! Sorry” I gasped, rubbed my neck at the back as i pulled back, giving a way for him

"Yeah, you better watch your eyes after this" He rolled his eyes, and walked away after that.I immediately frown as i still rubbing my neck.

GRRR IDIOT!!! but *sigh* at least he saved me. But really that guy took my breath away at that moment. I still sitting on the floor until I saw a pair of shoe suddenly appeared in front of me.

Wow, that was a pretty shoe...I looked up and gasped.

No, it not the guy before. It’s different. Omg, he’s so cute, and yet has charismatic look on his face. I MEAN HE IS SPARKLING, SHINING IN FRONT OF ME! LIKE AN ANGEL! HE IS THE CUTEST ANGELLL ON EARTH!!!!! I*cough* i better stop that, can't help it since my heartbeart turned into running maniac.I blinked once and twice as He squatted down.

“A-Are you okay?” He leaned forward to me with concerned look.

“U-uh-um!” I breathed, blushing as his face is like a few centimeter from me.

Gosh, did I mention that I always this awkward when comes into guys.

GAH. "fine" i said which turned out to be a mumble, hah he didn't hear that. GAH once more.

Then he moved back and tilted his head to the right.

“Here, you go” he gave me his hand and he pulled me back as I finally stood up.

“Thanks” I shuttered. 'YOU ARE THE BESTTT!!!'

“Oh!” The man said, he bent down and took my bag, “ Here”


“Thanks again” I smiled, quickly holding back as i pulled back my arms to back and grabbed my bag.

“Hmm~” He looked at me with curious look.

“Uh. I have to go now” I looked away from him, trying to run away now. I can't stay here much longer!! He's driving me crazy in a second now!!

“Wait, I never seen you before." He stopped me as i going to walk away. " I bet you are new here right?”

Bull eye. He smiled. I blinked in response.

“I guess I can you to the office then. Beside the school is freaking huge” He exclaimed cutely.

I burst out laugh; he blinked with question marks around his.

“U-h What?” He stammered, immediately shut his mouth.

I could see he blushing right now. SO CUTE!

“Nothing.” I smiled. “Shall we?”

“Oh yes He said , leading the way inside the school.

“Thanks again, umm uhh..”

“Junsu, Kim Junsu” he squeaked and quickly covered his mouth. "Don't tell anyone about it"

“Don't worry about it and Thanks, Junsu-shii” I giggled and so we walked together to the office.


“Here we are” Junsu showed the room with widely open arm.

“Thanks again” I bowed again and again and again.

"err, you don't have to that again and again" He stopped me from doing that “No need to”

“Okay hehe” I scratched my forehead.

“Ah, gotta go now” He frowned as he checking on his watch. “Bye, see you later..or someday”

“Okay” I smiled, waving to Junsu now.

That guy was actually nice, totally different from I expected it to be, i know he's MY ANGEL now.


[Junsu’s POV]

I immediately stopped as I nearly arrived to my class.

“GOSH” I yelped and slapped lightly on my forehead.

I forgot to ask her name. I sighed and entered to my class.


[Hyun Ae’s POV]

The co-principal and staff were nice. I am actually happy about it.Although co-principal did warned me about the principal who actually watched over us. Okay, that scared me but still~

After short talk with co-principal, I stood up and bowed politely before i walked out from the co-principle room.

“Oh yeah, HyunAe-shii”

“Yes?” I turned over,looking at the co-principal.

“Your homeroom teacher waited for you outside, he will took you to your class okay?”

I bowed again. “Thank you sir”

I walked out and as i closes the door, i saw this....

h-h-ho... hot gorgeous man in front of me, stood there while holding files on his hand although i could see from the side. But still~ he's hot man from the side. I think i am going to die now~ i had seen too much hot guys today.. urgh~

As the bell rang, he turned around and saw me.

“gosh” I gulped.“He so damn handsome!” I placed my hand to my chest.

“Yoon HyunAe right?” his low husky voice said, calling for my name, yes my name.

“Yes, Sir” I smiled sheepishly.

"What are you doing there??" He put his hand on his waist, as he bent down toward to me

Okay, i admitted i overly-dramatic, he saw me on the floor. I quickly stood up, accidentally hit him hard on the chin.

"AH! Sorry S-Sir!!" I quickly ran to him who backed off little and is now groaned in pain. "Are you okay??"

"I-It's okay" He made a sign to stop and turned his head down toward me."I'm fine"

"You are not"

"I'm Not"

"Yeah you do"

"Am not"

"You do" I pointed to bloody red fluid that come out from his nose.

"It's just a little one" He said, wiped off the blood from his nose.

"Not it's not"

"Yes, it is."

"You better go to sickbay now, sir"

"Nah, it's okay" Aish, this sir is so stubborn.

"No, not okay" I pointed again to his nose, now the blood turned out to massive.

"" I could his mutter. "what to do now"


"Aishh.. what to do.. what to do" He kept whining as he walked in circle and the blood all over the floor.

"Sir, just turned your head up for a while"

"What to do..what to do"


"JUST LOOK UP SIR!" I get annoyed and turned his head up to the ceiling.

"What ARE Y-" He widen his eyes, turning his head down.

"YOU FREAKING IDIOT! JUST DO WHAT I SAID JUST NOW!" I growled as i turned his up again and he shutted up. I sighed and started to push him from the back. "Just let me sent you to the sick bay."


"Don't tell me, you never had nosebleed before"

"You could say that"

"Where the sick bay?" I asked, and he pointed the room and i helped him to the sickbay. Thank god, no one actually saw the scene just now since the registration class already started although some of student watched with their eyes wide open when i sent him to the sick bay.


"Thanks" He turned his head down and looked at me who standing in front of him.

"Your most welcome" I grinned. "anyway, sorry about just now"

"It's okay" He sighed and then stood up. “Okay, then. You know I’m your homeroom teacher right”

I nodded repeatly.

He chuckled. “and oh, my name is park yoochun. And you will be in my class later”


He chuckled again, “Never mind. Well then let’s go.

"How about your nose?"

"You don't have to worry about it"

My Handsome Teacher I mean my homeroom teacher, Mr.Park, took me to class. Girls giggled and boys roughly shouted across the room. They quickly back to their seat as Teacher enters the room, and walked to his place.

“Listen up, class” He said. Gosh, his husky voice made me stumbles a bit lol. You just took my heart away SIR!! beside the angel and the cold guy just now!

He turned to me and gives give me signal to come in. I walked in awkwardly again. My new classmates kept on silent and looked up as they saw me enter the room. “We have a new student here. Her name is Yoon HyunAe. Treat her nicely, okay?” the teacher encouraged.

“Yes, sir!” they chorused.

After I kept on looking down to the floor, ignoring the people in front of me. I bet they talking bad about me. I sighed slowly.


I jerked a bit as I turned over,

Woahh so close~ SO CLOSE TO COMFORT! *DIES*

“Yes sir!” I exclaimed and quickly moved away from him.

He chuckled. “Yoon Hyun Ae, You go sit beside that guy” I turned over to check who is Mr.Park talked about and saw THAT GUY from earlier on. We both exchanged deadly glare.

“So are you goin?” Mr.Park grinned to me. Okay, he was freaking me out on the second thought. I flinched and quickly ran to my seat.

Man, that teacher is really is a something. not to mention too stubborn! I could see that teacher chuckled again, i sighed. After the registration, he walked out from the 
class FINALLY.

Suddenly all the girls scrammed to my table, I blinked many time, shocked.

"GOSHHHH" one girl screamed.

"Err~ yes??" I blinked innocently since i have no idea WHAT THE HELL THEY ALL OVER MY TABLE!?

"DID Mr.Park just smiled to you!??"

"Eh???" I tilted my head to the side, puzzled. "Is something wrong with it?"

"Omg!!" the other girl squealed. "Don't you know Mr.Park is like the hottest teacher in this school~!"

"YAH I know!" the other one budged in. "He’s Mine"

"SINCE WHEN!? He’s mine"




They both then screaming and yelling while I kept on dumbfound, cupping my both ear from the shrieking as I watched on what happening in front of me.

it's like "WHAT THE ING HELL??"

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled out from the swarm of girls and it was beautiful girl with short curly hair.

"Errr thanks" I scratches my head. "Welcome" she smiled.


“Don’t worry~” she giggles. “They always like that, Every time when there’s hot guy around.”

'same goes to me~ i laughed alone in my heart.' I raised my eyebrow.

Sick Fangirls =.=” , although i am fangirl myself, but i aint that eccentric like them, squeeing like hell. but i do squee in my heart, i am such a nice girl, am i? XD

“Oh by the way~” She snapped my thought.

“Hmm?” I smiled to her.

“It’s rare to see Mr.Park tease student like that” She pouted. " I envy you"

What?? after i bullied him i guess. “yeah right” I grinned.

The bell rang, the first period is now started.


[Hyun Ae's POV]

The class went out smoothly except that I bumped with THAT FIRST GUY from earlier on AGAIN and AGAIN.I think his name is Changmin..i think. Oh yeah, and yes I don’t know his name. Ha-ha weird huh? I mean we has been same class in most of the subject that I took, physic,math, and same registration class. We have several an eye contact, but we tend to ignore and act like nothing. Then computer, thank god that he not there and then, goes here.

After computer class, I ran to search the room L1.1 but I cannot find it anywhere, I was helplessly look around to find someone to help me but then they seems busy doing their own things

I sighed and then shook. I shouldn’t sigh.

My mother once said people sighing mean that people is give up easily. I’m not that kind of girl. I hold my fist and punched to the air while muttered “hwaiting”

Then I looked around and saw him! YES MY ANGEL!!

”Junsu-shii!” I shouted while waving my hands.

He looked around and saw me. He instantly smiled and ran to me

“er…” he scratches his head.

“Yoon HyunAe!” I exclaimed, while clapping my hands lightly.

“ohhh, hyunAe” He smiled sheepishly. “what’s wrong?”

“Could you help me?“ I squealed. “I’m totally helpless right now”

“Sure!” He exclaimed. “what is it?”

“where is L1.1?”

“hmmm” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Yes?” I blinked innocently.

”oh, guess that you are my junior then!” He grinned

“Oh!” I blushed. “Sorry Senior!” I corrected my call toward him.

“hehe, it’s okay. Here let me show you”

Thanks to him, I found the place, as I opened the door, I saw lanky man, corrected his cloths and push his spectacle as he turned over and saw me.

“Yoon Hyun-!” He exclaimed, pointed to me.

I blinked.

Oh my. My stubborn teacher is here. it's Mr.Park.

He flashed a cheesy smile to me which caused uproar to the girls.

What is that? it's more like elvis pointing to me or something with his cheesy smile.

“Sit down there” he pointed the empty seat. I bowed and walked to the seat. When I got to my seat, I looked down, sensing bunch of eyes were at me.

Sigh. Pathetic. oh well..At least, i'm famous now *blinking eyes innocently*

“Okay let’s start our lesson now”

“Hello Hyun Ae”

I snapped and turned over and saw that girl.

“Ah hi!” I waved and smiled.

“Shiranai” she smiled in return. “my name, forgot to tell earlier on”

“hehehe” I chuckled.

“oh by the way” she whispered. “You better be careful”

“I know I know” I sighed. "Sir. i get it"


[Changmin’s POV]


I saw that ANNOYING girl again and again. It was plain . I mean… I don’t know, I should be trying at least act friendly to her, but then the opposite comes out. Sigh… this is tiring. I mean all this time; I kept on huge distance from the opposite gender. I tried so hard to get near but yet so far. I guess I am not that good when comes to this matter. And yeah, I not that close with my classmate and such, for some reason I always hanged out with my hyung instead, they were cool nuff said.

Anyway, it was lunch time and I was roaming around the school. As usual my stomach calls me; yes I am hungry, FREAKING hungry. I NEED TO EAT! I AM STILL YOUNG~!

I went into the overfilled cafeteria. I looked around for a place to sit, after saw my friends with empty seat, I sat down. Then, I stood up, and told them that I going to take some food from the cafeteria. Then I walked to the line and grabbed some food. As I took food, I saw THE MOST ALLURING FOOD EVAAAA, its hamburger yum yum. And it only one left and when I was going to place my fork on that burger suddenly there’s another fork comes from no where clashing with my fork.

“WHAT THE…!” I gasped as I saw that girl.. I MEAN THAT GIRL AGAIN! glared to me with her deadly stare.

“Yah!” She whined.

I gave a glare to her and snarled . “Screw off”

“Mine” She scowled back.

“No, it’s mine” I scoffed.

“Can’t you see my fork here first??” She hissed, pointing to her fork.

“Oh really? It’s Mine dear” I hissed back. "Not yours now"

Both of us gave fiercely glare to each other while our forks fights against each other .I shoved the burger to the air when I saw tiny chance and took the burger away. I swift out and stick tongue out to her

“You lose!” I laughed ebilly, as i watched her frowned.

“Oh no you don’t” She immediately pushes my tray and caught the burger as it tossed into the midair.We both fought like hell just for that burger and in the end, the burger slipped from our hand and dropped directly into dustbin.

Both of us quickly ran to the dustbin and cried out.

“My BUBU” She screamed

“My precious burger!!” I cried out.

“We should be share the burger.It’s your fault idiot!” She squeaked.

“If you give me the first place, that burger wouldn’t flung to the dustbin” I squirmed.

“It’s your fault took away my bubu from you, idiot!”

“that’s not your bubu! That’s mine!”

We both snarled and looked away and walked away.


[no one pov]

“Hyungggggggggggggggggg” Changmin cried out.“My burger has been stolen by dustbin”

“for god sake, why you become so immature and what the hell with dustbin stole your burger. They didn’t even move!” the older man exclaimed.

“But Jaejoong hyung~”

”Gosh, why you become childish, I never seen your like these!”

“It’s that girl fault”


“The new student, YOON HYUN AEEE!” he screamed.

Yoon..hyun..Ae? The older man widen his eyes.He frowned. “where is she?”

“There!” Changmin wailed, pointing below, where the girl played with water on the pool.

The older man made an o-shaped.

“ne, changmin”


“you go fight her! Don’t be such a cry baby!”

The older man pushes Changmin, which cause the younger man to fall from first floor directly to that you.

At the same time, Hyun Ae turned up and saw the man fall onto her! She tried to ran away, but failed as it was too late. Changmin hit that girl and they both fell into the pool together.

Hyun Ae took out breath as she push herself into the air.

“ WHAT THE HELL!?” Changmin exclaimed

Changmin also took out his breath and looked at Hyun Ae. In fact they both looked each together in the pool.

Suddenly Hyun Ae burst out laugh, causing changmin dumbfounded. She splash him the water, while said “You really weird person” Hyun Ae smiled.

Changmin blinked and suddenly craved a smile on his face.

“why..THANK YOU” he splashes back water to Hyun Ae.

They both had a laugh together while the older man stared to Hyun Ae and then walked away.


[Hyun Ae’s POV]

“Sorry for… coming out from no where and cause you to fell down to that pool” Changmin muttered.

“You better do” I cried out. “Jokes” I smiled.

“Wanna grab a bite?” I grinned. “ It's a treat”

“Oh! 10 burgers for me?” he pouted.

“Heck no!” I frowned. “That would be me” I grinned.

“Don’t tell me you love food too!??”

“Of course! I mean who don’t love food?”

“but people don’t eat that many food”

“they just idiot. Food is our life”

“lol true!” Changmin exclaimed.

“So you on my side too!?”

“HELL YEAH!” he grinned.

“umm.. after that..” he muttered


“nothing! Shim Changmin anyway”

“Okay” I smiled. "Yoon hyun ae!!"

"I know your name idiot"

"YAHH!!" I growled, started to chase after him.


"So this is the new school that i'm going teach to?" The man turned over to the other man beside him.

"Yes, Jung Yunho. Starting from tommorow, you will teaching here" The other man said, staring the big gate in front of them.

The Day ended after that.


[A/N]: I think i made small appearance on yun and jae XD oh well~ they will be more on the next chapter anyway.


P.S Shiranai mean 'I don't know' in Japanese XD

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dbsk <3
oh hello there! its been quite a looooong time now. I never thought I'd met you thru' aff!<br />
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anyways , I am really glad that I found you here! I hope that you do remember me , tho. I am your loyal reader from winglin , hehehe. :p *and always be! cos' I absolutely loves randomness!*<br />
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&& peace! :DD