
His Ideal Girl





Kai's ideal type - someone gentle and affectionate/passionate 


Kai frowned as he watched the young woman dance on the stage. “Her pirouettes are sloppy,” he remarked to the older woman on his left, “She can’t even do the basics. You’re wasting my time Hyoin.” 


“Kai-ssi,” Hyoin sighed, looking to the young man. “You need a new partner for the showcase. As great as you are, you can’t be both the Princess and the Prince.”


Kai rolled his eyes at her comment. “How many are left?” He muttered, irritated with the audition. Irriated that his previous partner had decided to leave the company for another one that promised she would be a star. 


“Just one.” 


“One.” Kai cursed, exasperation seeping in. He was tempted to kick the chair in front of him but held back. “Are you kidding me?”


Hyoin ignored his comment and stood up from her seat, “Thank you Ms. Kim, number 17 please come to the stage.” 


Kai’s gaze moved to the left of the stage, his brows furrowing at the sight of a thin girl, dressed in a simple black unitard. No skirt, he noted, folding his arms together. 


“Annyeong,” her voice was soft as she bowed once she reached the centre of the stage, “My name is Hana.” 


“She’s beautiful,” Hyoin noted to him with a smile. Her long hair was tied back in a bun, her features soft and delicate. She looked more like a fay than a girl. “Music, cue!” 


The song was unexpected, a sad and melancholic piece, the sorrow in her face wonderfully displayed as she danced on the stage. She’s good, he admitted to himself, utterly captured by her brown eyes that seemed to catch his. Long, graceful lines, perfect spins, and beautiful expressions. She finished as the song ended, her lithe body on the floor in her final pose. 


Kai clapped loudly, the first time he had throughout the auditions. Finally, someone who could take his partner’s place. 


“Ms. Lee,” Hyoin asked, pulling off her glasses, “How long did you practice dance?” 


“Fifteen years,” Hana replied once she stood up, “I started when I was five, I’ve been trained in classical ballet, hip-hop, and contemporary dance.”


“And you have yet to join any companies?” 


“Oh,” she laughed, “I went to university for engineering, thinking my dance should stay a hobby but I decided that wasn’t for me. Dancing is my life, my passion, it’s what drives my soul.”


“I see,” Hyoin smiled thoughtfully. “And are you busy tomorrow morning?” 


“Huh?” Hana stuttered, confused by her question.


Hyoin chuckled, “My dear, you’re in. Practice with our Prince,” she gestured to Kai, “Begins tomorrow at seven in the morning. Make sure you’re on time.” 


“Oh,” Hana grinned, “Oh! Neh!” She bowed repeatedly. “Thank you, thank you so much.” 


“Make us proud.” 


“Neh!” Hana clapped her hands, “Thank you!” She bowed once more before she rushed off the stage. 


Kai smirked as he his dark gaze followed the young woman, “Are you sure about her?” 


“I’ve never been wrong before Kai-ssi.” She patted his shoulder, “Why would I start now? Besides, she’d look beautiful next to you, don’t you think?” 



Kai drank from his bottle of water as he walked into the building, nodding his head to the receptionist as he walked up the stairs to his studio. His brows rose as he heard music coming from the room, pausing by the door to inspect the sound. It’s her, he thought, watching as the girl moved to the music. 


Who dances to Beyonce at six-thirty in the morning? He wondered, mesmerized by the swing of her hip, the swish of her hair as she flipped her head. How is it she can be this y when just yesterday she looked like a lost teenage girl. 


He decided to enter the room when the song ended. “Good morning.” He greeted her, watching with a smirk on his angled face as she became startled by his entrance and stumbled over her feet. 


“Ah… uh… Kai-sunbaenim,” she greeted, bowing low. “It’s an honour,” she added softly, her cheeks turning red. 


“You know who I am?” He asked, his brows raised. 


“Of course,” she blushed, “I’m a fan of yours. I went to your show in the summer… it’s what helped convince myself that dance is what I wanted.” 


“I see,” he turned to put his bag agains the wall in the corner and slipped out of his grey converse. “Your name is Hana?” 


“Neh,” she bowed again, “Hana Lee. 20 years old.” 


He chuckled, “Kim Jongin, my stage name is Kai. 22 years old.”


“Ah… neh.” She smiled brightly, “You’re early.” 


“As are you.” He pulled off his hoodie, “When did you get here?” 


“I think 6?” She pulled the elastic out of her hair and played with it. “I couldn’t sleep last night,” she confessed with a light laugh. “I mean who would have thought that one day I’d be dancing with the Kai. Dance prodigy of Seoul.” 


He laughed, his expression making her heart skip a beat. So handsome, she mused, her small crush she had on him since she was younger growing larger every second she was with him. “I um… you taught a class once, at my old studio. You were great, really great.”


“Thank you,” he returned as he shrugged off his grey crew neck sweater, his white t-shirt underneath lifting with the sweater. His toned chest was exposed as he pulled it over his neck with one hand, lazily tugging down his t-shirt with his other.


Hana’s eyes widened at the appearance of his well-defined abdomen, her cheeks bright red as she quickly turned her head, her heartbeat quickening. Omo. A chest should not be that good looking. 


Kai smirked as she blushed. Hana, you’re a shy one, aren’t you? “So are you ready to start?” He asked, trying to catch her attention.


“What?” She squeaked, her hands slapping to her cheeks in embarrassment, “I mean,” she cleared , “Yes.” 


“Ok,” he walked to the barre, “I’m guessing you’ve stretched enough, so play the first track on the CD and we’ll see what you can improvise.” 


“Yes,” her hands were shaky as she played the music, standing in the centre of the room, her eyes closed as she got a feel for the music. Ignore him and just dance, she told herself. Slowly her feet began to move with the breezy tune, bouncing ever so lightly with her nimble feet. Her arms extended as she executed a perfect jump, spinning out of it and continued.


Kai smiled as he watched her, leaning back against the barre. She’s got pure, raw talent. He clapped once the song ended, “You know Hana,” he tapped his chin, “I think we’re going to make an excellent team.” 


“Really?” Her expression was bright, “You… wow, thank you, sunbaenim.” She bowed again, “You’re too kind.” 


“Come on,” he shook his head, “Call me Kai. Sunbaenim makes me sound like I’m forty years your senior.”


She giggled, gently teasing him. “Are you sure you’re not?” 


“Yah!” He pushed himself off the wall, “You’re feisty under all of that innocence aren’t you?” 


She grinned, “You’re making it too easy.” 


“Ok, ok.” He took the small remote for the player and pressed play, “I’m choreographing for the entire showcase, but feel free to add in some things. There will be two solos, the corps will have three dances, our children groups will also perform, and then we will have two dances. The showcase will tell the story about life in a fantasy kingdom. Happiness, sadness, death, greed.”




Kai walked towards her, noting how she reached the his shoulders, “Put your hands around my neck.” 


“N-neh,” she stuttered, gulping as she reached up onto her tiptoes, their chests touching. He’s just a man, she told herself, an incredibly handsome, attractive man who smells really delicious. 


“Ok,” he murmured, the sides of his mouth lifting as he looked into her brown doe eyes. She’s nervous, he thought, feeling her tremble once he placed his hand at the small of her back. “We’ll start from here, pas de deux.” 


“Neh,” she gulped as he started the music, slowly going through the movements he wanted. She blushed every time he touched her waist, which was quite often considering he was her partner. He was strong too, easily lifting her up for the shoulder sit. 


And you’re stil red, she scolded herself once practice ended six hours later. 


“Not bad for a beginner,” Kai teased, chugging his drink. “Think you can handle six weeks of practice?” 


Hana nodded as she moved in front of the fan, her cheeks red, her forehead damp with sweat. “I haven’t danced this long for a while but I can handle it. No problem.” 


“Alright,” he started, interrupted when Hyoin walked into the room.


“Kai, lunch with the Yoons starts in thirty minutes. Please do shower and get ready. You have to charm his wife into donating to our company.” 


Kai smirked, his tone cocky, “I think she’d like to see me sweaty and wearing only black tights.” 


“Kai,” Hyoin tsked, playfully slapping his arm, “You’d give that sixty year old woman a heart attack. 


“Ouch,” Kai sighed, rubbing his arm. “You’re so violent for a director.” He bowed to Hana, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” 


“Neh,” Hana bowed in return, “Good luck being charming.” 


He threw her a smile, joking, “Aren’t I always?” 



After nearly five weeks of practice Kai and Hana had gotten much closer. They spent nearly twelve hours a day together, yet he found himself wanting to spend even more time with her. She was a breath of fresh air, always optimistic, always smiling. Not only was she talented in dance, but she had helped him choreograph the rest of the performances. Kai found himself impressed daily with her knack for making the dances flow seamlessly. 


Their own choreography was polished and intimate, telling the tragic story of a dying Princess and the arrogant Prince that had fallen for her. Their chemistry was undeniable, their practices often watched by audiences of teenage girls who cooed over how Kai looked at the younger woman. 


“Kai-sunbaenim totally likes her,” a girl noted to her friends as they watched through the window in the hallway.


“Look how he touches her, like she’s going to break.” The other girl sighed, “That’s so romantic.”


Another girl snorted, crossing her arms, “Guys, it’s just the choreography.” 


“Oh yeah?” The other girl pointed to how Kai playfully gave Hana a back hug when she went to drink her water. “Since when is hugging a part of their routine?” 


Later that night, after practicing for ten hours, the two dancers decided to end for the day. 


“I’ll walk you home,” Kai murmured to her as he helped her into her coat.


Hana gulped, her eyes meeting his in the mirror. “Y-you don’t have to.” She told him, “It’s late, and you should just-”


“Exactly. It’s late,” he smiled, extending his hand, “What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you walk home alone?” 


“I…” she sighed, “There’s no winning with you, is there?” 


“Nope,” he grinned as she slipped her small hand through his, giving it a light squeeze. “Come on,” he turned off the lights to the studio and they walked out of the building in silence. 


“It’s so quiet,” she murmured nervously, her heart pounding. Why are you so skittish? She asked herself. He was her dance partner. In eight days they’d be performing together in front of thousands of people yet here she was, her heart pounding, her cheeks flush as he held her hand. Just holding her hand. 


“It’s two in the morning, not exactly prime mingling time.” He joked, “Yah!” He rubbed his chest where Hana had playfully hit him. 


“Jerk,” she stuck her tongue out at him.


“Yah,” he gently pushed her against the wall of an apartment building, his tone a low purr. “I can think of a better use for that tongue of yours.”


She blushed at his words, her body trembling at the feel of his body so close to hers. This isn’t foreign, she told herself. He touches you everyday. And yet here you are, as red as a tomato. “Wha-…I…?” 


“Good,” he grinned, tugging her back as they continued to walk, “That shut you up.” 


“I…” She could only shake her head as they walked to her small apartment in silence. 


“So this is you,” he murmured, his thumb brushing over her hand before letting it go. 


“Mmhmm,” she unlocked her door, “This is my humble abode.” She her lights, the hallway illuminating. “Um, do you want to come in?” 


“Sure,” he tucked his hands into his grey sweatpants, stepping out of his loafers as he followed her to the small kitchen. 


“I have some orange juice,” she murmured as she opened her fridge,  “Or I can make you tea?” 


“I’m fine,” he replied, watching as she gracefully moved up onto her tiptoes to reach in her cupboards for a glass. He groaned as he turned away, unable to watch any longer. Does she know? He wondered, how she makes me feel. How she drives me crazy every time she bites her lip, every time she blushes, every time she touches my arm. 


Kai moved up, his mind made up. He wanted her, he decided, he had spent too many sleepless nights wondering about the what ifs. She was different, he knew that, she was everything he had been looking for in a partner. In dance and in life.  


He walked towards her, trapping her lithe form against the counter. “Hana,” he whispered, his voice husky, “You drive me crazy. You… you’re making me break all of my rules.” 


“I… oh…” she returned breathily, her nerves on fire as he moved closer. 


“Rule number one,” he looked deeply into her gaze, “Never fraternize with dancers in the company. Rule number two,” he wrapped his hands around her hips, bringing their forms together. “Don’t date younger girls. And rule number three,” he felt his stomach tighten, because what if she doesn’t feel the same way? “Don’t fall head over heels with your partner.”


“You…” she blushed, “You broke them all?” She wondered, you’ve fallen for me? Just like I fell for you? 


“All.” He moved slowly, looking into her eyes for any sign of discomfort, that she didn’t want him the way he wanted her. “Hana,” he groaned as he placed his forehead against hers, “I should have waited until after the showcase to tell you this.” 


“Probably,” she laughed lightly, cupping his cheeks with her small hands, “But I don’t mind,” she whispered, “Because I’ve fallen for you too.” 


Thank god. “Would you mind then?” He asked, his heart beat quickening, “If I kissed you?” Just once, he could get it out of his system and then wait until after. 


“I…” she gasped as his hold on her tightened, “No. I wouldn’t mind,” she murmured, her voice dulcet. 


“Good.” His lips descended on hers, lightly brushing against hers, so soft, so slow, passion building as she whimpered, her knees buckling at his touch. “Hana,” he cursed as he pulled back, needing to keep control. “Do you know how long I’ve thought of kissing you?”


“Really?” She giggled, “I guess, I guess I’ve thought about it to.” She took his hand, playing with his fingers, “Was it as good as you imagined?” 


“Even better,” he replied, smiling as he watched her blush. He wanted more, but he knew that he would be moving too fast. He needed to keep control, he needed to wait until after the showcase. No need to complicate things further until necessary. “I should go,” he murmured, running his hand through his hair, “It’s dangerous if I stay.” 


“O-oh,” she stuttered, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” 


“Tomorrow.” He stole one last kiss, unable to resist those perfect, pink lips. “Dream of me, Hana.” 


“Always,” she smiled, walking him to the front door. 



Hyoin smiled as the curtains closed, the applause from the audience still thundering. “Congratulations,” she turned to Kai who’s gaze was on Hana’s form as she congratulated the younger dancers on a job well done.


“Hm?” Kai glanced over, “Oh, Hyoin.” 


“You really are obvious, aren’t you?” 


Kai chuckled, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 


“How about that rumour that Eunji found you two making out in the practice room?” 


He smirked, “It was after hours.” 


“I’m sure it was,” she tsked, “Do at least try to keep it professional, won’t you? There’s many eyes in our company that could be corrupted by your passion.” 


He struggled not to laugh, “I’ll try,” Kai waved Hana over, taking her hand. “Hi,” he grinned, kissing her flushed cheeks.


“Hello,” she bowed to Hyoin and greeted the older woman, “Sunbaenim.” 


“Hana,” the older woman returned, “Congratulations.” 


“Thank you, we worked hard but it was worth it.” She beamed, her eyes jubilant as she spoke. “They seemed to love it, didn’t they?” 


Hyoin chuckled, “Not just the showcase,” she gestured to their intertwined hands, “But the two of you. I was right, wasn’t I? When I said she’d look beautiful by your side?” 


Hana blushed, “Oh.” 


“Yah,” Kai muttered as the older woman grinned cheekily and left to talk to the other dancers. “So,” he wrapped his hand around the shorter girl’s waist, “We do make a good team, don’t we?”


“I think so,” she played with the collar of his white shirt, “You look handsome today.”


“You mean everyday?” He teased, playing with the loose curls that had fallen out of her ponytail. “You were stunning today, Hana. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you when you danced.” 


“Thank you,” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and leaned up to take his cheek.


"I think you can do better than that," he teased, taking the chance to kiss her lips. 


The crowd of dancers cooed at the gesture, “They’re the cutest!” 


Hyoin shook her head and laughed, “Didn’t I just tell you to keep it professional?” 


A/N: hehe, so who should i do next?

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