La Mia Anima Gemalla (My Soulmate)

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Moonlight spilled through the branches like a witchy fingers seeking to expose her, reveal her seemingly constant terror that had befallen her ever since she'd lost her parent twelve months earlier.

Thorny vines ripped her clothes. Leaves nested in her free -flowing hair.

She kept on running. It was what her mother told her to do, but she is too tired. So tired living under assumed names, forced into nomadic vegabond life in search of an elusive saviour and fleeting safety.

Always suspicious of strangers. Everyone is strangers.

This might be the land of the free, land of the brave but she wasn't brave, and so far she only kept her freedom through caution, cowardice and luck. When would the luck run out?

She'd returned home with hopes of putting past ghost to rest and finding the clues to the whereabouts of  the man who could perhaps end her lonely nightmare. But she should not come here so close to sunset.

And she should've had her old clunker serviced at the first sign of trouble, instead of putting off the costly expense. Left on foot and alone, she hadn't even approached the shell of the new construction that rose from the foundation of what had been her home.

Too terified of what lurked in the darkness, she ran, yet again.


Her fear unfathomable, yet too real.

Her heart pounded, her muscles ached but like the horrible night a year earlier, she avoided the main road and fleed to the heavily wooded landscape.

A strange sense of deja-vu swept through her thoughts.

A deep breathes filled her lungs wih the scent of pine. Nature has always been a tranquil place, a playground with full of coloured exploration she had always shared with her parents, until that night, so similar to tonight.

It was supposed to an evening of celebration and promise but the attack had caught them by suprised. Her father had sounded the alarm and given his life to delay the danger long enough for her to escape, with the help of her mother.

I should've told u, should've prepared you for this..her mother had spoken so quickly in hushed whispers as her mother forced her into the closet of the bedroom-turn-study that was her father domain.The closet has had a hidden panel through which her mother ordered her to go, promising she'd follow later if she could.

Take these and this..  Her mother handed her a small cloth bag, retrieved from the floor of the closet, and yanked off  the jewelery encrusted locket she always worn, shoving it into her hand too. Go now! Hurry! Find Kwon Jiyong. That will prove your identity. You must find Jiyong. Trust no one but him. He'll protect you. I'm sorry, Faith, so sorry. I love you..always, love. She'd pushed her through the opening.



 Hey GZBs! 

I'm back.

Well, been reading this one book that quite interesting and while reading it, my mind was automatically changes the character to CL and GD. I don't know but i think the story really fit well with them. I'll try to summarized the story to make it into few chapter and share it with you lovely readers out there. This story is inspired from the book i have read and if accidently same as your story, my apologize. Do contact me and let me know. Anyway, enjoy readers!






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Nice story overall,next time just try to make it longer...mythical stories need to be written well and not in a haste,I feel there should have been more....
hunchaejingyo_0328 #2
Chapter 4: Can there be a sequel for this? Please I think that will really be a good idea. I'm curious about what will happen next and of course some baby wolves on the way^^
addy88 #3
Chapter 4: This is awesome.. sequel please.. yea i feel sad too seeing our queen rarely update her ig.. same as u im shipping them hard.. they always be real.. im hoping there is a chance for them to be together in the future but who knows right.. rather than expect too much i really cherish the kind of relationship they so called sis-bro relationship right now:)) yea just hoping the best for them.. its better to be surprised than expecting too much leads to major disappointment right?
Chapter 4: I did not expect it end just like that.
loveveve #5
I like this a lot. I like it different than the normal 'mate thing' happens normally in the story :). Keep up the good work n I'll try to comment from time to time!
Chapter 2: Update!!!This one is quite gooooodddddd!!!! I love stories about Wolves, Mates and Pacts! Kekeke... ^^
Chapter 2: soooo he's a werewolf?? and she is her mate??? aaaand... who were the ones ambushed her house and why?? anddd so they will live together now? eeeeyyy~~~ haha.. okay okay... i will wait for my questions to be answered in your updates~ im curious curious curious tho~ kkk~ and ji seems to be sooooo smitten awww~~
Chapter 1: :o what? wait.. where is the next chapter? omg this is soooo mysterious and vague i love thiis... who are even the wolves?? and why she gotta look got ji? is he one of the wolves? how come the wolf knows her name? aaaahh.. curious curious
Chapter 1: Omg I need more lol :D
annie02 #10
Chapter 1: Love it, update more juseyo