Black Butler

A little boy with jet black hair and navy blue eyes smiled as he played with his mom and dad. He was all smiles and the light in his eyes could be mistaken for stars. His name? Byun Baekhyun. Only son and heir of the Byun Company; a toy manufacturing company.


“Baekhyun! Watch your step!” his mother yelled, fearful that her nine year old son would trip and earn cuts. Baekhyun however, just smiled back at his mom while running around the garden with his friend; Luhan, who in all aspects looked unbelievably shiny and shimmery.


Baekhyun thinks that his friend loved all bright colors, not that it doesn’t suit him. Luhan is all smiles and butterflies just like he is.


“Baekhyunnie! Your birthday is coming soon! What are your plans?” Luhan asked as he sat down grass. Baekhyun is turning ten after more days and he was more than excited to have another grand party.


“I just want mom and dad there! that would make me happy!” Baekhyun smiled and Luhan giggled. The two boys continued to talk till the time their parents called them to come back inside the Byun Manor and eat dinner.




Baekhyun was excited, it was his birthday today and he was turning ten. He didn’t know why but it seemed that having an age with two digits was a big deal for him. He skipped happily to the limousine that’s always waiting for him to take him back home.


Although, it would seem that things aren’t as fine as he had hoped.


Baekhyun ran around the manor, searching for his mother and father, wanting to feel their embrace and greet him a Happy Birthday. But horror was suddenly present in his eyes as he stares down at two lifeless bodies.


“M-Mom? D-Dad?” Baekhyun choked out, tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wouldn’t believe.


“Young Master! Please run away!” Baekhyun turned to see one of the mansion’s servants.


“w-what happened? Why is mom and dad-----” before Baekhyun could even say anything, an unknown assailant attacked the servant. Baekhyun suddenly felt someone pulling him from behind so he screamed for rescue but to no avail.


Baekhyun suddenly felt a pang on his head and it was followed by darkness.




Baekhyun felt dirty, tired and hurt. He didn’t know where he was, he didn’t know what was happening. It was all too much for his little body and mind to take.


Baekhyun was sold, he didn’t know to whom and he didn’t know why, all he heard was that he was “rare” and that he is worth more than two people combined. His owner brands him, marks a deep and hurtful scar on his back making him cry and wince in pain.


“such a cute one you are. You’ll be the perfect sacrifice in time...” The man who had bought him said with a sly smirk and Baekhyun have never felt so afraid in his entire life. A sacrifice? What does that even mean?


5 years later…. Baekhyun had grown, not much in height but in attitude. He was became stoic, plain and boring. He was not the smiling and cheerful Baekhyun anymore, no, that was long gone. He doesn’t see much of the light since he is kept hidden in a cage.


Yes, a cage. That’s where his owner keeps him, like an animal, he is in chains by the ankles and wrists. He didn’t want to be in that position but there was no escape.


The steel bars suddenly opened and Baekhyun looked up in time to see masked men in weird cloaks circling him, soon enough, they were dragging him outside of the cage. Baekhyun was scared, he screamed for mercy and help but he got ignored.


“finally. The time has come.” Baekhyun recognizes the voice of his owner and he shivered just by thinking about what “time” has come.


“get him on the table.” A voice said and Baekhyun felt huge arms lifting him up, he tried to flee and resist but he was a small kid, skinny even, so he had no chance. His back mad contact with a marble table and it hurt like hell, he writhed in pain and cried. Why wasn’t anyone helping him? Won’t somebody come and save him?


Pain jolted on Baekhyun’s stomach when a knife was stabbed right through his skin. Blood ran down to his sides as he screamed and cried in pain. What was happening? What are they doing? Why are they doing this to him?


Baekhyun cried. He watched as the people around him smiled gleefully, he watched as they watched him lose color because of the lack of blood. Baekhyun wanted to rip their faces off, he wanted to suddenly gain power and torture the people who are doing this to him, he wanted to see them burning in a furnace, he wanted them dead.


“Baekhyun is it?” a sudden voice rang in his tiny ears and when he looked forward, there he saw a tall young man. He had dark brown hair that was pushed back, showing his stunning appearance, he looked like a male god. His ears were rather pointy, his eyes a little huge and his mouth formed into a huge grin.


“w-who-----” Baekhyun tried to speak but the people around him clamped his mouth shut.


“I’m Chanyeol. Would you like to make a contract with me, Baekhyun?” the tall man asked. Baekhyun looked warily at the latter, Chanyeol then smiled and added, “do you want your wishes to be granted or not?”


His wishes granted. All Baekhyun has ever wished for is the death of the people around him, the death of the people who are hurting him. The thought of them dead made Baekhyun nod his head in agreement.


“very well. Where do you want my seal?” Chanyeol asked, Baekhyun; being the little impatient kid he was took a bite on the hand that was hindering him from his speech.


 “ANYWHERE! Just grant me a power stronger that anyone else’s!” Baekhyun shouted, he just wanted things to be over.


“such a greedy little one.” Chanyeol said and places his seal on Baekhyun’s right eye, making the smaller boy scream, not because of the pain, but because of the fact that he can feel Chanyeol’s power sink in him, he could feel the dominance, he could feel the greatness.


“KILL THEM.” Baekhyun orders, testing the power he has over the tall man. Chanyeol then smiles and lifts his finger, a single form of fire appeared and he blew it softly towards Baekhyun’s attackers. The fire started to grow, it consumed the whole building they were in and it killed everyone in it; expect for Baekhyun and Chanyeol himself.


“swear to me, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun says as they stand outside the burning building. Chanyeol then gets down on one knee, his right hand on his chest as he looks up to the little guy.


“swear that you would protect me and never betray me.” the shorter continued and Chanyeol looked up to him with a sly grin.


“Yes, My Lord.”




Baekhyun had restored the manufacturing company left by his parents. He has become well known all throughout Korea as the head of the Byun household, the chief manager of the Byun Company and the King’s watchdog.


Baekhyun is very strict and proud, he is used to living a luxurious lifestyle and refuses to mingle in the outside world for too long. That is why even with dressing himself he has difficulties. He doesn’t do household chores and god knows what would happen if he’s left alone.


But that is why he’s never alone. Chanyeol is always right by his side to guide him and serve him. From brushing his teeth, to taking him to private meetings. Chanyeol has taken the role of a butler, so that every time people asked who he was, he had something convincing to say.


Baekhyun has lost his smile a long time ago. He couldn’t even remember the last time he smiled really happily. This time around, Baekhyun only smiles in the rarest of times and that is when he sees his enemies cower, you could say to his face that he’s heartless but he wouldn’t even take that as an offense since it was true. Him and Chanyeol are somewhat alike.


Chanyeol would always be dressed smartly in a black and white suit with a bow tie and white gloves, polished shoes and pushed back brown hair. He would always show off his smile to his master, but other than that, Chanyeol doesn’t really show much emotion. EXCEPT MAYBE WHEN HE’S BEING THE SADISTIC DEMON HE REALLY IS.


Chanyeol thinks that Baekhyun is such a brat, a brat who doesn’t treat his people right. But despite that fact, he enjoys teasing the smaller one and he serves him very well indeed. The only reason Chanyeol hasn’t consumed Baekhyun’s soul yet is because of the fact maybe, just maybe, it is safe to say that he has grown fond of the little devil.


“Chanyeol. What is my agenda today?” Baekhyun asks as he finishes his breakfast in bed. Chanyeol wipes the smaller’s lips with his thumb, completely oblivious to the shade of pink painting his master’s face.


“well you have a meeting with the Kim Family.” Chanyeol replied and Baekhyun visibly grunts. He hated the Kim Family. Well, hate is a strong word but he thinks that it’s appropriate. The Kim family was full of happy and weird people. The eldest of them was the weirdest one for Baekhyun, he has taken a liking to him and Baekhyun doesn’t like it one bit.


“which Kim?” Baekhyun asked. There were three men in the Kim Family in general and he wished he’d be in a meeting with the silent one.


“Minseok.” Chanyeol replied as he sits Baekhyun up and starts to undress him for his bath. Baekhyun doesn’t mind this at all, he was used to this sort of lifestyle and he didn’t care as long as it’s Chanyeol doing the job. He got into the tub and Chanyeol did his duty to bathe him in bubbles.


“.” Baekhyun breathed out. It was the eldest; Minseok. Baekhyun hated Minseok, the guy was weird and clingy, Baekhyun didn’t like clingy, he liked pushing people away. but Minseok would always, ALWAYS find ways to cling onto him like a koala bear.


“don’t worry My Lord, Minseok cannot own you, you belong to me.” Chanyeol assured and Baekhyun scoffed. Of course, selling his soul to Chanyeol would of course mean that his soul belonged to the demon. He knew that. But Minseok is one persistent little minx.


Chanyeol on the other hand just grinned at the visible disgust present on Baekhyun’s face. No one can claim Baekhyun as theirs, he was Chanyeol’s property, his soul belongs to him and to him ONLY. people should do well to remember it, Chanyeol thought as he finished drying Baekhyun up from his bath.




Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked up the marble steps of the Kim Mansion. As usual, people greeted them with smiles which Baekhyun just nods at and ignores. The Kim and Byun family had gone way back even before the death of Baekhyun’s parents had happened. The Kim family is the one responsible of sending the manufactured toys in different parts of Asia and the Middle East.


“hello Baekhyun. Hello Chanyeol.” A small, chubby looking teenager greeted Baekhyun with a small smile.


“good morning Minseok.” Baekhyun greeted the eldest of the Kims and Minseok squealed in delight before hugging him. Baekhyun grunted in response and tried to pry the other away from him. He looked at Chanyeol for help but the demon enjoys his misery so he let him be.


ing prick, Baekhyun thought to himself as he glared daggers at his butler.


“shall we start the talk?” Baekhyun sits down the couch, the sooner they get this over with, the better. He doesn’t want to be in the same room as this psycho but he has to bear with it for business purposes.


“Baekhyunnie~ won’t you accept my offer first?? I’ve been waiting and waiting for your response but you don’t answer meeeee!”Minseok whined as he clung onto Baekhyun’s arm. Chanyeol stands by the door to guard, to say that seeing someone else touch his Little Master wasn’t bothering him would be a lie. He didn’t like it when someone else touches what was his.


“Minseok, what you want from me is completely stupid. I have answered you many times.” Baekhyun replied


“it’s not stupid! All I want is for you to be my friend forever!”Minseok cries out but Baekhyun sighs and touches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, he should’ve just talked with Junmyeon, he was way better than Minseok.


“you want me as your personal toy, Minseok. How is that not stupid?” Baekhyun raises a brow and Minseok pouts. Minseok likes Baekhyun, more like, he was obsessed with Baekhyun. He liked his small figure, his calm and dark attitude, his “cute” appearance, it made Minseok feel roller coasters so he wanted Baekhyun all for himself. But of course, that’s not gonna happen.


Minseok eyes Chanyeol and Baekhyun notices this but lets it pass. Minseok huffs and sits properly on the couch and they finally start to talk about the shipping costs of the toys that are being sent to China and Europe.


“Wu wanted more of the toys to be sent to Beijing, Shanghai has been receiving too many he says.” Minseok starts off, staring at Baekhyun like a love struck teenager, Baekhyun ignores this as usual. He was about to answer when the door behind him opened and Baekhyun was surprised to find Chanyeol right next to him in a flash.


A young man with spiked up light brown hair in a butler suit walked in with tea in his hands. He had huge thick glasses on and the moment he saw who was in the room, his eyebrows met but he was reminded to stay still for his master so he smiled.


“oh good day. I am here to bring the tea.” His voice sounded friendly as he walked over to the table with a smile.


“this is Jongdae. He’s my butler.” Minseok introduced and Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. Jongdae? That name sounded familiar to him.


“please, call me Chen.” The butler smiled rather wickedly and turned to Baekhyun who unconsciously felt a lump on his throat, there was something about Jongdae or Chen that sent shivers down his spine. Chen however didn’t pay attention at all to Baekhyun’s obvious uncomfortable state and just continued to serve the tea to the guests. He then placed the golden tray on his shoulder, bowed and left. But before he did so, Baekhyun swore he saw a tiny smirk playing in his lips. What was that about?




Baekhyun couldn’t get the face of the butler before out of his head. There was something weird about him. Just like his master I guess, Baekhyun thought.  He was having dinner alone while Chanyeol was standing behind his chair, just waiting for orders.


Chanyeol has been in deep thought lately, he too can’t get the butler in the Kim Manor out of his head, it was as if he has seen him before and the way he looked at Baekhyun irked him.  In Chanyeol’s eyes, Chen looked at Baekhyun like a treat. Like he wanted to devour the smaller male, Chanyeol didn’t like that idea.


Ever since that meeting with Minseok, Chanyeol had been extra careful and watchful of Baekhyun. Not that he wasn’t before but he was ten times more watchful of him now. Baekhyun wondered why but he didn’t mind, he actually liked it better when Chanyeol paid much more attention to him.


“I want to go on a walk.” Baekhyun suddenly said one sunny afternoon.


“yes, My Lord.” Chanyeol’s usual reply came and they both set out. They were just walking together, side by side. Normally, Chanyeol would be behind Baekhyun but it was different this time.


“why haven’t you killed me yet Chanyeol?” Baekhyun suddenly asks, Chanyeol stops in his tracks as he stares at the smaller one’s back.


“what do you mean?” Chanyeol asks back


“you’re a demon aren’t you? I gave signed up to your contract, I sold you my soul and I know one day, you’ll devour my soul and kill me.” Baekhyun admitted


“would you like me to kill you?” Chanyeol asked


“I don’t know. Do I want you to kill me?” Baekhyun asked back


“I will not kill you unless your wishes are all granted.” Chanyeol answered


“and do you know when will they be answered?” Baekhyun asked again


“I don’t. but as far as I see it, not all of your wishes are answered yet, and as each day passes, you get more and more wishes inside your little head. You’re a greedy bastard, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol smirked and Baekhyun replied with a grin


“look who’s talking.” He answered.  Baekhyun looked back at his tall butler, taking in his special features and noticing how different the feeling is whenever he was around, “you know for a demon, you’re quite good looking.” Baekhyun admitted and it had Chanyeol smiling like a fool.


“stop smiling Chanyeol, you’re freaking me out.” Baekhyun said and Chanyeol let out a small chuckle.


“demons don’t freak you out.” Chanyeol grinned widely.


“other demons do.” Baekhyun admitted


“but I’m not just any other demon am I?” the taller grinned rather proudly and Baekhyun scoffed.


“you’re MY demon, that of course is a different story.” Baekhyun replied and does Chanyeol’s eyes deceive him? Is that a small smile on Baekhyun’s lips? Or was it a trick?


Chanyeol swore he saw a tiny smile play on Baekhyun’s lips and he didn’t know why but he liked seeing the small smile of the other. It brought contentment in his system.


“am I special in my master’s eyes?” Chanyeol teased a little while bowing. He didn’t actually expect that Baekhyun would pat his hair, and even if he couldn’t see it, he felt the smile in Baekhyun’s voice when he answered.


“of course you are.”





A month has passed and Baekhyun was silently reading in his study. He was bored, he wanted to sleep but he didn’t want to sleep. He just wanted a quiet place but he also wanted someone to talk to. Chanyeol was right there but he didn’t know what topic to open up.


Chanyeol could sense the boredom of his master, he could offer a midnight stroll around the garden but he knows Baekhyun is such a lazy and he’d rather sit in complete silence than walk around.


Suddenly, the wind picked up and a loud crash was heard, the mirrors in the mansion broke because of the impact. Baekhyun stood up from his seat and a shadow entered his study. He squinted his eyes to look at the intruder and he almost didn’t feel threatened at all when he saw who it was.


“what are you doing Minseok?” Baekhyun asked calmly and sat back down his chair. Minseok was with Chen and they both looked like they wanted trouble.


“Chen and I had been talking, he too has taken a liking to you Baekhyunnie!” Minseok started and Baekhyun flinched before looking at Chen who was smirking devilishly.  He continued, “so he and I agreed on to something…”  


“that you would kill me and take Baekhyun.” Chanyeol finished and Chen laughed, a demonic laughter that Chanyeol had heard before.


“you…” Chanyeol said, he had finally remembered who Chen was.


“took you long enough…” Chen grinned, he didn’t think twice and attacked Chanyeol head on. Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun’s chair, and he gently bumped onto the wall. Defending himself was second, protecting Baekhyun was first.


“BAEKHYUN!!!” Minseok greeted and Baekhyun got startled so he fell back the chair he was sitting on. Minseok giggled and gave his hand to help him up, but Baekhyun didn’t trust him so he stood up on his own.


“I didn’t know Chanyeol was demon, not until Chen told me.” Minseok smiled as he eyed the two demons who were battling in the study. Chen was throwing golden knives at Chanyeol who was expertly dodging them and just throwing them back.


“you and your demon are lunatics. Leave.” Baekhyun strictly said but Minseok didn’t listen.


“I can’t do that Baekhyunnie, Chen promised me that if he kills Chanyeol, you can be mine!” Minseok smiled like a deranged mental patient and Baekhyun grimaced in disgust.


“you will never have me Minseok, even if you manage to kill Chanyeol, you will NEVER have me.” Baekhyun assured him and Minseok’s face fell. Chen promised him that Baekhyun will be his! Baekhyun needs to be his!


“I will take you Baekhyun! I will!” Minseok said like a child wanting a toy. The next thing happened too quick for Baekhyun as Minseok lunged for him and started to tug on his hair and clothes.


“GET AWAY FROM ME!!” Baekhyun screamed and pushed Minseok away, Minseok clawed hard on Baekhyun’s face, marking a scar on his cheek. Chanyeol immediately smelled Baekhyun’s blood, he ignored Chen’s attack and dashed to Baekhyun.


Chanyeol pushed Minseok away, he however was caught by Chen. Chen noticed the blood on Minseok’s fingers, tempted by the substance, he placed Minseok’s finger on his mouth and tasted Baekhyun’s blood.


“delicious.” Chen’s eyes turned red and he his lips as he stared at Baekhyun.


“it is not possible for two demons to share one soul. I will take Baekhyun’s soul away from you Chanyeol, I will be back.” Chen said as he picked Minseok up who was demanding “a Baekhyun”


“Baekhyun’s soul belongs to me, Chen. You cannot alter that and you know it.” Chanyeol replied as he helped Baekhyun stand up.


“if you die, then maybe I can.” The other demon smiled wickedly before disappearing in the shadows.


“stay here.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun and he quickly moved around the study to fix what was broken. In a matter of seconds, it looked as if nothing had happened. Everything was back in top shape.


Chanyeol was back at Baekhyun’s side and he inspected his wound. He was about to wipe off the blood when Baekhyun stopped his hand.


“that demon tasted my blood, it feels disgusting, knowing that someone else has tasted my blood.” Baekhyun said and Chanyeol looked directly in his cold and bored eyes.


“don’t worry My Lord, I will protect you from him.” Chanyeol said and patted his head


“you only protect me because you have to, because you’re bound to, it’s your duty.” Baekhyun looked away, he didn’t know why he was furious at this moment, it didn’t make any sense for him. But he wanted Chanyeol to protect him because he was important to him, because he wasn’t just a “master” being served.


“I protect you, because I want to. I protect you because you are important.” Chanyeol suddenly said, making Baekhyun look at him with surprised eyes.


Chanyeol saw the disbelief in his master’s eyes so he gave him a small smile, before he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. Baekhyun was frozen in his spot, he didn’t know what the feeling was but he wanted to smile, smile until his cheeks hurt. It was a weird feeling but he liked it. Chanyeol held on his shoulders and turned him around to exit the study.


“let’s go My Lord, it’s way past your bedtime.”




I tried okay :))

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haynakujosh #1
Chanyeol as Sebastian and baekhyun as ciel...♡♡♡♡
samathaquyen1998 #2
Chapter 1: i love it !!! you've made a chanbaek ver of kurosuji
ShioRie #3
Sounds a lot like kurosuji