dara and jessica's past (delivery to what??? hill!!)

love and money
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The cl


Dara’s pov

Same as always. She is drunk, she’s angry. And all I can do is sigh and watch her miserably. Sometimes I asked myself, “why are you still here??” “why do you keep pushing yourself to someone like her?”,” why can’t you just leave her and go on your own?” but there’s always one answer “I can’t live her because she’s my mother” “im still here because I know she needs me” “i always push myself because I believe that she will soon realize that im her daughter.” I clean all the mess and ready myself to sleep, tomorrow is another day, and another hope that maybe there something good will happen.


I woke up and get ready to work. I look at my reflection to the mirror suddenly tears run down my face.  I realize how good I am. How good I am in pretending. “ just keep up the good work dara” I said to myself “just put a fake smile and everything will be ok, just don’t let other see your tears/weakness”  i got out the house and as usual with a smile on my face.


End of dara’s pov






Jesica’s pov

Dara and I are best of friends, I understand her, she understand me. But what I like about her is that she always stand up for me, always there for me, I am rich she is not,  that’s acceptable but as time goes by, we drift apart, she become distance, she’s always at her job, or at her house, she began to lie and lie. Whenever I asked her what’s the problem she just shrug. Until that very night.

“you promised me!! You promised me that you wouldn’t tell anyone” I confronted her

“what?? Jessica what are you doing here” she said while roaming her eyes around

“you! Liar ,.. you told everyone about my family! My dad having an affair, that my mom is going crazy!!” I said furious

“what!! Why would i?? wait let’s talk later , not here please, wait for me outside ok ,”

“no, no , once and for all tell me,, what  is your problem!! Huh of all people I trusted you, cause I know your not what others say you are, but im too stupid to believe in you, now I know that you are a jealous who ruined my life.” I said yelling like crazy,”

“dara!! What the hell is this about, your at work for heaven sake, look all of the customer gone!! “ the manager said

“wait, wait,, … “ dara said panicking,

“I think your going to lose your job, huh karma they say” I said with a smirk

“this is bull!!!!! You know what fine! I quit ,, “ she said but before she could walk out I  held her arm tight

“you!! Once and for all  tell me huh why!! You like ruining my life huh, jealous !!”

“!!1  jesica!! Do you think I would do that to you?? Huh with all people??? Do you think I have time to sit and tell !!  you know me more than anyone else “

“know you?? Not anymore dara, not anymore. You make a distance between us, you lie to me,--“ she cut me before I could finish

“lie?? When ?? huh??i didn’t and never lie to you, “

“Hahaha stop the and spill what and why!!” I said in more furious voice

“ok fine you want everything  that’s  easy but after this let’s part our way and pretend that we are staranger,  “


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Chapter 1: excited .... cant wait for more. thank you so much.
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 1: Yippie thanks for updating :)