

It is highly recommended to read this while listening to  Magic, by Coldplay. :-)

Chanyeol fiddled with his fingers pathetically. 

There she was. 


Sitting so perfectly - so elegantly, almost like a statue of a beautiful, Greek goddess. 


Chanyeol didn't know her name, but he sure wished he did. Earlier this morning, it all seemed like a normal day to him. He was waiting for the bus at the usual stop he waited at, his guitar tucked safely in its case and slung around his shoulder, and his backpack was on the other. 


He was on his way to the café he worked for. He wasn't a barista, or a cashier, or even a janitor - he worked there for fun. Fun for Chanyeol, of course. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, when he barely had any classes, he would stop by to play songs on his guitar, or the piano.  


At times, he would play his favorite songs. But there are rare instances when he feels especially good. He would play his heart out and end up composing a new song. 


Today - now, he felt like the notes and the words and the symphonies were itching to get out; outrageously messing with him and his nerves, ever so wanting to be written and played.  


It was silly. He didn't even know her. She was a complete stranger. Yet, she triggered so many feelings. So many feelings, all at a flash, all by just sitting down beside him at the bus. 


I should talk to her, Chanyeol thought. But what should he say?  

"Hi, you're so beautiful." No, too straight-forward. 


"Hi, you took my breath away." No, too creepy. 


"Hi, I like your snapback. I have one just like it!" She doesn't care. 


The mental argument he had against himself ended up with one conclusion: he was going to say, "Hi." 


However, out of the sheer amount of lame in him, he blurted, "Nice shoes." 


She was startled for a moment, snapping out of the viral spacing-out-in-the-bus-staring-out-the-window vibe, but she soon looked down at her Vans and then at Chanyeol 


"Thanks, I guess?" She smiled with pursed lips, might have been suppressing a chuckle. 


"Sorry, I... I didn't mean- well, I just- haha." 


Chanyeol was a mess. He facepalmed himself. She laughed lightly. Her laugh was so enchanting - just as enchanting as her smile.  


"Are you a fan of floral-printed Vans?" she asked jokingly.  


He was glad she wasn't a conversation-killer. That would've been a turn-off.  


"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am," he answered, grinning. There was a flash of uncertainty in her eyes for a moment. Chanyeol feared that his joke was too convincing, and he appeared too gay, but her sudden burst of laughter made him mentally release a sigh of relief. 


After that, they were quiet for a while. The girl started peering out into the aisle and checking the buildings erected on the side of the street. "Well," she spoke, slinging her backpack on one shoulder and pushing herself out of her seat as the bus halted, "this is my stop." 


This isn't mine. Chanyeol was panicking on the inside, probably blinking in confusion on the outside. 


She smiled briefly at Chanyeol and before he could say anything else, she was already lumbering with the crowd and climbing down the bus.  


At the cafe, Chanyeol didn't feel like composing a song anymore. Instead, he played one of his favorites.

"Still I call it magic," he sang, "when I'm next to you."

"That's my favorite song," a female customer sitting to his far left spoke. Chanyeol didn't want to seem rude, so he stopped playing and turned to smile at her.

There she was.

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Great story!!
Love it <3
Chapter 1: call it magic..seriously when i read it i suddently recall a tv show named sweet genius..hahaha..i love it though..
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 1: cute ^^ the fate made them see each other again :DDD
Koszka #4
Chapter 1: That was great! I love the way you pick the right words ^^ Keep writing! .V.
ficsystem #5
Chapter 1: WOW... it's cool. i love it! great job author-nim!