Giving up already?

Becoming an Idol

               - Have you given up on yourself, too? A voice asked from behind me.

                J. Boom’s ironic tone woke me up from my daydreaming. With a sarcastic smirk on the lips, he entered the room in which we were waiting. I followed him quickly and stopped in my place, near him. Just like every Friday, the individual demonstrations started after a short introduction. After that, we took turns. Every trainee came in front of the jury and showed how much he improved his dancing and singing skills. As time passed by, I realized everything in my brain just vanished. I panicked. My hands started shaking and I whispered “I’m done. I forgot when I’m supposed to go in. “

                There was nothing I could do. Even though the events from Friday weren’t shown on TV for another two days, we were not allowed second chances. If it was to be right, it had to be right on the first try.

                At some point, I heard a whisper saying ‘now‘. Blindly, I stepped forward and let the music guide me. I managed to pull it off without any delay. When I got back, I mimicked ‘thank you‘ towards  J. Boom. He replied with one of his gorgeous smiles and then regained his poker face- his usual face. He was already acting like a star.

                Rumor had it that he’d been in a band in the States before moving to Korea. Everyone in the school knew that he was raised in the US because his mother decided to leave Korea once she and J. Boom’s father divorced. No one knows the reason for their coming back, though. What is more, it seems like he is always trying to avoid people. He’s one of the best trainees, so my guess is that he is training a lot. But he keeps this attitude even during regular classes: cold and remote. The only time I’ve seen him lose his temper was a week ago. I was passing by one of our training rooms and I overheard someone speaking. I casted a glance and I saw him and Chrystal talking angrily. His voice was deep and strong and she kept throwing her arms in the air in despair.

               - Didn’t you hear me? I said I didn’t want them to know! I couldn’t care less. You should just mind your own business. Just… watch your mouth. He growled.

                I thought he heard me when I took a deep breath so I ran away as fast as I could. Luckily, none of them brought that up ever again.

                Eventually, the names of the two trainees that were eliminated were announced. I was the first one.

                - You were one of the five favorites. What can you say about the fact that you were eliminated? The reporter asked.

                After every elimination session, every single trainee had to answer some questions in a private room. These help the show’s fans connect with the contestants and understand their feelings better.

                - Was I? I replied deciding that a joke would help me ease the tension. Well, I must say that I am flattered. As far as my elimination is concerned, though, I think the judges made the right decision. I know I lack in some respects. They will only pick the best ones to be a part of the “Kkum-ui“.

                - Who are the best trainees, in your opinion? Came the next question.

                - J. Boom and Chrystal are the ones that train the most. I think they deserve to get ‘till the end. Also, Yume has many good moves. She senses the music really well and is always eager to learn something new. Those three would be my first choices.

                - How have you felt when you heard your name this night?

                I paused for a few seconds trying to put order in my thoughts. I wanted to say that it was unfair, that I was tricked… but no. I kept telling myself to be more diplomatic. “Watch your mouth! “

                - It was not very pleasant. It was awful, actually. Not only have I lost the chance to keep training and have my debut, but I’ve also lost a part of my life. I did not realize until tonight how much this show has influenced my life.

                - What about your dream? Are you still going to try to become a singer? Do you plan on gluing back the pieces of your shattered dream?

                "Wow! That was really cheesy... "

                - Shattered?! With all due respect, you are terribly wrong. This night has not put an end to my dream. It is not even a bit damaged. The events of this night have only helped me to wake up, to see some things I wouldn’t or couldn’t see. This night has given me wings…

                - Do you wish you got a second chance?

                - Not right now. I want to improve, to grow, to get better. We’ll see then.

                After the question round had finished, I headed to the nearest practice room. I thought how everything collided at my feet, how I’ll have to go back to being an average student in our high school. Just two more days; two days and it will all be over. I felt like someone poured ice cold water on me. ‘Have you given up on yourself, too? ‘ his words sounded like a distant echo in my head. Have I? I felt the tears piling up in my eyes.

Hey guys! ^_^ Meet J. Boom and Chrystal


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