What's Going On?

Similiar to A K-Drama


School is starting next week, so I'll be super uberly busy with that. But in my last few days of freedom, I will (attempt) to update as much as I can.

I know I don't update on a regular basis anyway (hehe~) but I never disappoint you guys...right?! This is not a hiatus, so don't freak out; I'll just be busy with schoolwork and whatnots c: I WON'T LEAVE YOU GUYS HANGING OR ANYTHING (or will I?).

Finally, let's read!~








After an intense argument (between Seungho and Cheondung), crying, pressure from Seungho, and nagging from Joon to Seungho, Cheondung had decided to appear on the talk shows. The reason being that he wanted Seungho to stop glaring daggers into his soul.

Joon hadn't been too happy with the younger's decision. He had thrown a fit of rage, taking it out on their leader and manager. 

He hadn't been too quiet, either, when their manager had told the trio that Seungho had to go with the visual.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU WANT MY DOONGIE TO BE IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE WITH THAT MONSTER?!" Joon exploded, his fingers balling into fists. Cheondung could tell that his muscle hyung was doing everything in his power to not punch the living daylight out of their manager. The visual bit his bottom lip nervously and gently took a step forward, tugging at Joon's jacket to catch his attention. One look at his innocent dongsaeng was all it took for Joon to calm down.

"Fine. But I have to go too, so that Seungho won't murder him in the backseat." 

"Yah! I am not violent!" Seungho scowled, stepping up from behind the manager.


"THAT WAS ONLY ONCE!" the leader's face turned red in anger as he struggled to defend himself. 

"YAH YOU TWO STOP IT!" Their manager stepped in, placing his hands on both men's chest and slightly pushing them back. He then turned to the youngest, a gentle, kind look in his eyes. "Cheondung-ah. I'm not going to push you to apologize, but are you absolutely sure you want to? Either way, these two will argue."

Cheondung glanced at both of his hyungs. Seungho, who was giving him the usual cold glare, narrowed his eyes. He mouthed "let's go" and nudged his chin at the door, signaling the visual to agree and go apologize. 

The visual maknae unconsciously went to seek out the comfort of his muscle-pabo hyung, Joon. Cheondung relaxed a tad bit as soon as their eyes met. Joon face relaxed from his scowl and his eyes warmed up. For a moment, Cheondung was lost in his thoughts. 

Why couldn't I have fallen for Joon hyung instead? He's so kind, he makes me laugh, he knows exactly how to comfort me when I'm upset. He's the only one that understands me, and yet I fell for Seungho hyung. I'm really an idiot...

Seungho noticed the intense staring between his two dongsaengs. He could practically hear Joon's comforting words to the younger, as his gaze was so warm and loving. Seungho furrowed his brow in discomfort. He could practically feel Cheondung's stress disappearing when the corner of his lips turned up into a small smile. 

Something snapped in Seungho. You claim to love me, and yet you dare look at someone else like that? And what's with that smile, Cheondung?! You can only smile like that to someone you love, and you certainly did not confess your feelings to Joon!

"Quit making googly eyes at Joon and answer the damn question already, Cheondung!" Seungho snapped, suddenly irritated. The two shook their heads, both blushing a dark pink.

"I'll go, hyung!" Cheondung shyly, but confidently said. 

"And you're sure you want to do this?" their manager asked. The visual slowly nodded.

"Finally. Let's go, Cheondung." Seungho reached out and grabbed the younger male, yanking him towards the front door. Cheondung immediately started to protest, stating that Seungho was hurting his wrist. The leader completely ignored his protests, nagging him to put on his shoes so that they could leave. 

"I STILL HAVE TO COME!" Joon shouted angrily, scurrying after the two. 


The car ride consisted of Joon nagging his two hyungs about how wrong this whole situation was. He screamed out multiple times how he would sue all of the people that wanted an apology from Cheondung, then went on to threaten Seungho for hurting his Doongie's feelings. Seungho replied by scoffing loudly and putting on his earplugs, turnings his music on loud to drown out the screaming.

Cheondung gently tugged at Joon's shirt. He instantly turned around. "Joon hyung, he can't hear you anymore."

Joon smirked. "Oh, I know he can hear me. No music is loud enough to drown me out when I'm in protecting-Cheondung mode!"

"Aren't you always in protecting-Cheondung mode, hyung?" the latter chuckled out of embarrassment. Though it was true that he'd always turn to Joon for help, it was still degrading nonetheless to have a "protector" when he was already in his mid-20s.

The elder suddenly placed both hands on either side of Cheondung's cheeks, forcing the younger to meet his gaze. Joon's eyes were serious, any trace of his playful hyung suddenly gone. "I know I'm an overprotective hyung. But the only thing I know how to do well is sing, dance, and look good. So I can't really help you with anything else, because you already have those three qualities and many more. The only thing I can do for you is protect you and keep you safe." 

The visual's cheeks burned. He gently removed his hyung's hands from his face when he noticed Seungho glaring at him from the rearview mirror. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden, hyung." he mumbled, lowering his head. 

"Ani, not at all~ I live to protect you!" Joon smiled, returning to the pabo he knew and cared for. He pulled the latter into a warm hug, promising the younger that he'd never leave his side. 

"YAH NO PDA!" Seungho shouted, turning his head to the backseat to glare at the two. Joon simply returned the glare and stuck out his tongue. Seungho scowled, folding his arms across his chest before turning back around in his seat. 

"HE'S ALREADY AGREED TO APOLOGIZE SO LIGHTEN UP ALREADY!" Joon yelled, pulling away from Cheondung.




Dumbfounded and speechless, Joon fell back in his seat. Cheondung's eyes widened in shock and his jaw hung open. Even the manager lost his grip on the steering wheel for a few seconds. 

The car was dead silent. The two youngest just stared speechless at their leader, who had hid his face in shame in his palms. What the hell was I thinking, running my mouth like that? Why is it suddenly affecting me so much when Joon touches him, they's practically together all the time! This whole situation must be stressing me out. Yes, that's it. I'm stressed and tired, so I'm taking my annoyance out on those two. 

"Hyung, gwaenchana?" Cheondung whispered, his voice and facial expression all showing how worried he was for his leader. He placed a tender hand on Seungho's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Seungho snapped, turning to glare at the younger. Their faces were inches apart, and both men gulped at the closeness. 

"I'm fine. Go back to Joon." the leader bitterly mumbled, scooting closer to the window to create a distance.

I really hate you, Cheondung!


"I'm deeply sorry for what I said at the end of the performance. It was a present for all our A+, since they seem to love seeing Seungho hyung and I together. Never would I have realized how serious the situation would get, it was just a joke, after all. I again am sorry, and will reflect deeply on what I have done. Please don't think negatively of MBLAQ just because of my stupid mistake, it won't ever happen again." Cheondung bowed 90 degrees repeatedly while apologizing to the camera, faking showing a sincere expression.

Joon's eye twitched in irritation as he saw his dongsaeng degrading himself. His feelings weren't a joke, so he shouldn't be forced to apologize for it. It hurt his heart to see Cheondung have to smile through the pain he was feeling. He already felt bad enough about Seungho's rejection, and now he had to go make amends for something he wasn't sorry for?!

"I hope you're happy, hyung." Joon spat. 

"How can I be happy when he's making a complete fool of himself?" Seungho mumbled. The two were currently backstage, watching the program on a tv that hung from the wall.

"YOU'RE NOT HAPPY THAT HE'S APOLOGIZING EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE THE ONE THAT FORCED HIM TO?!" Joon exploded, about ready to tackle the older off the couch.

"It's because he's not sincere. He's really not sorry about completely embarrassing me and the group!"



"We've been over this, he's not in control of his feelings! And it's his choice whether or not to confess, so you have absolutely no reason to be so harsh on him!"

Seungho scoffed. He crossed one leg over the other and frowned. "You don't get it, do you? I have pride, Joon. And that pride will not let someone as bad as Cheondung simply get away with this."

"He's not a bad person, you know he's not! Let's not forget who makes us all breakfast in the mornings, or who buys us brand name clothes when he goes shopping. Out of all five of us he's the most innocent one, he's also the most quiet and honest. He's basically perfect!" 

"You speak as though you're in love with him?" Seungho suspiciously eyed the younger. Joon slumped and fiddled with his fingers nervously, suddenly avoiding all and any eye contact. 

The older sat up, eyes wide as realization hit him. "Y-You... Is that why you're always around him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Joon mumbled, lowering his head.

"Yah! So, you mean to tell me, that the only reason you've been yelling at me is because you're jealous?!" Seungho shouted, completely baffled. 

It suddenly all made sense. Why Joon always followed Cheondung around like a lost puppy, why he was so kind and motherly towards him, why he was so quick to jump in to defend the younger, why he was always touching him, and why he was so sensitive towards this whole Seungho situation. 

"How long?" the leader asked.

"Sometime around our 'This is War' comeback..."

Joon suddenly felt a sting on his forehead. He screamed in pain and held his head, staring daggers at his leader for flicking his forehead.



"He trusted you! He's always believed that you's his best friend, but you real intention was to make him your lover?!"

"It wasn't like that at first, I swear!" Joon whined. "I really did set out to make friends with him, since none of our other members bothered to approach him first! B-But as we got to know each other, we grew closer, a-and I kinda...fell for...him..."

"If you liked him, then why didn't you stop him from confessing to me?!"

The younger suddenly broke out into tears. Seungho just stared, it wasn't unusual for Joon to cry.

"He would always come to me after a fan meeting, saying how happy he was that you hugged him or complimented him. His face would light up everytime your name came up! When he told me that he was going to confess to you, he looked so determined, how was I suppose to just stop him?! Even after you cruelly rejected him he told me that he was happy that you finally knew!" Seungho handed his dongsaeng a tissue, in which Joon then violently wiped his face. "So I couldn't tell him. He was so happy to just get a good morning from you, there was never room for me in his heart."

Unsure about what exactly to do, Seungho just placed a hand on Joon's shoulder. He gently squeezed it, hoping to somehow console the younger. He wasn't even sure if he should've been angry or glad.

He was only sure about the sudden jealously he felt.

"But I won't give up, hyung." Joon sniffled. He brought his head up, looking directly into his hyung's eyes. "Cheondung might like you, but he'll always come back to me."

"Joon, I don't like him like you do." Seungho stated simply. Who are you trying to convince?


"I lik- ani, I love Cheondung alot, hyung. He'll learn to love me, so just keep pushing him towards me."






DUN DUN DUNNN!! Some of you probably already guessed that Joon had feelings for Cheondung...but I didn't, because I wrote this on a whim :3 SO GIVE YOURSELF A HAND IF YOU GUESSED CORRECTLY! 

Cheers for jealous and stubborn Seungho~ WE KNOW YOU LOVE DOONGIE!

ily <3








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Chapter 8: Awww....such a cute chapter...and finally after all the drama Seungdoong are together...:D<3
rehcord #2
Chapter 8: omoo it's finally shipping!!!
charlot #3
Chapter 8: Goodness I just died! Like..I don't know how to express it! The happiness is just overwhelming!
Chapter 8: Yey..,. A couple,,,,, seungdoong couple...
I love this,,, haha
random-user1234 #5
Chapter 8: OMMGGGG I CANT EVEN OMMGGG OMMMGGG AHAHA I CANT EVENNNNNNN GAHHHHHHH SHDHDKSHSIDNSGSMSCAJAMSHDJA SOOOOO CUTEEEEEE >\\\\\\\\\\< I think I am about to die of feelings it was so intense ^^ finally that stubborn seungho admitted it ^^ YEAYYY THEY ARE A COUPLE HAHA DOONGIE SO CUTE WITH THE COFFEE AND FOAM AND ALL >\\\\< HAVE A WONDERFUL FIRST DATE. <3 <333 they are really the cutest couple ever ^^
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 8: Awww this chapter was really cute.Thanks for updating.
Awwww finally :))))
My seungdoong feeelllllssss <3
Can you write on the next chap???
And I'm curious about joon's reaction...
rehcord #8
Chapter 7: ugh seungho whyyyy :--(
Chapter 7: Just kiss him NOW aaaaahhhh!!!!
Seungdoong feels ♥♥♥♥♥
charlot #10
Chapter 7: Come on panda! the air out of doongie already! We all know you love doongie now.. show him how charismatic and strong willed you are! Please we're begging you! Well maybe not all of us..specially joondoong shippers.. but seungdoong shippers here are.. please !!!!""!