Drawing the Line

Similiar to A K-Drama




"YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Joon shouted, stopping Seungho's fist as it was on it's way to collide with Cheondung's face. He had jumped in a few seconds before the punch, effectively grabbing the leader's fist and shoving him slightly backwards.

"Me? CRAZY? CHEONDUNG JUST EMBARRASSED US OUT THERE!" Seungho shouted, eyes still blazing as they glared dangerously at the visual maknae. "In front of all our fans too!" he added. 

"WHAT'S EMBARRASSING WAS THAT YOU JUST STORMED OFF THE STAGE WITHOUT GIVING HIM A REPLY!" Joon shouted, quick to jump to the defense of Cheondung.

"Arasseo, you want an answer, Sanghyun?" Seungho's voice dropped to a deep, intimidating tone. He took one last glance at Joon before strolling over to the visual maknae.

"I don't accept your feelings." he started, making Cheondung's heart immediately break. "I don't accept them because if were to become lovers, it would be awkward for the other members, and then where would we be? Not to mention the fact that those girls that love you now have to give up hope of gaining your heart. Do you know how much hell you've just created for us now that you've given reporters a reason to run to us on the streets? Why the hell did you not think of the consequences before pulling such an atrocious stunt?!" 

"B-But hyung..." Cheondung stuttered, trying to hold in his tears in front of the leader. "You've always taught us to never be dishonest and talk about our feelings..."

"NOT TO THE WHOLE WORLD!!! DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT OUR PERFORMANCE WAS BROADCASTED LIVE?!" The eldest's voice rose, his face reddened with anger, and a vein was noticeable on the side of his neck.

"Yah, quit making a scene." G.O joined in. He placed a friendly hand on his friend, gently pulling him backwards before he attacked Cheondung. He then sent a small smile to the hurt visual maknae. "We need to change out of our costume and find manager hyung. Let's continue this at the dorm. 

Seungho rolled his eyes, yanked himself away from G.O, then stormed off to the direction on of MBLAQ's changing room.

"You were really brave, Doongie. Don't worry, your hyungs and Mir got your back!" G.O smiled, giving Cheondung a slight hug before running off behind Seungho. 

"Come on, Doongie. I'll support and protect you if Seungho tries to hit you again~" Joon smiled, slinging an arm around his dongsaeng's broad shoulders and following behind their hyungs.


The trip back was awkward. Seungho, who usually sat in the very back to play with the maknae line, decided to sit shotgun besides their manager. Now, G.O and Mir sat in the back with Cheondung while Joon sat in the middle, glaring at the back of Seungho's chair. He wanted to throw a fit and hit the leader for being so brutal in turning down Cheondung. 

He turned around, checking to make sure if the said person was alright. He sat in between G.O and Mir, face blank and body stiff. G.O was whispering reassuring words, while Mir was clinging on and assuring him that he was loved. Joon turned back around and sighed, running a hand through his short, raven hair. Cheondung was his best friend, they connected and bonded from the first day both men walked into the same building. Joon was always there for the visual maknae, and vice versa. And through the six years they were together, they grew even closer. Joon would jump in to save Cheondung from any crazy fans, or would go out of his way to buy the younger meat. Needless to say, he would do anything for timid man...including defending him from their charismatic, scary leader.

All five men got out of the van, dragging their feet as they climbed the steps to their dorm. He replaced Mir and clung on to Cheondung, but let go when the younger expressed his desire to be alone. Cheondung walked on ahead, unlocking the door to the dorm and walking straight into the room he shared with Joon.

"You made him sad, Seungho hyung." Mir stated, plopping down on the couch. He immediately laid down, stretching out his body and occupying all the room. 

Seungho scoffed. "I never should have told him I love him. Who would've known he'd take it to heart and turn gay for me?" Seungho walked to the fridge, getting four bottles and throwing a bottle to each of his dongsaengs. 

"YAH! IT'S NOT HIS FAULT!" Joon exploded, jumping up from his place on the lone recliner. He glared daggers at Seungho, who just nonchalantly gulped down the liquid.

"You rejected him harshly, Seungho." G.O added.

"Yah, you guys too? You're all taking his side?! Is everyone against me today or something?!" 

"All we're saying is that it took guts to do what he did, confessing his feelings in front of a viewing audience. After all, we all know Cheondung is shy and usually doesn't talk much. The least you could've done is reject him gently, instead of yelling and causing such a scene." G.O reasoned. 

"Some people would swoon to be confessed to like that." Mir pointed out. Since his hyungs were so deep in argument, he saw he was ignored and went off to console Cheondung. 

"And it's not his fault he fell in love with you! A regular human being doesn't have control of their heart!" Joon shouted.



"IS IT MY FAULT FOR NOT ACCEPTING HIS FEELINGS?!" Seungho threw his hands in the air in frustration. 

"Look at it from Cheondung's point of view." G.O said. "Imagine you planning a special way to confess to the person you love. And, keep this in mind, you've admired this person for quite some time. You're with that person everyday, you play with that person  all the time, and you two do everything together and get along extremely well. Wouldn't you want to confess to that person?"

"I don't return his feelings, so what?" Seungho answered.

"YAH! THE POINT IS IS THAT YOU WERE RUDE TO HIM!" Joon threw his bottle to the floor and marched over to his eldest hyung, getting close enough to be eye-to-eyes. "You could've said it in a manner that wouldn't hurt him. But what do you do? You reject him harshly without even taking into consideration how much he loves you. You didn't even take into consideration that he risked his reputation! He's timid and self-conscious as it is, and now that all of South Korea knows he's gay, how do you think he'll feel? How do you think he'll feel about having to smile and laugh when he's out on schedules right besides you, knowing that you've crushed his happiness? You never even apologized for hurting his feelings. WAE HYUNG WAE?!" Halfway through, Joon's eyes had glazed over, his heart aching at the mention of an unhappy Doongie.

"Apologize? APOLOGIZE?! You want ME to apologize for simply turning down his love confession?!" Seungho scoffed, thinking that the situation he was is was unfathomable.

"He might've never showed it, but he was really happy just even standing besides you. He calculated the consequences of his confession, but went for it anyways. I hope you know that-"

"Hyungs!" Mir ran out, eyes wide and panicking.

"Cheondung hyung, he's crying!" 

"WHAT?!" G.O and Joon shouted, immediately taking their attention from Seungho and running to Cheondung. 

"Doong-ah~" Joon called, cradling the visual maknae's head in his chest. 

"Gawenchana, Doongie." G.O cooed, grabbing his hand and patting it. 

"Be strong, hyung!" Mir said, sitting on the other side of Joon and squeezing Cheondung's thigh.

"G-gwaenchana. Don't baby me." Cheondung sniffled, pulling away from Joon and wiping his eyes. More tears fell.

"If he doesn't accept my feelings, then it's fine. It's not like I can change a straight man's heart." The visual maknae softly smiled, his lips quivering. "It was stupid of me to pull a stunt like that anyways."

"No, Doongie. You were extremely brave, none of us would've had the guts to do that." G.O smiled.

"You're too good for him anyways, hyung." Mir said.

"Get some rest, okay? G.O hyung can request a day off for you until you feel better?" Joon asked. Cheondung immediately shook his head.

"A-Ani! I want to work, I can't let the fans down!" 

"Arasseo~ You still need some rest. Or are you hungry? Should hyung grill you some meat?" Joon asked, placing his hand on Cheondung's stomach to see if he was hungry.

"Aniyo. I'll just rest. Gomawo hyungs, Mir." He smiled at the three again, before laying down and pulling the covers over his head. 

"Remember that we love you, arasseo?" G.O sternly said while standing up.

"We're always here for you, hyung!" Mir added. Cheondung didn't reply, so the three left. 

"Is he okay?" they immediately ran into Seungho, who was standing right outside Cheondung's door.

"He's fi-"

"Why do you even care?" Joon interjected, his voice cold.

"Yah! Gay or not, he's still my dongsaeng, and I care for my dongsaengs!" Seungho defended. 

Joon scoffed. "After scolding him to death, you claim to still care?" Joon turned and walked back into his shared room, slamming the door behind him.

"Perhaps you should go rest too, hyung?" Mir suggested. Seungho nodded.


"Why should I accept feelings that I don't return?" He mumbled before walking off, his thoughts wandering to Cheondung. 







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Chapter 8: Awww....such a cute chapter...and finally after all the drama Seungdoong are together...:D<3
rehcord #2
Chapter 8: omoo it's finally shipping!!!
charlot #3
Chapter 8: Goodness I just died! Like..I don't know how to express it! The happiness is just overwhelming!
Chapter 8: Yey..,. A couple,,,,, seungdoong couple...
I love this,,, haha
random-user1234 #5
Chapter 8: OMMGGGG I CANT EVEN OMMGGG OMMMGGG AHAHA I CANT EVENNNNNNN GAHHHHHHH SHDHDKSHSIDNSGSMSCAJAMSHDJA SOOOOO CUTEEEEEE >\\\\\\\\\\< I think I am about to die of feelings it was so intense ^^ finally that stubborn seungho admitted it ^^ YEAYYY THEY ARE A COUPLE HAHA DOONGIE SO CUTE WITH THE COFFEE AND FOAM AND ALL >\\\\< HAVE A WONDERFUL FIRST DATE. <3 <333 they are really the cutest couple ever ^^
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 8: Awww this chapter was really cute.Thanks for updating.
Awwww finally :))))
My seungdoong feeelllllssss <3
Can you write on the next chap???
And I'm curious about joon's reaction...
rehcord #8
Chapter 7: ugh seungho whyyyy :--(
Chapter 7: Just kiss him NOW aaaaahhhh!!!!
Seungdoong feels ♥♥♥♥♥
charlot #10
Chapter 7: Come on panda! the air out of doongie already! We all know you love doongie now.. show him how charismatic and strong willed you are! Please we're begging you! Well maybe not all of us..specially joondoong shippers.. but seungdoong shippers here are.. please !!!!""!