Yeom I

An Actor's Smile




Shaky hands stuff themselves into pockets. With the ring of keys, they quickly unlock the door, each shuffle sending clanks through the silence. Opening the door quickly, a girl hurries through the door and heads for the stairs. 

Trying to go silently after smelling the alcohol in the air, she passes the living room, hoping she wouldn't be noticed.

"Where the hell were you?" a voice suddenly booms through the house. The girl, pupils dilating and heart kicking, slowly turns. 

"I was studying. I'm back before 10 like you said though dad," a shaky voice stammers back. 

"You brat! I said by frickin 9! Are you that stupid that you can't even remember that?" the dad's voice slurs, face slowly getting red. Breathing heavy. 

"I'm sor-" the girl starts, interrupted by a sharp whip by a belt, forcing her to fall.

“You dare talk back to me,” the man shouts, another hit whips across her middle relentlessly. Again and again the belt fell and plummeted towards her body. Whimpers heard. 

Eyes closed from the pain, she didn't see the beer bottle heading for her legs. Upon impact, a cry is let out. Legs with scarlet red dripping down only to stop at the whites of the girl's socks. 

"Get up!" the same angry voice shouts again, pulling the girl up by her hair. A groan is heard as a fist is slammed into the girl's face with more punches raining on after. The man growing tired let her go, body flopping on the concrete floor like a rag doll. 

Forcing her body up, she drags her body away. Adrenaline pumping through her body. Only to be pulled back. A broom hit her back, breaking, splinters piercing her neck. The impact, knocking the wind out of her. 

Being dragged by her feet, she is hauled into the kitchen. Shirt riding up, the carpet in the hallway burned her skin raw and red. She is thrown into the corner or the room, broken glass collected from few nights before, embedding onto her skin. Kick after kick headed for her middle.

Breathing slowing down, the father said spitting on the girl, "You better not fricking do this ever again, you little piece of shiet." He then stumbled away until a loud slam was heard with another crash of a glass bottle.

Minutes that felt like hours later, the girl slowly brought her body up and crawled her way up the stairs. Entering in a room with just a thin mattress and a high school uniform hanging, she trudged her way to the bed.

Falling onto of the mattress, she groaned from the numbing pain in her abdomen as it hit the cushion. Blood that left a trail from her back to her legs now dried and pooled by her ankles. Dull pain never leaving and slowly starts to throb. Exhaustion over taking her body and eyelids becoming heavier.

As she closed her eyes, tears rode down sullen cheeks leaving tracks behind. Falling asleep with the corners of up she whispered, 

"Sleep tight, Yeon."




Thanks for reading this first chapter! Hopefully you liked it and subscribe/comment! Until next time!!

- autumnroads

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Jessika98 #1
Chapter 2: It's going great keep it up! :)
Chapter 1: Awesome story.