The Plot

The Plot


Constantly checking over her shoulder was starting to tire Jaemi out, but with this ominous feeling in the air she couldn't help but feel like someone was following her. 

"There's no one there," one of her friends insisted while they were walking down the sidewalk. "You're so jumpy." 

Jaemi muttered in distaste as she looked forward again. "I know, but I just feel like..." 

"Look at those shoes!" Another squealed in front of a shop window, and immediately the girl forgot about the suspicious black van slowly trailing down the street behind them. 

As they were analyzing the color and soles of different footwear, the van came to a stop just by the curb. Two masked men hopped out of the back doors, one with a large potato bag. Slowly, they approached the squealing, unaware group of girls and abducted one. 

Jaemi screamed as soon as the bag went over her head, covering her vision with darkness. She flailed violently as she was thrown over someone's shoulder and taken into the van. 

She did have nightmares about being kidnapped before, but this reality seemed to be worse because she did not hear her friends call after her as she was being taken away. Almost as if she was thrown away and abandoned; she felt the upmost betrayal and pain, just until the bag over her head was removed. 

"Hello, princess!" 

Then she just felt really pissed off.

Anger quickly shot up through her body once she realized which two morons were sitting in front of her. "BYUN BAEKHYUN! KIM JONGDAE! WHAT IS—"

"Ssh," the boy with vivid orange hair placed a finger on her lips. "You look ugly when you get mad."

"Doesn't everyone?" The other retorted, this one with black curls on his head. 

"Actually, no. I'm beautiful when I'm angry."

"Then you must be ing hideous any other time—" Both of them shrieked when feet attacked their defenceless groins. "JESUS NOT MY —"

"Let me out!" Jaemi huffed, already tired from sharing such a small space with them. "I don't want to be stuck in a van with two idiots whom I painstakingly call my best friends, when I could be looking at shoes!"

"So this is what we've come down to," Baekhyun groaned while clutching his crotch in agony. "We're even lesser than shoes."

"You can't even leave if you wanted to princess," Jongdae smirked despite the tears in his eyes. "I'm ninety-two percent sure Kris is speeding the car right now. The other eight percent is me in excruciating pain."

Jaemi looked out the window and sure enough, the streets were whizzing by them. "Where are you guys taking me? And in a suspicious black van, to boot."

"Okay, to be fair," Baekhyun spoke up. "Kris is part of a fake kidnapping company that lets you hire someone to kidnap for money. Right, Kris?" The man seated at the driver's seat nodded as he was focused on the road. "And guess who paid that money? It's none other than the lovely prince."

The girl's look of annoyance softened at the mention of her boyfriend. "Sehun paid to have me kidnapped?"

"Oh, so when we kidnap you, it's a crime. Its okay when Prince Sehun does it?!" Jongdae faked hurt and proceeded to sob in his hands.

The orange-haired boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Sehun paid to have you kidnapped for your lame date. He couldn't pick you up, so he had us do it in this fashion."

"Why can't he pick me up?" Jaemi blinked in worry. "Our date's in half an hour. Did something happen?"

"He got into an accident."

She turned her shocked gaze onto the stoic Jongdae. "WHAT?!"

"No, no, no," Baekhyun shook his head disapprovingly. "He didn't get into an accident. He had an accident."

Jaemi's face went from shock to disgust. "WHAT?!"

"We're joking. He's just going to be late."

"... So you two are stalling me?"


The two were promptly kicked in the groin once more.

A little over five minutes later, the van stopped and parked. Baekhyun and Jongdae, both crotches suffering heavy injures, opened the door and let Jaemi out first. 

The girl squinted and observed her surroundings. "Why are we at a funeral home?"

Not too far away was the most depressed-looking chapel she had ever seen. There were grim people in black everywhere, and here was dumb and dumber skipping around with rainbows around them.

"We're here to grant one of your lifetime wishes!" They declared with triumph, both linking arms with her. The two led the way inside, down the hall, and into one of the smaller rooms.

In that tiny room was a deep chocolate brown was a single coffin lying on the floor.

Immediately, Jaemi's face paled. "... Wh-What are we doing here?"

Both of them faced her with great big smiles on their faces. “We’re here to bury you alive!” Baekhyun chimed, and proceeded to perform his rendition of a ‘dougie’.

The girl nearly fainted before coming to her senses and smacking them both on the head. “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO BURY ME ALIVE!”

Jongdae held a look of confusion. “But, but isn’t it one of your greatest dreams?”

“Like hell it is! Where on earth did you hear that?!”

“Didn’t you have a conversation with Kai about being buried alive?”

“What—”Jaemi wearily palmed her face once she remembered. “… Right. He was asking me if I would rather be murdered to death or buried alive. I chose buried alive, but that DOES NOT MEAN I WANT TO BE!”

“Oh…” Baekhyun and Jongdae looked at each other. “But that doesn’t mean you should let go of this opportunity!” The latter strode right up to the coffin and opened it. “Don’t worry, we’ll let you out in—“

All of them saw the ghostly pale corpse lying in the casket.

After a silent moment, Jongdae slowly closed it again. “… WHO’S UP FOR SOME ICECREAM?”

“YUP.” They practically sprinted out of the place and did not stop until they reached the dessert shop around the corner.

Once he caught his breath, Baekhyun whipped out a wallet. “It’s a special day, so you can eat whatever you want, princess! I’m treating.”

“Wait a minute,” Jongdae felt his . “That’s my wallet!”

“I know.” The other fabulously walked into the shop, a snickering Jaemi following behind.

The cashier greeted them with a smile. “Hello, my name is Zitao. What can I help you with today?”

Jaemi’s eyes sparkled as she scanned the menu screens above. “… Can I have a double vanilla with chocolate sprinkles?”

“Of course. Have a seat, it’ll be ready in no time.”

The three found a booth by the window and sat while chattering amongst themselves. Although they seemed to bicker often, this trio did have times where they could just be normal high school students and joke freely. It was also enjoyable with the addition of Sehun, who often acted as the mediator between Jaemi and the two stooges.

“Speaking of Sehun,” the girl started with a spoon in . “Do you guys know what he’s doing for our date?”

 “He has a surprise planned.”

“Yo, you’re not supposed to tell her that,” Jongdae scolded. “You’re supposed to tell her the part where it costs nearly a million dollars and something catches on fire.”

Jaemi frowned at them. “What.”

“I think he used 200 pounds of gun powder too,” Baekhyun suddenly pointed behind her. “Ice cream’s here.”

She squealed when the bowl of glistening white vanilla landed on the table. She immediately dug in, savoring the cold dessert. When she was almost halfway done, she noticed the yearning, pleading looks from both her friends. Unknowingly, a sigh escaped her lips. “… You guys can have some.”

It wasn’t even a minute later that those two devoured the whole thing.

Baekhyun let out a long burp. “… I don’t think we should have eaten that so fast…”

Jongdae groaned a bit. “… I-Is my stomach making weird noises, or is that yours?”

“Chocolate does not—” The former shot up and sprinted to the washroom, the other following shortly.

Jaemi just sat there wiping chocolate off her face.

For the next thirty minutes, the girl sat there while groans of constipation echoed from the toilets and all over the shop.



For the next thirty minutes, Jaemi attempted to convince the cashier that she had absolutely no relations to the two dimwits in the toilets.

Later, after the boys had completely emptied their sorrowful bowels, they led the princess to their suspicious black van and drove off once more.

“Let me guess,” Jaemi spoke after they arrived at their destinations. She distinctly heard the sound of car engines coming from a large arena in front of them. “We’re going to watch a car race?”

“Even better!” Baekhyun sang. “We’re going to watch a monster car show!”

“Wonderful,” she muttered sarcastically. Consequently, she was dragged into the arena and onto one of the top seats. From here, they could see the entire field where trucks were leaping from the dirt and a giant screen playing advertisements.

Jaemi sat quietly as the two on either side of her cheered and screamed every time a truck would do an awesome trick. It was a tiring day for her, seeing as she was dragged all over the place by those who have no off button. She simply wanted to see Sehun and go home.

She got her wish the very next minute.

Jongdae patted her shoulder and pointed forward. “You might want to watch this.”

So she watched as two trucks jump off a ramp and collide right into each other, causing them both to explode and combust into hot flames.

“OH MY GOD!” Jaemi freaked, hopping out of her seat to stand. “THE DRIVERS! ARE THEY—“

Suddenly fireworks went off, startling everyone with a loud bang. Bright colors filled the evening sky, showcasing their sparkles and beauty.

“Look at the screen, princess!”

Once the smoke cleared, Jaemi carefully read what was being displayed on the giant screen.

Happy Birthday Jaemi! Love, Sehun.’

“One more thing!” They both pointed to a floating blimp that was slowly making its way across the sky. Printed on the blimp was a giant heart with name ‘Jaemi’ on it. The girl recognized the voice that emitted from the vehicle.

“Jae! Can you hear me?” That was Sehun’s voice. He was in the passenger car of the blimp, speaking to his girl with a megaphone. “If you can, I just wanted to say I love you! Ah, I’m so embarrassed.”

“EHEY!” Jongdae cheered, hi-fiving an equally smiley Baekhyun. “We did it! Operation: Princess’s birthday is a success!” He looked over at the girl and hitched a breath when he saw a tear roll down her face.

Baekhyun saw it too and immediately panicked. He pulled a walkie-talkie from out of nowhere and shouted into it. “BACON TO PRINCE! BACON TO PRINCE! THE WATER DAMS HAVE FLOODED! ABORT MISSION! ABORT!”

“GIVE IT YOU !” Jongdae grabbed the device from him. “YAH OH SEHUN YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS CRYING ABORT MISSION!”



Jaemi suddenly grabbed both their heads and smacked them together. “… I-I’m crying because…! I’m crying because I’m so… Happy…”

The two stopped panicking and smiled once more. “Aw, she’s touched! They’re tears of joy!”

“Actually,” Jaemi wiped her face. “They’re tears of annoyance. I’m so happy that I’m the smartest one out of all of you!”

Their faces blanked. “What.”

The girl turned to the boy in the blimp. “YAH OH SEHUN! MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW YOU IDIOT!”

A long silence passed by as the fire crackled from the destroyed trucks below. “… You mean today’s not the third?”

Baekhyun and Jongdae exchanged odd looks. “Oh… That means we get to do this tomorrow— AHH NOT THE NOT THE !” The latter screamed when she lifted a foot.

“You guys are not doing this again,” Jaemi started, severely annoyed. “You must’ve spent so much money just renting this place and exploding 200 pounds of gun powder! Plus, I don’t even know if those two drivers from the crash are even alive! I never want you three to pull off this dumb plot again. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, ‘mam…” Baekhyun blinked at her knowingly. “… But did you like it?”

A smile appeared on her face. “I loved it! Did you see those fireworks?! And the way those two trucks smashed into each other was so awesome! This is the best early birthday gift ever!”

They say that life is full of surprises. Whether they are a boyfriend in a floating blimp or two dumb friends almost burying you alive, life will throw anything in your way. Of course, we shouldn’t expect to be kidnapped in broad daylight or see an explosion of epic proportions any time soon; for the best surprises are the unexpected ones.

Life will surprise you. 












ok that was actually so lame OTL this was the best I could come with in less than a day -v-
I hope you like~ happy birthday again! ^^

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Lovelypandabear #1
Chapter 1: Waaahhhhh~~ they have the best relationship ever!!
Chapter 1: Nice plot :D it reminds me of David Fincher's The Game hehehe
Chapter 1: Wow, this is sooo cute! Thank you(:
kpoppinstyle #4
Chapter 1: Nice story authornim!
isaidBOOM #5
awwwwwww thank you~!!
but you are an AWESOMER potato than me ^^