First Day In SM Building And Happy Meeting

Take Care Of My Girlfriend

When Rina first arrived in Korean and got into the SM building she didn't know anyone nor where to got or what to do. ''Ok, and now what?'' she said to herself. She looked around and realized that she was all alone in the middle of the hallway. Rina sighted and started walking around. There were so many doors and yet no one was there to guid her and show her where in the hell she has to got. She looked around the building and sighed annoying. ''I'm completely lost'' Rina whispered.

''Hey!'' someone from behind shouted. Rina sighed again *finally* she thought, and turned around to see a short guy gazing her cooly. One think that caught her attention was his BIG eyes. 

''Oh, um, he-hello...'' Rina said quetelly.

''Are you new here?'' the guy said casually. *He is cute.* Rina thought.

''Oh, um.. yeah, kinda..'' she said.

''...I see.'' the guy said while looking at her serious. He paused for a moment and then he smirked. ''You're lost, right?''

''I guess so..'' Rina smiled awkwardly. The guy smiled and nodded his head. *Such a beautiful smile.* She thought again.

''Ok.So...I guess i'll be your guide for today hmm?'' He said. (i think guide is the right word right??)

''Oh, um-'' Rina managed to say when he cut her words.

''Ok, come. Follow me.'' he smiled again and asked her to follow him.

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