Halloween Stupidity

Hidden Lives of Exo

Exo's night at the club started with all twelve of the members piling into the manager's van, all of them somehow mexi-packing in. Then came Suho, attempting to do a head count of the members. 

"Okay where the hell is Luhan?"

If it was possible Lay slunk further under Chen's fat , knowing he would be blamed for not waking up the ever sleeping Luhan. 

"Who was supposed to wake him up?"  Suho looked around, searching amidst the tangled mass of limbs for any guilty looking suspects. 

Lay's squirming did not go unnoticed as Suho's hawk eyes latched onto him.

"Lay go wake him up, you always forget and now we'll be late to the Halloween party. Hurry it up." It was admittedly hard to take him seriously as Baekhyun let out an untimely snigger. Suho could only give him half a glare as his other eye was covered by his eye patch, although Baek did regret it as he swung his pirate hook, which only nearly missed his cowboy hat. 

It took all of five minutes for Lay to wiggle out from between Chen's legs. He entered the dorm to find Luhan, dressed in his pajamas and drinking the milk out of the carton.

"Ugh you sick bastard, stop drinking from the milk carton, it's highly unsanitary. Now hurry up did you forget that we were going to the club for Halloween?"

Lay carted a semi-conscious Luhan out of the dorm. He'd pass as a bum for the party right? One look at Luhan's ripped nightwear told Lay the answer.


Somehow succeeding in getting to the club, without getting pulled over, Exo rolled out of the van. ingly, you could say... that is if you were blind. 

Kai got his costume stuck in the van door, Chen (seemingly already inebriated before even entering the club) falling prey to the seat belts, and Chanyeol and D.O. literally falling to the ground in their two person horse suit. 

It would take the help of Xiumin to undo Chen's seat belt. Before long they had all made it into the club and pirate Suho got them a table to sit at. It was quite amusing to watch as Chanyeol and D.O. tried to sit down with their costume. In the end D.O. was extremely pissy and instead just got out of the horse's rear.

Soon enough Kris had ordered shots for the whole table and everyone downed them. That is except Kris, who was regretting wearing a crab costume as he could not, for the life of him, pick the shot glass up. After many tries he used both hands and got it half way to his face before it slipped, splashing all over his face. Chanyeol also decided not to drink, seeing as he had a horse head on (its hard to get off okay?!) and had to drive the whole posse home tonight.

"Hey, hyung, look at me.... I'm a flower boy. Hehe get it? Get it Luhan?" 

Luhan groaned as Sehun tried, desperately, to get his attention. He was too old for this . 

"Sehun, I get it, you're dressed as a motherering flower. Now are you done yet? I'm in no mood for your juvenile puns."

Sehun just ignored his hyung's fit and went on. Every one sitting at the table left, also too old for Sehun's immaturity. 

"So, hyung, what are you dressed as?"

"Exactly what it ing looks like. A tired, underpaid, near middle aged guy who just realized he's talking to the dumbest little in the whole world. If you'll excuse me." 

Sehun just sat there, still in a haze after his hyung left, and seriously wondered where he went wrong.

Lay, who appeared out of nowhere, patted him on the back. The poor maknae looked so disheartened that even the flower petals which framed his face and stemmed off the tight green spandex costume seemed to be wilting. 

"He's just tired. Trust me he doesn't hate you.... that badly." Lay was lucky the club music had tuned out his last words as Sehun had energized enough to stand up, mouth a 'thank you' and trundle off in search of Luhan.

Xiumin soon joined Lay at the table, his penguin outfit's sleeves rolled up. 

"Holy mother of Exo. Why the hell did I wear this ? It's hotter than hell in here."

Chen somehow miraculously stumbled into the conversation (stumble was all he could do in his drunken stupor) and slurred quite drunkenly.

"I'm totally chill in these workout shorts. It's like I'm in my own personal freezer."

"Get the hell out of here you alcoholic!" Xiumin glared at Chen, who quickly scuttled away to look for a trashbin to throw up in.


Do Kyungsoo was beyond pissed at the moment. It all started this morning:

Chanyeol barged into his room, totally ignoring D.O.'s death glare and launched into this whole spiel about dressing as a horse for the Halloween party at the club. Soon enough they had bought the thing, D.O. agreeing to be a horse with him. That was before he realized that they would both... simultaneously be the horse. Like....in a shared horse costume. Worst thing was D.O. could not back out as Chanyeol already bought the damned thing and all the other members had a costume for the night.

So here he was, sweating his off, in an effing club, in the rear end of a horse costume. And you know whose was centimeters from his face? Park ing Chanyeol. The interior of the costume was also very smelly. Like what the hell Chanyeol, do you have any personal hygiene at all. Geez it smells like death. D.O.'s inner mantra was something along those lines for the rest of the night.

Things only got progressively worse as he got drunker.

It should be observed, beforehand, that Do Kyungsoo is a very calm man when sober. Thus it follows that when drunk... he is the opposite of that. He turns into a raging bull and is very....very moody. So it comes not as a surprise that when Baekhyun lassoes the back end of the two man horse (ahem... D.O.'s end) ... does, though however unfortunate for Baekhyun, get real.

Baekhyun, who had gussied himself up from the cowboy boots and spurs all the way to a ten gallon hat and lasso, was having the time of his life. He had succeeded in rangling up some hotties with his cowboy whip, and had now found the perfect challenge. A horse. Yes. He was going to lasso the horse. It went from good to bad as he triumphed in tangling up the horse's rear legs. It went south as he realized that he had a tad too much to drink and that the 'horse' was really just D.O.... who was now storming over to him ( after untangling the rope and getting the hell out of the horse costume) and shaking his fist at him.

Now, Baekhyun is a smart man, and knows when to abandon ship. Although that was Suho's area of expertise, he was pretty sure he booked it better than that gramps.

D.O. was soon ushered out of the club as he ran around screaming profanities until one of the bouncers kicked his out of there. He would get Baek. No matter how long he had to wait outside on the curb of the sidewalk in only a tank top and horse legs. (Yes he had hooves, but no he was not going to take being called a centaur. He was not the product of . Its beneath him)

1 member down, 11 more to go.


Kris, Tao, and Kai all watched the lover's quarel unfold. It wasn't so much a lovers spat than just Luhan having a fit and the one to be ed upon was the young and impressionable maknae, Sehun. Sehun looked incredibly regretful, and Luhan was downright sobbing. Nobody really knew why.... or cared. It was all agreed upon long ago that Luhan was a total when drunk. He cried, he ed, he even could down a whole container of ice cream. Talk about a chick on her period.

The trio, having seen enough of Lulu's drama, ordered some drinks. Kris, in the same predicament as before asked for some help.

"Tao, you gotta help me. I can't pick up with these flipper hands" Referring to his crab hands, "Gimme a drink will you?"

"Eww, no you sound like an old e." Tao said with disgust. Kris was sadly very sober for the whole night as he could not get a of alcohol down his system. Curse you crab hands!

Kai, having almost no coordination when sober (unless it came to dancing) was even clumsier when he'd been drinking. Turning around and forgetting all about his bumblebee , knocked all the drinks off the table. When he turned back around he was at a loss as to where the drinks went. Tao and Kris could only stare at his stupidity in silence, knowing that even if they voiced his idiocy... the fool wouldn't understand.

"Hey guys! That's not funny! Who stole my drink?" Kai whined to them, totally oblivious to their excessive eye rolling. "Whatever, I'll be dancing."

Kai left, his black and yellow stripes soon lost in the crowd of dancers. Kris was left with a plastered Tao, who could no longer even stand let alone be coherent.

"Gege... You gotta carry this for me..." Tao slurred, pointing at the fishing pole."Its waaayy too heavy for me."

"It was your fault for wanting to be a ing fisherman! And no, I won't because you wouldn't give me a drink."

Kris was 200% done at that time, and that only increased exponentially as Tao began to vomit all over his red crab suit. Kris would spend the rest of the night nursing a smashed Tao in the bathroom.

3 down, 9 more to go.

Lay had found a wasted pirate swinging a bottle of rum around singing a mangled tune that was abominable to the ears. As Lay approached Suho he had to dodge a metal hook that was flailing as he chugged more rum down.

"Ahoy, me matey. Methinks youthinks yous wanting to be a pirate. You've come to the right place meh lad."

Lay avoided his hook again as he sat next to the wannabe pirate.

"No, I'm a unicorn." Lay said, pointing to his forehead " I mean... obviously."

"Argh, there's nothing there, lass."

Lay wondered if he knew what lad and lass meant as Suho was definitely confused concerning the two. He felt on his forehead and realized that there was infact nothing there.

", it must've fallen off. I'm gonna go look for it."

Suho immediately jumped up, eager to help find the missing treasure.

"Its just a cup with spark glue on it. I made it myself." Lay smugly stated, obviously quite pleased with his amazing handiwork.

Lay and Suho embarked on the expedition, finding the cup much later as they got sidetracked at the bar. By the time they found the cup Lay was also rather plastered and they both needed to help hold eachother up.

"ohhhmiggoooodd.... is that it?!" Lay slurred, pointing at a glittery smashed styrofoam cup. He worked hard on that, even enduring the criticism of Chen. Suho only patted his back as he started tearing up at the broken masterpiece on the ground of the men's bathroom. They had worked hard to find that.... and here it was. Stomped to pieces.

Lay was soon sobbing, for reasons even he didn't know, but luckily Suho was there for him, handing him toilet paper as he sat on the dirty bathroom floor, questioning reality.

"Hey guys.... are you okay?" Kris, who was watching over a baby Tao in the stall next door, peeked his head over the barrier.


"What the does it look like, you giant. He just lost a comrade!"

Suho began ranting about camaraderie and true friendship (talking about the unicorn cup) as Lay nodded his head, whispering 'amen's here and there. Kris had no idea what the hell they were spouting about, but realized that he didn't care, and went back to trying to clean the puke out of his costume. Tao had passed out long ago, and Kris did end up carrying the damn fishing pole. Son of a ! Yea... Kris was at his wits end... not to mention painfully sober.

5 down, 7 more to go.

Chanyeol was beginning to wonder where the hell his other half had gone off to. He had one last place to search... the bathroom.

After enduring a harrowing experience in the ladies' bathroom he had made his way into the mens, where he found a swaying Sehun having trouble ping his full body spandex.

"Hey, Sehun, have you seen D.O.?"

"No... hey... Do you have any idea how to get this off? I really need to piss."

"Umm... you've probably gotta take it all off, you know? Like... I don't think those things have crotch zippers."

"Oh thanks hyun-" Sehun was stopped as he finally found Luhan, who fled into a bathroom stall as soon as he saw Sehun's flower petals. He was pretty hard to miss. Sehun slid his hand in between the door before Luhan had time to lock it and stepped in with him.

"Sehun! Get the hell out of here! I've had enough of your today okay?!"

Sehun didn't say anything, only tilted Luhan's head up and engaged him in a very sloppy and drunk makeout. Luhan was too far gone to really give a .

Chanyeol slowly backed out, praying that neither would remember any of this, otherwise the morning would be veeeerrrry awkward.

He soon bumped into Baekhyun who was out of breath.

"Hey have you seen D.O.?"

"Yeah.... don't go near him. He's drunk and in an awful mood."

Baekhyun only shuddered as he thought back to D.O. chasing him. Luckily he had gotten him off his tail.

"Hey wanna get out of here? Its really loud and crowded."

Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun led him to the back door. They found a passed out D.O. sitting on the sidewalk and carted him over to the van, Chanyeol unlocking the doors and throwing him in.

"Hahah, dumb got thrown out. Serves him right." Baek could only laugh spitefully at D.O.'s curled fetal position in the van.

They just decided to wait in the car for the rest of the members, Baekhyun soon falling asleep. Chanyeol sat in the front seat and played on his phone.


After Sehun and Luhan's makeout session, Luhan passed out, leading Sehun to panic and flee the scene. Luhan was left slumped on a toilet seat.

He ran into Kai, who was with Kris and Tao at the bar. He decided to sit with them for a while, his brain still hazy as he slowly realized all that entailed jumping his hyung. The hyung that hated him. He made out with him. Ohgoddddddddd. Kill me now!

He sat on a stool with his head in his hands, regretting ever having been born. He was going to die.


Luhan came to on a toilet seat, fully in the mind that he was trying to take a dump and passed out. That was until he found a mirror and saw his red, swollen lips and everything that evil maknae did came back to him. He rushed out of the bathroom, his hair a mess, and soon found the flower boy.

Tapping him on the shoulder he punched him in the face. Hard. Angry, drunk Luhan has powers.

"How ing could you?! You just think you can just up and kiss me like that?! You bastard!" Luhan was sobbing, and Sehun did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed his hyung and let him cry on his shoulder. Even he didn't know why he kissed Luhan like that, but he did know that he never wanted to be punched by him again. That hurt.


Kai had decided to call it a night when some ahjumma started grinding on him in the crowd. He quickly got out of there and found Xiumin and Chen playing a game of cards at one of the tables in the back of the club. Xiumin was easily beating Chen who was now slightly sobered up but still feeling the effects of drinking before he even got to the club.

"I think you're cheating. You bastard you just did it again! I saw you take those cards." Chen muttered angrily to himself.

"I am not cheating, you just drunk and at playing war. Lay down a card, you alcoholic."

"The only reason you're winning is because you picked a stupid game. War? How the do you even play that?"

"Andddd.... that's the reason why I'm winning. You don't even understand how to play the easiest game in the book. You just lay down a card and whoever's is bigger gets it. Anyway this is the only game that you can play in your state of mind. Do you see yourself?" Xiumin said, casting a judgement filled look at Chen in his leg warmers and short shorts with a neon head band.

"What even are you supposed to be?"

"For your information, I am an 80's workout instructor and I pull off this look better than you could ever wish too. Ha!" Chen mumbled, "I bet your dying because how hot it is in that penguin suit, but I am just peachy with these here mesh running shorts"

"Speaking of mesh, nearly everyone can see your junk in them... its disgusting."

Chen's eyes shot open and he looked down at his workout shorts, only to let out a sigh of relief that Xiumin was joking with him. He went back to resting his head on Kai's shoulder, who was also out. He soon fell fast asleep.

". How the hell am I gonna get these two deadbeats to the van?"

Xiumin had to haul their asses, both, to the van.

Xiumin isn't the strongest member for nothing.


At some point in the night the members slowly straggled back to the van, Suho too smashed to do a head count. Chanyeol just hoped that all the members had crammed in the eight seat van as he took off.

It was about six in the morning when they made it home, most of the members zombie-ing to their beds. Sehun carried a tear stained Luhan to bed, and Xiumin dragged a passed out Kai to the couch. Good enough.

Chanyeol and Xiumin, the only mostly sober ones, both dreaded what the morning would bring.




Hey hope you like the chapter!

It might be extremely confusing and out of order but whatever lol

also DRAMA.... a sort of plot for this plotless piece of.... writing. heh

anyway its my sisters birthday tomorrow and i updated for her

hope you do good on your test :)







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Creepin-on-idols #1
Chapter 5: This is awesome. Update soon okay. Fighting!!