"What's a dinosaur?"

Hidden Lives of Exo

It's just a normal day for Kyungsoo as he starts preparing his breakfast. As usual he and Xiumin are the first to wake up. The dorm is still relatively quiet as Kyungsoo heats water and opens his special oatmeal package, only the sounds of Sehun's loud snoring can be heard throughout the dorm. Chanyeol shuffles in next with crazy hair and an obviously hungover Suho.

"Hot Chocolate...." Suho says weakly before laying his head on the table. Chanyeol makes Suho some hot chocolate, Suho's supposed magical remedy for hangovers.

"Soo...I take it you Lay and Baek had fun last night at the club?" Kyungsoo asks. Suho just makes a grunting noise but doesn't bother to use words.

"Ugh...yeah Baekhyun wouldn't stop talking about it last night before he passed out, he was going on about almost getting a girl's number before Suho scared her away...." Chanyeol said. Suho once again only grunted as Chanyeol handed him his hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.

"It's done." Kyungsoo says happily as he stares at his special oatmeal for a minute before sitting down at the table.

Chen and Kris walk in, and sit beside D.O. and Xiumin at the table. They watch with interest as D.O. begins eating his oatmeal with colorful dinosaur eggs in it.

"Wow, Kyungsoo, what's in your oatmeal?" Chen asks

"It's Dinosaur eggs, just watch....they hatch! Like magic!" D.O. says excitedly. Chen scoots closer and watches intently as the eggs hatch into dinosaurs. "This was my favorite when I was a kid, dinosaurs are the best."

"Wait...What's a dinosaur?" Chen says. The room falls silent as everyone stops what they are doing and stares at Chen. Suho drops his spoon on the table. "What? What's wrong?"

"....D..Did you just ask....what a dinosaur is?" Xiumin asks in disbelief.

"How can you not know what a dinosaur is...." Chanyeol says as Suho simply shakes his head.

"What's the big deal guys, I was homeschooled...you guys always make fun of me." Chen says trying to defend himself.

"Ok, that's it...It's decided." Kris says as he stands up dramatically. "Jurassic Park marathon." Kris holds hid hand up for a high five....Everyone just stares at him until a seemingly recovered Suho decides to give in, and not leave his fellow leader hanging.

"Where are the rascals anyway? They are taking forever to wake up..." Suho asks, finally returning to his normal motherly self. All of the members present know that he is referring to Sehun, Kai, and Tao.

"Ahh they were up all night watching some girly drama last night....they were really loud..." Chen answered.

"Ahh...well it's only a matter of time before Luhan's alarm clock wakes them all up." Suho says as he walks to his room.



Luhan's alarm clock did indeed wake the maknaes up, also sending Suho back into his coma/hangover state, his chocolate remedy's power diminishing. The rest of the day went on rather uneventful, the members going to their schedules before it was finally time.

Everyone gathered into the living room, Sehun pushing his hyungs out of the way to get a spot on the couch. Everyone followed Sehun's example, squeezing in on the couch until it was full, Chen and Luhan sitting on the armrests even. Chanyeol came in after, with popcorn he made for everyone.

"Hey guys! Popcorn!" Chanyeol says. Chen grabs the popcorn and begins shoving handfuls into his gaping mouth. Chanyeol just stares sadly.

"Oh...yeah thanks Chanyeol!" Chen says as he and Luhan begin the fight for popcorn from opposite sides of the couch.

"Guys, guys, scooch over!" Chanyeol says as he begins trying to squeeze in between Baekhyun and Kai. He only manages to sit on top of them as there is no more room on the couch. Baekhyun's makes a pointy fist and jabs Chanyeol in the right cheek before Chanyeol finally realizes it's time to give up. Chanyeol runs and ends up finding a fold up chair and sits down after rubbing his , and glaring at Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun! You are such a whiny when you are hungover, seriously it has been all day, you can't still be suffering." Chanyeol has been listening to Baekhyun's complaints all day.

"I am still suffering, my livers are sensitive." Baekhyun says, to which Suho replies, "We need more hot chocolate."

As the movies begin everyone finally quiets down. Sehun watches intently while trying to eat some popcorn from the bowl Luhan has in a death grip. Tao is obviously terrified, and continually raises his hand over his eyes, and tries to hold Kai's hand when he is startled. Kai however had already fallen asleep before the first movie was over. Lay's eyes are huge and he repeatedly says things like "wow! so realistic!" and "amaaazing!" Chanyeol is even more scared than Tao, he is sitting on his metal fold up chair, and is tipping his chair backwards as he watches the movie. Being easily frightened and surprised is in Chanyeol's nature, and it deosn't help that he is somewhat isolated from the rest of the group who are all sitting safely together on the couch.

Eventually Luhan and Chen's fight over the popcorn bowl gets out of hand. They are practically laying on top of the other members with popcorn flying all over the place as they fight from opposite arm rests. Finally Lay breaks down and yells "HEY! you are blocking the view!"

"I am the view." Luhan says jokingly....Sehun is the only one who laughs. D.O. glares at Luhan and Sehun before the movie watching resumes, sadly sandwiched between them.

Chanyeol was just about to literally squeeze his fat back onto the couch, totally not caring about a whiny Baek, that was the extent of his horror of the freaking raptors. Just as he was about to get up and run to the kitchen for cover... a freaking raptor jumps out. Chanyeol, who had previously been tipping back and forth on his chair in anticipation, now found himself sprawled on the ground, his shock resulting in him kicking his feet and tipping over. He screeched, making an even angrier Baekhyun throw Luhan's now empty bowl into his face. (And don't ask how he got the bowl out of Luhan's intense grip, but an angry Baek is a powerful Baek)

The movies somehow came to an end, not with Chanyeol now cowering at the foot of the couch, hugging Chen's legs. Chen desperately tried to kick him off but soon gave up and then everyone was up, stretching, Tao barreling over to the light switch.

"Chanyeol... what even happened over there?" Luhan asked, eyeing Chanyeol who still would not let go of Chen's legs, even after the movie was over.

"...The scene where the girl was digging under the fence....and the raptor...appeared....the raptors...they got to me."


Everyone was officially settled in their rooms when the movie marathon finally came to an end. Chanyeol could not stop fidgeting on his bed while Baekhyun was in the bathroom. Chanyeol was scared to be alone with his memories of the film still haunting him. When Baekhyun returned to the room Chanyeol sighed in relief.

"Hey, Baek?"

"What do you want Chanyeol..."

"Can we leave the lights on tonight while we sleep?"









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Creepin-on-idols #1
Chapter 5: This is awesome. Update soon okay. Fighting!!