Holding onto gravity
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He was staring again.

Jaejoong had started to calm down, and Yunho had pulled him into a quiet coffee shop so he could calm down completely. Yunho obviously hadn't thought it through entirely, for this situation was more than awkward. They hadn't talked for so many years, they had practically become strangers.

Still, Yunho noticed some of Jaejoong’s old habits hadn't disappeared, and he liked that. More than he should.

He watched how Jaejoong swirled his cup absentmindedly, fascinated by how the colours shifted from a dark, to a lighter shade of brown. He seemed so relaxed now, when not paying any attention to his tired red eyes.

Yunho thought about how he had woken up this morning, thinking it was just another ordinary day. He had planned on visiting his mother who had had to undergo surgery for her hip a week ago and was still recovering. Afterwards, after hearing the usual complaints of how he was getting old and he had to start thinking about settling down soon so he could bring her some grandchildren before she would no longer be able to see them, he had trudged towards the lift, got in, and pressed ground floor. He had found himself more than shocked when no one other than Kim Jaejoong had joined him a couple floors down.

Yunho thought about the painful and cold goodbye they had had all that time ago, and how badly Yunho had handled the entire situation. Who would have ever thought they would now be sitting in front of each other in a nearly abandoned coffee shop? Yunho briefly considered fate, but then Jaejoong let out a soft cough, and as they looked at each other, he completely forgot what he had been thinking about.

He saw Jaejoong’s eyes, and he realised he had almost forgotten how light they made him feel. They always gave him the feeling he would start floating if he didn’t hold onto something. He used to hold onto Jaejoong. That was until he let go.

Yunho opened his mouth in order to say something, something he had been meaning to tell him for years now, but strangely, the words got stuck in his throat.

“Are you trying to catch flies?” Jaejoong asked as he pulled one eyebrow up. “If you’re hungry, you could have just said so,” he mumbled afterwards, motioning to one of the waitresses to bring them a menu.

The woman bringing them the requested cards didn’t really qualify to be called a woman. She was too short to be thought of as a full-grown adult, and if that didn’t do it, then the tiny pigtail on top of her head definitely said enough. She couldn’t be over seventeen, yet she practically swooned when she got near Jaejoong. She stuttered when handing him one of the menus – clearly the newest – and then shoved the other one in Yunho’s hands without sparing him as much as a glance. “You can call me when you figured out what you want,” she stuttered yet again, making Yunho roll his eyes.

“Thanks,” Jaejoong winked at her and Yunho was sure she was about to faint.

She didn’t though. She happily skipped off instead. Guess her day was made already.

“I’m not really hungry,” Yunho told the man sitting in front of him. He hadn’t even looked at the menu yet, but he was sure it didn’t contain anything he’d like, or want right now. What he wanted was a decent conversation, and unless the menu had ‘courage’ on it, he wouldn’t find anything to order.

Jaejoong eyed him a moment, then shrugged. “Suit it yourself.”

He then returned his attention back on the menu, and kept on skimming the pages, obviously no longer interested in Yunho.

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Chapter 1: Haha yeah you tell him Joongie
ichigomax #2
Chapter 1: This is really something. Why joongie said he loved yunho? Now he love someone else?
Chin-ae #3
Chapter 1: Seeing Yunho's reaction, it's obvious he still has feelings (whatever they may be, right? I'm not the one writing the story) for Jae. This was a perfect beginning (I already loved the foreword) to what I hope will be an awesome story. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: I really like your writing, and I really like this story (I know, it's just the beginning, but I feel I'm going to love this). Genuinely anticipating the rest! Please update soon!
Chapter 1: Owww snap! You go Jaejoong :p Hahaha no I liked it, please keep writing! I really like your writing style, so I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapters! Please update soon!
Chapter 1: Ooooohh, I'm liking this already! I hope you update soon! I love how awkward they are, but also not, you know? Like, they know it's weird, but they also feel it's not entirely weird? I don't know how to say this :p Either way, I like it! Of course I hope for Yunjae to find each their way into each other's lives again! I'm really anticipating the rest of this story, fighting!
this seems very interesting i cant wait to read it.