EXO One-Shot Collection

The sparkling stars and silvery moon seemed to be doing a mime in the cloudless sky.


I sighed as I lay down on my back and stared at the sky, instead of sleeping– like everyone else– during the school camp. Having snuck out from my tent was a great decision, as it gave me the space and time to think about life. Silence lingered around me as I let out a sigh; I was starting to regret being so hotheaded.




“What do you mean by that?” a frown slowly made its way onto my face as I questioned my stepbrother.


“I’m leaving for Canada in 3 days.”


“Are you kidding me? Why are you only telling me now?” I snapped at Kyungsoo upon hearing the news.


Shocked at my sudden outburst, Kyungsoo started stuttering. “I…I’m so…sorry but I was afraid that you will be sad so… I didn’t want to tell you that early…”


“Sorry? You should be feeling sorry for only telling me that now!” I huffed and stomped out of the house, much to Kyungsoo’s astonishment. He had never seen this side of me even after living with me under the same roof for more than 2 years.

Why did I even react that way? I should have calmed down and talked to him nicely, but now… He probably had a different perspective of me.


All these reactions from me had a reason – a reason that no one could ever know.


Tears streamed down my face as I thought about it; I had to apologize to him before it was too late.



It was finally the day when he had to leave me for Canada.  Kyungsoo had accepted my apology and forgave me, but I could sense the incomprehensiveness in his eyes, for he could not understand why I had lashed out at him that night.


“Oppa…remember to eat well, take care of yourself and if you ever need someone to talk to, remember that I am always here. You can always call me and I’ll definitely answer your call on the first ring, okay?” I said as tears started making its way into my eyes.


Kyungsoo pulled me into an embrace and comforted me, ”Don’t cry, I’m sorry I have to leave you, but I promise I will call you everyday, okay? You have to take care of yourself too, don’t fall sick, understand?”


I nodded and pulled away, as it was time for him to leave.


“Goodbye oppa.” I muttered and waved to him. He did the same before leaving for the gates.


As his back view started getting smaller, my heart started to shatter into pieces. I was a coward; now it’s all too late.


Too late…

A dreadful year had passed by, yet there was no trace of Kyungsoo coming back to visit me. Often times I had asked him if he was going to come back, but the only reply I would receive was, “Sorry, oppa is busy, I can’t come back for the time being.” The phone calls from him started getting less, the duration when we would talk to each other decreased so much and we became… so distant.


It was like as if we weren’t even close to start with.


I wallowed in self-pity as I stared at a photo of the both of us together. One year. Just one year was enough for him to forget all about me. He didn’t even remember what today was. Scoffing, I tore the photo up and threw it into the dustbin, hoping to forget him – like what he did to me. I didn’t need him in my life, I didn’t need him to celebrate my 18th birthday, for I wasn’t a little kid anymore.



“Why did you call me? What do you want?” I asked with an annoyed tone, even though my heart was skipping in joy at the thought of him not forgetting me.


“I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday Y/N, I was too busy…” Before he could even finish, I had interrupted him with a scoff, “Busy? Indeed, you’re so busy you even forgot my birthday!”


“Look, I’m really sorry, but guess what? I’m coming back to visit you!” Kyungsoo exclaimed in excitement.


“You…you are? Really? Oh my I’m so excited…”

“Y/N! Let me introduce you to my girlfriend…” Kyungsoo immediately said upon meeting me at the airport, without even bothering to greet me properly.


Girlfriend… that explains why he had been so busy that he even forgot my birthday.


“Nice to meet you, I’m his stepsister….” My voice faltered at the end as I soon came to realize…


It was too late to regret now.


I had missed my chance a year ago.


author's note ©

Sorry for the late update! Apologies to those who requested from me, but I was really busy so I couldn't update that much... I was wondering if I should post individual one-shots in the future and not all in one story, so please do tell me your thoughts about that. If you still want me to continue with your requests, do inform me and I'll try my best to do it! This chapter may be a little weird since I was having a writer's block when I was writing it. Enjoy! :)

















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Thanks for subscribing! ^^ I'll try my best to write better one-shots! :) I accept one-shots, but only one per day, as this is my personal collection! :)


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hi can i request Do and OC where the girl is being suisidal and DO helps her through this fase of her life and endes up falling in love with her
please accept
Chapter 1: Anneyeong!~
I'm your reviewer from Forgetful Flowers, and i just wanted to let you know that i've just finished your review! (YAYYYY!) i really love your stories so far and hope that you'll keep writing more and more!

- Aera Tan
You don't get many requests :(
Luckily(Or unluckily, if you don't like them i'm sorry) I love to read and I'll probably request a lot.
I feel like reading something about Kris this time.

Plot: It's twelve days to Christmas, Kris and Ju-Mie are friends with benefits. They are comfortable with pleasing each other no matter the hour or place. Kris, begins to grow feelings for the small, petite girl, but doesn't know how to tell her, or even how she feels about him. Within the twelve days, he tries harder than he's ever had to, trying to win her heart. Being the tall, smooth, duizhang he is, he doesn't have to worry about much, except that this girl, she's special, he doesn't want her to think he wants to get in her pants, even though that's all they've ever done, but he wants to show her himself, the real him. He wants her to understand how he really feels. He turns off his ByunTae and on with the Fluff. Fluffy Kris to the rescue!
ficsystem #5
Chapter 4: surprised! look chanyeol,,, the girl can get another man...

thanks author - nim... you get this..<3 <3 <3 i like it
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl; sad ending ♡ too cute <3
Chapter 3: That is the cutest thing ever :D Ahh fangirling ~
Thank you author-nim! :D
Chapter 2: Nicely done, Author-nim
Keep it up!
Fighting! :)
ficsystem #9
Chapter 1: awwww....a writer block and chanyeol...can i relate? haha... thanks for a cute reading author-nim. it's well done!
Chapter 1: Wow, it's soooo cute ^^~ your doing good author-nim! I'd like to request can I?

If so, can I have one about lay?
Plot: lay wasn't always what others put his image to be, it was beyond that. In fact, he was on tour with exo for the lost planet when he'd seen a lovely girl in the crowd. He wanted her to know that she'd been spotted. He had the managers bring her backstage after the concert. He managed to slip away with her, and they found themselves in a love hotel. At first young didn't think much of it but the words that came out of months later shocked him to no end. "I'm pregnant with your baby." He had to choose now, what he was going to do.

You can surprise me with the ending ^^ thanks in advance if you do it (: you're a good writer ^^~