Chanyeol x OC

EXO One-Shot Collection

One-Shot Requested by: 61chanyeolminded


6 months.


It had been 6 months since Y/N started dating Chanyeol. Chanyeol was the best boyfriend ever. He gave Y/N everything that she wanted, cared for her, and most importantly, loved her deeply. Y/N felt like she was the luckiest woman on earth, except for the fact that she felt that Chanyeol treated her not like a woman, but a girl who knew nothing about marriage.


“Why can’t we get married? It’s been 6 months already!” Y/N pestered.


“Y/N ah, what’s the rush? I’ll still be here for you even if we don’t get married!” Chanyeol said while walking away from her. He was getting frustrated as each minute passed by, as Y/N had been talking about this topic for quite some time already.


After Chanyeol said that, Y/N became very quiet. Tears were b in her eyes, ready to fall out anytime. Growing uneasy at the increasing silence, Chanyeol turned around to get a glimpse at Y/N to see if she was all right. Guilt rose up to his chest when he saw Y/N’s hurt look, and he tried thinking of ways to apologize Y/N.


“I guess you never really loved me did you?” Y/N accused, as tears started streaming down her face.


Chanyeol was angered; not just angered, but extremely furious. What did Y/N think of him to be? Did she seriously think that he was just playing with her the whole time? The more he thought about it, the more upset and infuriated he was.


“Stop acting so immature! Getting married isn’t everything! Did you seriously think that I was playing with you the whole time? This is ridiculous!” With that, Chanyeol left stomping out of the house.


Walking away from Y/N that day was one of the worst mistakes Chanyeol had done in his whole entire life.  It signified the end of his relationship, his happiness. He blamed himself for being so hotheaded; if only he had calmed down and talk to Y/N regarding why he did not think it was time for them to marry yet. Although he knew this matter wasn’t entirely his fault, he still regretted his actions.


Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “What’s done is done.” There was no way Chanyeol could turn back time to take back his words. He wanted to apologize to Y/N for walking out on her, but no matter how he tried, he could not get in touch with Y/N. Her phone number, address…everything had changed.

2 years had passed, with no news of Y/N.

A part of Chanyeol still hoped that Y/N would return to his side. He missed the dates with Y/N, the food Y/N cooked for him, the hugs and kisses they shared together, but…all those would never happen again. They would remain as memories forever– nothing more.


It was then he received a letter on that fateful day, when he realized that it was time to forget Y/N once and for all.  He would be lying to himself if he said that his heart did not clench in pain when reading the letter, because his heart did. “I have to be strong, I can’t cry…” Chanyeol constantly reminded himself, but who was he kidding? His face was already smudged with tears, eyes puffy from crying.

He stood far away from the Wedding Chapel, admiring her in the wedding dress. She looked so stunning, to the point that he almost could not recognize her.  Her wedding gown emphasized her elegant figure, her small waist that he used to wrap my arms around.


A pair of arms slipped onto her waist and hugged her close to him. Y/N smiled at him lovingly, and so did the guy hugging her. This time, Chanyeol did not feel jealousy in himself anymore. After receiving the letter from Y/N that day, he had made up his mind– to forget about Y/N.


A smile tugged at Chanyeol’s face as he tore the letter that Y/N wrote to him into slips. Leaving the letter wouldn’t do him any good; he had to forget about Y/N and move on.


“I wish you all the best, Y/N.” Turning around, Chanyeol walked away, never looking back again.


As he left, a slip of paper that he had torn fell onto the ground.


“I loved you, Chanyeol.” It read.



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Thanks for subscribing! ^^ I'll try my best to write better one-shots! :) I accept one-shots, but only one per day, as this is my personal collection! :)


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hi can i request Do and OC where the girl is being suisidal and DO helps her through this fase of her life and endes up falling in love with her
please accept
Chapter 1: Anneyeong!~
I'm your reviewer from Forgetful Flowers, and i just wanted to let you know that i've just finished your review! (YAYYYY!) i really love your stories so far and hope that you'll keep writing more and more!

- Aera Tan
You don't get many requests :(
Luckily(Or unluckily, if you don't like them i'm sorry) I love to read and I'll probably request a lot.
I feel like reading something about Kris this time.

Plot: It's twelve days to Christmas, Kris and Ju-Mie are friends with benefits. They are comfortable with pleasing each other no matter the hour or place. Kris, begins to grow feelings for the small, petite girl, but doesn't know how to tell her, or even how she feels about him. Within the twelve days, he tries harder than he's ever had to, trying to win her heart. Being the tall, smooth, duizhang he is, he doesn't have to worry about much, except that this girl, she's special, he doesn't want her to think he wants to get in her pants, even though that's all they've ever done, but he wants to show her himself, the real him. He wants her to understand how he really feels. He turns off his ByunTae and on with the Fluff. Fluffy Kris to the rescue!
ficsystem #5
Chapter 4: surprised! look chanyeol,,, the girl can get another man...

thanks author - nim... you get this..<3 <3 <3 i like it
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl; sad ending ♡ too cute <3
Chapter 3: That is the cutest thing ever :D Ahh fangirling ~
Thank you author-nim! :D
Chapter 2: Nicely done, Author-nim
Keep it up!
Fighting! :)
ficsystem #9
Chapter 1: awwww....a writer block and chanyeol...can i relate? haha... thanks for a cute reading author-nim. it's well done!
Chapter 1: Wow, it's soooo cute ^^~ your doing good author-nim! I'd like to request can I?

If so, can I have one about lay?
Plot: lay wasn't always what others put his image to be, it was beyond that. In fact, he was on tour with exo for the lost planet when he'd seen a lovely girl in the crowd. He wanted her to know that she'd been spotted. He had the managers bring her backstage after the concert. He managed to slip away with her, and they found themselves in a love hotel. At first young didn't think much of it but the words that came out of months later shocked him to no end. "I'm pregnant with your baby." He had to choose now, what he was going to do.

You can surprise me with the ending ^^ thanks in advance if you do it (: you're a good writer ^^~