Lay x OC

EXO One-Shot Collection

Story may be unsuitable for some readers.

One-Shot Requested by: JongDaesgirl (Version with name can be found here)


Looks are deceiving.


Who would expect the innocent looking Lay to be a playboy, who goes around flirting whenever he can? Pretty girls capture his attention the most, especially Y/N, whom he managed to slip away with after the tour with EXO.


What was even more shocking was when the girl returned months later with news that would change Lay’s life forever. “I’m pregnant with your baby,” she said. Lay, who was having a bad day that afternoon, screamed at her to get out of his sight upon hearing the news. “Stop lying to me about such matters just because you want my money! I hate people like you!”


With that, Lay left Y/N and stomped out of the room.



It was the 6th month since Y/N found out about her pregnancy. There were times when she wondered if she should really keep the baby, for the baby was going to be fatherless when he was born. Y/N had to go for all the check-ups and therapies alone, and she had to admit that it was really tiring doing all these alone. Indeed, she should have thought of the consequences of telling Lay so early, when there was no proof or whatsoever, but Lay could not have possibly just got her out of his life after hearing the news!


Tears were b in Y/N’s eyes as she thought about how she had to bring up the baby alone, and how she would have to answer the baby’s questions as to why he was fatherless in the future. Should she make up a story? Should she tell her baby the truth? He would be too young to understand what she was talking about, but would he hate her in the future when he realized that his mother had such a past?


“What am I supposed to do?” Y/N sobbed as she buried her face into her hands, sniffing. Little did she know that someone had been watching her the whole time. “Here.” A handkerchief was placed in front of her when she removed her hands from her face. When she looked up to see who the kind soul was, she got a shock. It was the person whom she wanted to see, but at the same time, dreaded seeing. Ironic isn’t it? He was the one who told her to get out of his life, but here he was, offering a handkerchief for her to dry her tears.


Y/N scoffed and hit his hands away, saying, “What do you want from me Lay-ssi? I’m pretty sure that you told me to get out of your sight and never appear again in front of you.”


“Look, I’m here to apologize. I’m really sorry for what I’ve said to you, and I hope you’ll forgive me. I was just having a bad mood that day, so I didn’t really think through my words before blurting them out. Are you willing to forgive me?” Lay pleaded with Y/N.


Y/N softened because of Lay’s sincerity, but a part of her was still angered by the fact that she was someone who only wanted money in Lay’s eyes. “Will an apology change anything? What’s done is done! It’s been 6 months, 6 lonely months without anyone around me to help me when I needed it, there was no one I could rely on! Do you know how much I had to tolerate these 6 months? Do you…” Before she could finish her sentence, she was embraced by Lay.


“Now that I’m here, you can cry on my shoulders as much as you want. I wasn’t there for the past 6 months, but I will be here for the upcoming months, for the upcoming years when the baby grows into a teenager, for the upcoming years when the baby grows into an adult. I won’t leave the two of you alone, I promise I won’t.” Lay’s hands rubbed against Y/N’s back as he comforted her.


Y/N started sobbing again, but this time, it wasn’t because of the insecurity she had previously, it was out of joy. All the worries she had for the past 6 months disappeared without leaving any trace. After she pulled away from Lay’s embrace, something struck her. How will Lay’s fans react to this when they know about it? Will his career get affected because of her?


Lay seemed to have read her mind, as he gave her a pat on the back and said, “Calm down, my fans are all nice people, they would definitely understand why I have to do this. I have to take responsibility for what I have done too right? If I do not, it will be too unfair to you and the baby.”


Lay’s face started turning red as he stuttered through his next sentence, “Wh…what is the baby’s gender?” My lips curved upwards into a smile when I saw the shy side of him. “He’s a boy.” His eyes seemed to twinkle in delight when he heard that the baby was a boy, and his dimples could be clearly seen when he flashed a smile. Would our baby be as handsome as the father in the future? was all that Y/N could think about at that time.


“Y/N ah, I’ve talked to our manager already, he said that it would be better if we got engaged earlier, as I may be quite busy towards the end of the year due to our new album’s promotions.” Lay said.


Blood immediately rose up to Y/N's cheeks when he talked about the engagement. She had never dated in her whole life before, but now…she was going to get engaged?


“I know it’s kind of fast,” Lay added, “but the baby may be on his way any time, so it’s better to get engaged earlier, isn’t it?”  “But what’s the use of an engagement when there’s no romantic feelings between us? It would become more of a commitment to you, don’t you think?” Y/N asked.


“You know, romantic feelings can always be built up over time. Nothing is impossible in the world.”




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hi can i request Do and OC where the girl is being suisidal and DO helps her through this fase of her life and endes up falling in love with her
please accept
Chapter 1: Anneyeong!~
I'm your reviewer from Forgetful Flowers, and i just wanted to let you know that i've just finished your review! (YAYYYY!) i really love your stories so far and hope that you'll keep writing more and more!

- Aera Tan
You don't get many requests :(
Luckily(Or unluckily, if you don't like them i'm sorry) I love to read and I'll probably request a lot.
I feel like reading something about Kris this time.

Plot: It's twelve days to Christmas, Kris and Ju-Mie are friends with benefits. They are comfortable with pleasing each other no matter the hour or place. Kris, begins to grow feelings for the small, petite girl, but doesn't know how to tell her, or even how she feels about him. Within the twelve days, he tries harder than he's ever had to, trying to win her heart. Being the tall, smooth, duizhang he is, he doesn't have to worry about much, except that this girl, she's special, he doesn't want her to think he wants to get in her pants, even though that's all they've ever done, but he wants to show her himself, the real him. He wants her to understand how he really feels. He turns off his ByunTae and on with the Fluff. Fluffy Kris to the rescue!
ficsystem #5
Chapter 4: surprised! look chanyeol,,, the girl can get another man...

thanks author - nim... you get this..<3 <3 <3 i like it
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl; sad ending ♡ too cute <3
Chapter 3: That is the cutest thing ever :D Ahh fangirling ~
Thank you author-nim! :D
Chapter 2: Nicely done, Author-nim
Keep it up!
Fighting! :)
ficsystem #9
Chapter 1: awwww....a writer block and chanyeol...can i relate? haha... thanks for a cute reading author-nim. it's well done!
Chapter 1: Wow, it's soooo cute ^^~ your doing good author-nim! I'd like to request can I?

If so, can I have one about lay?
Plot: lay wasn't always what others put his image to be, it was beyond that. In fact, he was on tour with exo for the lost planet when he'd seen a lovely girl in the crowd. He wanted her to know that she'd been spotted. He had the managers bring her backstage after the concert. He managed to slip away with her, and they found themselves in a love hotel. At first young didn't think much of it but the words that came out of months later shocked him to no end. "I'm pregnant with your baby." He had to choose now, what he was going to do.

You can surprise me with the ending ^^ thanks in advance if you do it (: you're a good writer ^^~