Chanyeol x OC

EXO One-Shot Collection


Gripping onto my hair in frustration, I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot coffee to refresh myself. I was having writer’s block again! That happened to me frequently, ever since I started writing stories, but being the perfectionist I was, I would never write stories that had common plots in order to not bore the reader out. This earned me lots of readers and subscribers, but I was slowly running out of interesting ideas. There were times when I stayed up till dawn with no ideas of what plot to have in a story. My health was slowly deteriorating, but what could I do? I was the one who chose this path; I couldn’t possibly leave my subscribers hanging.


A sigh escaped my mouth as I raised the cup of coffee I made to my mouth, but as I did so, a pair of hands slipped onto my waist and hugged me close. I knew who these hands belonged to almost instantly. However, being the playful person I was, I decided to play a prank on him. Acting as if those hands belonged to a robber who trespassed my property, I screamed. “There’s a robber in the house! Someone help me!”


There was silence after I said that. Before I knew it, the hands on my waist slipped off, making me lose the warmth from the contact. Was he angry at my prank? Guilt rose up my chest as I shuddered at the thought of him being cold to me afterwards. I wanted to apologize but his hands suddenly landed on my shoulders, turning me around to face him abruptly. I expected to see a fuming face but instead, he was pouting. He looked so cute! Was it even legal to be so cute? Without myself knowing, I was fangirling over my own boyfriend, Park Chanyeol.


“How could you not recognize your own boyfriend? You hurt me…” he said in his usual deep yet charismatic voice, but this time adding sobs at the end of his sentence. My heart softened at the sight of my cute giant in front of me. I was really glad to have such a sweet boyfriend who was always there for me whenever I needed him. I can still vividly remember how he asked to date me. That was during high school…




“Y/N ah, come look at this flower, it’s so pretty!” Chanyeol called out to me while holding a rose that had bloomed in his hands. Chanyeol never had an interest in flowers, so I was quite amazed when he suddenly talked about how beautiful the flower was.


“Let me see it!” I skipped happily over to see what could possibly have captured Chanyeol’s attention.


When he handed me the rose, a necklace hanging on the rose fell into my hands. Surprised by the necklace, I asked Chanyeol, “Chanyeol, is this yours?” He nodded in response, saying, “But now it belongs to you!” Being unable to understand what he was saying, I asked him what he meant by that.


“Y/N ah, ever since we became friends, I’ve always got this feeling whenever I’m around you. I would feel butterflies in my stomach when I have contact with you, my heart would cringe whenever I see you cry, and I have this urge to protect you no matter where you are. Are you willing to be my girlfriend?”


Tears started appearing in my eyes as I recalled how he asked me to be his girlfriend. I had completely forgotten that my boyfriend was still standing in front of me, dumbstrucked by the tears that were flowing out of my eyes.


“Wh…Why are you crying? I’m so sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to make you cry!” Chanyeol said worriedly as he pulled me into a hug. “I’m so sorry I really did not mean it, please stop crying…” Chanyeol muttered into my ears.


After regaining my composure, I found myself in a warm embrace, with my tears flowing onto Chanyeol’s shirt, wetting it. The corner of my lips curved up into a smile as I buried myself into the crook of his neck more.


“It isn’t your fault Chanyeol-ah, I was just reminiscing how you asked me out that day. Do you know how touched I was when you asked me to date you?” I sniffed while saying.


Chanyeol pulled himself away from me and looked at me in the eyes while saying, ”You should really get used to it baby, or you may cry a river of tears when I propose to you.” He gave me a peck on my lips, making me blush. We may have been a couple for a few months, but he still never fails to make me blush with his sudden pecks and kisses. “Wha…Propose?!” I finally processed what he said and my heart thumped much faster than before. Chanyeol chuckled and pinched my cheeks lightly, commenting on how cute I was when I was embarrassed and how he anticipated seeing me in my wedding dress on our wedding day. I gave him a light whack on the shoulder for teasing me but ended up getting tickled as ’revenge’ from him.


“Ah…Achoo!” he suddenly sneezed. It was then I realized that his shirt was still wet from my tears; he would definitely catch a cold if he did not change his shirt. “Chanyeol-ah, hurry and go change your shirt, you might fall ill if you don’t!” I told him and started pushing him to his bedroom for him to get a shirt. He stopped in his tracks and said, “Can’t you just help me change out of this shirt?” With that, he gave me a pleading look, hoping that I would give in to him, but apparently, I did not. I threw a shirt in his face and ran away, but with his long legs, he caught up with me quickly. Before I knew it, I was already trapped by him against the wall, with my lips moving slowly against his. I could sense the side of his lips curling up into a smile, and so was mine.


This was the life I’ve always longed for.


I love you, Park Chanyeol.




The first chapter is up! Do give me comments on how I can improve! ^^ Also, you can send in your requests at my tumblr or account! Private messages are welcomed too! ^^ Hope you liked it!:)











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Thanks for subscribing! ^^ I'll try my best to write better one-shots! :) I accept one-shots, but only one per day, as this is my personal collection! :)


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hi can i request Do and OC where the girl is being suisidal and DO helps her through this fase of her life and endes up falling in love with her
please accept
Chapter 1: Anneyeong!~
I'm your reviewer from Forgetful Flowers, and i just wanted to let you know that i've just finished your review! (YAYYYY!) i really love your stories so far and hope that you'll keep writing more and more!

- Aera Tan
You don't get many requests :(
Luckily(Or unluckily, if you don't like them i'm sorry) I love to read and I'll probably request a lot.
I feel like reading something about Kris this time.

Plot: It's twelve days to Christmas, Kris and Ju-Mie are friends with benefits. They are comfortable with pleasing each other no matter the hour or place. Kris, begins to grow feelings for the small, petite girl, but doesn't know how to tell her, or even how she feels about him. Within the twelve days, he tries harder than he's ever had to, trying to win her heart. Being the tall, smooth, duizhang he is, he doesn't have to worry about much, except that this girl, she's special, he doesn't want her to think he wants to get in her pants, even though that's all they've ever done, but he wants to show her himself, the real him. He wants her to understand how he really feels. He turns off his ByunTae and on with the Fluff. Fluffy Kris to the rescue!
ficsystem #5
Chapter 4: surprised! look chanyeol,,, the girl can get another man...

thanks author - nim... you get this..<3 <3 <3 i like it
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl; sad ending ♡ too cute <3
Chapter 3: That is the cutest thing ever :D Ahh fangirling ~
Thank you author-nim! :D
Chapter 2: Nicely done, Author-nim
Keep it up!
Fighting! :)
ficsystem #9
Chapter 1: awwww....a writer block and chanyeol...can i relate? haha... thanks for a cute reading author-nim. it's well done!
Chapter 1: Wow, it's soooo cute ^^~ your doing good author-nim! I'd like to request can I?

If so, can I have one about lay?
Plot: lay wasn't always what others put his image to be, it was beyond that. In fact, he was on tour with exo for the lost planet when he'd seen a lovely girl in the crowd. He wanted her to know that she'd been spotted. He had the managers bring her backstage after the concert. He managed to slip away with her, and they found themselves in a love hotel. At first young didn't think much of it but the words that came out of months later shocked him to no end. "I'm pregnant with your baby." He had to choose now, what he was going to do.

You can surprise me with the ending ^^ thanks in advance if you do it (: you're a good writer ^^~