chapter 22


siwon close his door as he entered his house, everyone at home was already asleep. he acrossed his dark hallway and to his room, turning on his room light before heading towards his wardrobe. he accidentally bumped in to his chair, before opening his wardrobe and  taking out some clothes to stay over at sooyoung's place. he took a pair of shorts and a simple white t-shirt before heading out the door.

he was about to leave when someone called him from behind.

''o-oppa?'' a half-awake sunny called out to him.

''s-sun sun? what are you doing up so late at night?'' siwon asked.

''oppa..i heard someone bumping into something, thats why i woke up...'' she explained.

''oh..i see, yea..i bumped into my chair. sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep.'' siwon said as he began to open the door.

''oppa...where are you going?'' sunny asked.

''crap! i totally forgot about it! she doesn't know about me and youngie's relationship.'' siwon thought to himself. ''erm..i'm gonna to stay overnight at someone's house.''

''huh? someone's house? who?''

''man! what do i tell her?!''

''erm...'' he began. ''i'm gonna stay at my partner's, he said he was lonely and he wanted company.'' he mentally slapped himself. ''i sure must be a hypocrite. why tell a lie when you dont like lying yourself.''

''oh...does he stay near?''

''er..yeah, he just stays about 2 blocks away, well i'll get going now.''

''oh ok oppa.'' sunny said and headed into the room before remembering something about siwon's colleague, sooyoung. didnt she said that she was his partner? she did. so why was siwon refering to his partner as a he? was he lying?

''oppa! wait...'' she stopped him again when he was about to close the door.

''yeah sun sun?'' he asked.

''aint your partner a girl?'' she asked him.

siwon stood there silent for awhile, his eyes popping out. he laughed after awhile ''haha no sun sun..its a guy..'' ''CHOI SIWON STOP LYING! ARGH I MUST HAVE PICKED THAT UP FROM YOUNGIE.''

''because i remembered this girl whose name was sooyoung..she claimed to be your partner. heck, i even let her in to try and console you when you were for hangeng oppa.''

siwon just stood there dumbfounded. ''er..sun sun i''

''oppa! how could you lie to me?! besides you never lie!''

''er sun sun...''

''why are you going to stay over at sooyoung's, whats going on between you 2?''

''er...sunny i-i''

''are you dating her?''

''well, er-''

''stop stuttering oppa! tell me! are you dating her?'' sunny asked.

siwon let out a big sigh. he gave a nod.

sunny's jaws opened, she sank down to the couch.

''sunny? are you alright?'' siwon asked. he walked to her when he didnt reply him.

''hey..hello?'' siwon waved a hand infront of her but she continued staring into blank space.

''sunny are you-''

''when?'' she suddenly asked.

''when what?''

''when did you started dating her oppa?'' she asked, she sounded as if she was abit angry.

''erm a few days back..''

''d-do you like her that much?''

siwon shot up a brow. ''why are you asking me such a weird question? of course i like her..wait like is not the word. i LOVE her..''

''oppa! how could you?!'' she suddenly shouted, a soft one though, she didnt wanted to wake her parents up.

siwon looked at her with a priceless expression. ''w-what sunny? what did i do?''

''oppa! didnt you say you wanted to be with fany?!''

siwon stopped a moment. why was she bringing her up again? ''sunny..didnt i mention to you that fany and i broke up?''

''i know that! but oppa, aren't you gonna try to get her again? didnt you say you never wanted to leave her? are you giving up so easily on her? who could you oppa!''

siwon was starting to boil up a bit at the mention of tiffany. what happened between them were the past, there was definitely not a chance that he would return to her side. he had sooyoung now and he's happy with her.

''sunny. i dont wanna talk about fany anymore.''


''i mean it...look i did love fany..but that was the past. i dont feel anything for her now. i'm happy with sooyoung.''

''how can you be so bad to fany?!''

''sunny! stop interfering with my private life alright?!'' he yelled. ''and besides...fany was the one who broke up with me..i had no intention of breaking up with her, she herself initiated it alright?!''

sunny widen her eyes. ''o-oppa..i-i''

siwon cooled down after awhile. ''look sun sun, i'm sorry..i shouldnt have yelled. its just that..''

''whats soo good about sooyoung?'' she suddenly asked.

''what?'' siwon asked.

''i said...whats so good about sooyoung? how is she different from fany?''

''sun sun are you kidding me?!''

''no i'm not oppa! tell me whats so good about her!''

''sunny!'' siwon picked up her hand and was about to slap her, causing sunny to cringe but siwon manage to prevent himself from slapping her, he breath in slowly before looking at her in the eyes. ''look sun sun..i get it. you and fany are inseperable and i know that you want me to get her back to my side. but sunny..i cant. and dont ask me why..the reason is simple. its cause i'm with youngie now..'' siwon said. '' dont know how much she's done to help me. you dont know what she's been through. she had it tough but still she doesnt show it cause she doesnt wanna to bother anybody,she's always the first one to console people when they are down. thats the kind of girl she is. and i love that part of her. she has done so much for me..''

''o-oppa...i'm sorry. i didnt mean to pick on her..dont get me wrong, i just wanted you to-''

''you dont have to explain it to me sunny. but please, just dont talk about youngie that way in front of me ever again....she's done so much for me and for that, i'm really thankful to her, being with her, is way different with being with fany. she's like the girl friend i could never asked for. thats how much she means to me.''

''i-i get it oppa..'' sunny said, lowering down her head ''i-i guess i should head back to bed now..good night oppa.'' she turned back and head back into her room.

siwon just stood there awhile before remembering about sooyoung, he quickly exited his house and made his way to her home.


sooyoung cuddled herself into siwon as they both layed together on her bed, she placed both her hands on his chest as he put an arm around her shoulders. she gave him a peck before lying her head on the bed. both of them smiling at each other.

''hi..'' sooyoung said childishly as she faced siwon.

siwon only laughed at her and replied her back. ''hi..'' he kissed her again. they kept giggling.

siwon kissed her on her forehead before looking at the ceiling.

''whats soo good about sooyoung?''


''i said...whats so good about sooyoung? how is she different from fany?''

the conversation siwon had with his younger sister haunted him. he stared at the ceiling with a long expression.

sooyoung, who had not taken her eyes off siwon since the moment they layed on the bed noticed the change of his expression. curious, she lifted one of her hands off his chest and unto his face. siwon looked at the smiling girl who touched him.

''what are you thinking about wonnie?'' she smiled.

siwon smiled back. ''nothing youngie..''

she lifted her head and looked down at siwon. ''really?''

''haha yes youngie, nothing really..'' he assured her before placing her head back onto her pillow. he got ahold of her hand and kissed it. ''so about we go out for dinner tomorrow? like a date?''

sooyoung smiled. ''haha sure long as theres food.''

'' now food is your biggest priority? even bigger than me?'' he joked to which sooyoung playfully swatted him on the chest.

''haha i guess so.''

siwon pouted. ''awww're breaking my heart. i've got beaten by food. seems like food is the only important thing to you now. haha'' he held a hand to his left side of the chest.

''haha dont be ridiculous wonnie! of course you're more important to me than food.''

siwon laughed at her.

''wonnie..'' she said suddenly.


''i'm really glad i have you as my boyfriend.'' she said. ''you make my life so much more meaningful. it feels as if you're taking the place in my heart where daddy use to be in..''

siwon smiled at her sentence. he tilt his body, facing sooyoung. he placed a hand over her stomach, rubbing them, looking intently into sooyoung's eyes. he kissed her.

''you have no idea on how happy i am to hear that...'' siwon said.

sooyoung smiled before getting out of the bed and walking to the switch and turning the lights off. she crept back on the bed and snuggled into siwon's embrace.

she gave him a kiss on a cheek. ''goodnight wonnie...sweet dreams.''

''yeap...sweet dreams youngie..''

not to soon, sooyoung fell asleep, leaving siwon the only one awake. he looked at her sleeping profile before looking at the ceiling and sighing, suddenly thinking about tiffany.

''where are you fany?'' he asked ''where, on earth are you?''


''what?!'' yesung slammed his hand on his office table. ''b-but director! wouldnt that mean..''

''yes yesung..'' the director said. ''that bald guy detective choi siwon killed..he's not any ordinary gang leader.''

yesung slump back down to his seat. ''triad?! we're talking about a triad?! wouldnt that put siwon's life in danger?!''

''i'm afraid so. we're trying to get more information, for now, drop whatever further inspections on this case, thats to protect your team members and your lives.''

yesung placed his hands on his forehead, rubbing them. ''that would explain the fire arms they had.''

'' guys have to becareful from now on.''

''yeah, right now we need to try and locate his son, who knows what he might be doing now.''

''you do that, tell your members to keep a look out for him. i'm gonna send heechul over to help you with that.''


''oh yea..dont tell your team about this conversation alright? thats to protect them, dont let them know the real reason of the guy's identity. once we catch him, we've got to interrogate him. is that clear?''


leeteuk left after he was done, leaving yesung seating in his office alone. ''triad? tch....this seriously is a pain in the neck.''


-next day. 1.30pm

''wooooo..i feel so relieve! we finally caught hangeng hyung's murderer!'' ryeowook said.

'' a sense. but he's kid is still out there somewhere.'' kibum said.

jessica yawned. ''yeah..we still have to find that guy''

''you still sleepy?'' siwon asked as sooyoung sat on his lap, feeding him some apples.

''yeah..i'm not really use to staying up this late. plus i couldnt sleep last night, cause i kept thinking about how we caught the person responsible for hangeng oppa's death.''

sooyoung laughed. ''haha! nah sica. i think you're just being your usual pig self. you just like sleeping alot dont you?''

''hey! watch what you say alright?! won won! teach your girl to respect me and not to talk nonsense.''

''haha sica..i'm actually with her on this one...'' siwon laughed as sooyoung fed him another slice of apple.

''yay!'' sooyoung kissed him on the lips. 

''what?! tag team? zzzzz'' jessica said.

''woah! i didnt know you could date your fellow colleagues here.'' a voice suddenly said as the person talking pointed at sooyoung and siwon.

they got up immediately. ''er well, you see we were.''

''hahaha! save your need to hide it. you both look great together?''

siwon scratched his head while sooyoung adjusted her shirt.

''erm..sorry, but who might you be?'' kibum asked.

''he's heechul..'' yesung said as he appeared behind the said person.

''heechul?'' ryeowook asked.

''yeap..he's gonna be here in our team for awhile, helping us with the bald guy's kid.''

''oh yeah...that guy.'' jessica said.

'' treat him nice, make him feel welcome during his stay here alright?'' yesung said.

''oh yea sure hyung.'' ryeowook said as he introduced himself to heechul. the rest did the same.

''oh? so you're siwon? haha i heard about you from yesung..'' heechul said when it was siwon's turn to introduce himself.

''oh he did?'' he asked.

''haha're his junior in high school or something right?''

''haha well yea..sort of.''

''i see, you're one good looking guy.'' heechul said as he turn to sooyoung ''with a beautiful looking girlfriend.''

sooyoung blushed. siwon just laughed and thank him. ''well yeah, she sure is..''

heechul smiled. ''i see, well, nice meeting you guys, i think i will head up with yesung to his office to do some work.''

''oh haha alright then..nice meeting you too.'' siwon said as he turned to yesung. ''hyung..''

''yea whats up won won?'' yesung asked.

siwon pulled sooyoung closer to him. ''you mind if me and youngie take the rest of the day off?''

''oh yeah sure, we dont really need that much people with the case at hand yea just go ahead.''

''thank you! youngie come on, lets go.'' he said as he dragged sooyoung away, who looked back and waved good bye.


''haha wonnie! where are you bringing me?'' sooyoung asked as she let siwon drag her along to where ever he was going.

''here!'' he said as he brought her to a park.

''a park?'' sooyoung asked.

he nodded while smiling. ''haha seat here youngie..i'll be back in no time..just need to get something from the car.''

''haha sure..'' sooyoung said as she sat on the grass, looking at the scenery, it was a different park. she never been here before. she liked it here. she closed her eyes, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere around her.

she felt a cloth being wrapped around her eyes as someone tied a nod. she started laughing.. ''haha wonnie?''

''shhh youngie! no peeking alright? not until i'm done.'' siwon said as he started preparing something.

sooyoung just laughed. ''haha what are you up to wonnie?''

''you'll find out soon..just give me about 5 minutes.'' siwon said as he continued on for the next 5 mins.

''alright youngie! take off that blind fold.'' siwon instructed her.

''haha..about time.'' sooyoung slowly took them off, her eyes adjusting to the brightness. she looked at siwon who was smiling. she then shifted her eyes downwards when siwon signaled her to do so.


she looked up at siwon. ''a p-picnic?''

''yeap.'' siwon nodded. sooyoung immediately lid up and leaned forward to hug him. ''wonnie! this so romantic! i love it!''

''oh please. you're refering to the food right? haha!'' siwon joked.

''no wonnie! this really is romantic! thank you..''

''you're welcome babe..come on, eat up.'' siwon said as he took up a piece of sandwich and fed sooyoung.

''mmmmh...its nice! wait....when did you ever get this things?''

''i made it....''

''w-when? you were with me the whole time since yesterday.''

''haha babe..i went home earlier while you were still sleeping. i told seo that i was going back for awhile so she gave me your house keys. so tada!''

''you wasted your sleep just to do this for me?''

''yeap...well, we never really had a proper date. i mean hanging out with hae in that time wasnt really counted as a date, we were entertaining her the whole day. so i decided i wanted one proper date with you.''

sooyoung got up and sat near him, leaning her head on his shoulders. '' shouldnt have.''

''nah dont worry about it..i'm still wide awake. i dont do this often anyways so doing this once in awhile its alright.''

''still, i wouldnt want my boyfriend losing his precious sleep for me..''

''hey come on're worth losing sleep for alright? haha''

sooyoung slapped him gently. ''you sure know how to sweet talk me.''

''yea just shut up and eat..haha'' siwon said as he stuff a piece of sandwich in . ''nice right?''

sooyoung nodded and gulped it down.


it didnt take long for time to pass by. soon it was already 7pm in the evening.

siwon and sooyoung headed to a fast food resturant. they ordered their meal and started talking about stuffs. stuffs that normal couples do,

''wonnie, are you going to eat that?'' sooyoung pointed at his fries.

''er..yeah-HEY! DONT TAKE THEM!''

too late sooyoung ate some of them.

''i'm hungry!''

''i'm hungry too youngie! gosh you really really are a food monster.''

sooyoung just sticked out her tongue to which siwon just laughed at, looking back at his food and eating them. his i-phone started ringing. ''argh whose calling me now? youngie help me get that please.''

sooyoung nodded and took his phone anwsering it. ''siwon's phone, whose this?''

''er..sunny, may i know whose this talking?''

''sunny? oh haha, its me sooyoung.''

siwon looked up at sooyoung. ''sunny?''

''er...what are you doing with my brother's phone? she asked.

''oh you see, we're having our dinner together, and his hands are dirty so i'm anwsering it for him, is there anything you want to say to him?''

''oh nothing actually. just wanted to tell him something. but its not really urgent. thanks anyway. bye!'' sunny ended the call.

sooyoung just looked at siwon.

''what did she say youngie?''

''erm..nothing, she said she just needed to tell you something but then again she said it wasnt important.''

''oh i see..'' siwon said.

''anyway wonnie. dont you have any pictures in this phone?''

''sorry?'' he said while covering his mouth.

'' dont seem to have any photos of you'' sooyoung said.

''oh that.'' he said. ''CRAP! FANY'S PHOTOS! I HAVEN DELETED THEM YET!''

sooyoung opened the photo library and stared at it in disbelief.

''eh youngie...'' siwon said when he saw her expression.

sooyoung saw pictures of tiffany. alot of them. pictures of her sleeping in a library, picture of her posing, pictures of her with siwon. she placed his phone down.

''so t-this is fany?'' she asked. ''you sure have alot of photos of her.''

''well. yeah but youngie. i-i''

''well i guess i shouldnt have take your phone.'' sooyoung said as she got up her seat.

''wait youngie!'' he grabbed her wrist and sat her down next to him, placing his arms around her shoulder. ''youngie. its not what you think.''

''t-theres sooo much photos of you and her together..'' she said.

''youngie..i was planning on deleting them away. serious, i haven even looked at them ever since she broke up with me.''

sooyoung kept quiet, avoiding eye contact with him. she was getting jealous. tiffany sure is pretty and she and siwon really looked good together.

''youngie are you mad at me?'' siwon asked her ''come on, dont be like this, alright here. i'll delete them straight away.''

he picked up his phone and was about to press the delete button when sooyoung stopped him.

''wonnie! dont! dont delete them.''

siwon looked at her. ''w-why?''

''because they are memories of your past wonnie, i cant just ask you to delete them.''

''but youngie are you alright-''

''i'm fine wonnie, its just that...i'm getting abit jealous thats all.''

''jealous? whatever for?''

''wonnie, she's really pretty and she looks good with you..''

''haha! thats it youngie?! come on you're so silly for thinking that.''

''hey! i'm just doing what a girlfriend does when she sees her boyfriend with another girl in a picture.''

siwon laughed. he turned to see a cleaner walking towards their direction. he stopped him halfway.

''excuse me sir. but do you mind taking a good look at my girlfriend here?'' siwon asked him

the worker just looked at siwon before looking at sooyoung.

sooyoung blushed. ''wonnie! what are you doing?!''

''shh youngie..'' he said. ''is she pretty sir?''

the worker nodded. siwon smiled. ''alright now take a look at the girl in this photo. whose prettier?''

the worker took a look at siwon's photo of tiffany, then looked back at sooyoung. after awhile he smiled and pointed at sooyoung. ''your girlfriend is prettier sir.'' the worker replied.

''haha! really?! who looks better with me? my girlfriend or this girl in the pic?'' siwon asked. sooyoung felt her face turning red.

''haha definitely your girlfriend sir.'' the worker said as he made his leave.

sooyoung slapped siwon's arm.

''ouch! haha what was that for youngie?!''

''that was totally embarrassing! why did you do that?!''

''to prove to you that you're better than fany youngie!'' siwon said as he smiled at her.

sooyoung became quiet.

''look youngie..i mean this in the most sincerest way. you're definitely the girl for me. sure fany is pretty but i think you're more prettier.''


''and this photos with her?'' siwon said as he pressed the dustbin icon in his iphone. he deleted all the photos of tiffany.

''wonnie! why did you do that?'' she said as she snatched his phone away, making him laugh.

''its all gone youngie..all of them.''


''haha come on, if you really want me to have photos, why not you take a photo of yourself using my phone? i dont have any photos of you anyways.'' siwon said as sooyoung got up and sat on the other side of the table.

''you bet i'm taking a photo of me with your phone!'' she said as she pose for the camera and took a picture of herself. she immediately went to find her photo in siwon's phone and put it as wall paper.

''here..take it back wonnie.''

siwon took it and on his phone. he smiled when he saw sooyoung's photo as his wallpaper. ''oh my girlfriend's looking pretty in this photo.''

sooyoung blushed.

''haha i guess its my turn to take a photo'' he said as he ready his phone but sooyoung took it away from him

''i'll do it wonnie. smile'' she said as siwon smiled. she snapped a picture of him. ''wow. you're really handsome.''

''haha..thank you youngie.''

''wonnie! come seat with me..lets take one together..''

''sure..'' he got up and sat next to her. they started posing for their shots. siwon circling sooyoung in a hug and kissing her cheeks while sooyoung smiled. they took quite alot of pics.

''haha wonnie. one last one alright? smile!''

siwon decided to be cheeky so he waited for sooyoung to count to 3 to snap a pic and when she did, he cupped her face and held it towards his, his kissed her and sooyoung snapped the camera at the same time. she parted while holding her lips.

''wonnie! you ruined it! why did you kiss me?'' she said as she checked to see if she looked unglam. phew, she manage to pull it off.

''haha! hey thats a nice picture of us kissing.we both look good inside.'' siwon said as he took the phone away from sooyoung. ''i think this will be my new lock screen wallpaper.'' siwon said as he changed his lockscreen wallpaper.

''hey! what about the photo of me?''

''haha of you? relax youngie, i'm putting it as my home screen wallpaper.''

he made the changes. ''wow nice, we should totally camwhore more often with each other..we really look good together.''

''let me see the pictures wonnie..'' she said as she took his phone and started scrolling down the photo album. she smiled. ''yea. i guess we really do look good together.'' 




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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
chansoolover #2
shikshiin #3
This is like the BEST FANFIC i've ever read! You're such a great writer! i'm still hanging on to your sequel..its AMAZING! I'm loving sooWon more and more!
bibilicious1598 #4
yep... the story is really good...
soowon #5
you should turn this into a book! :)
bibilicious1598 #6
...aww... the story is nice!!..
awesome fanfic about detectives...but i'd like to see more actions :)
OMO, I'm tearing up. That was just pure awesomeness! I super loved your story~ please continue writing great stories! ^_^
I've just notice that your dialog has alot of this word 'haha'...Anyway,nice story...I love SooWon couple since they are my bias in SuJu n SNSD...hope you write more abt SooWon... :)<br />