chapter 20


yesung quietly walked down the dark corridor, he's gun at the ready, preparing to gun down anything that comes out from the doors at each side of the narrow walk-path. he slowly and carefully approached the first door to the the left. grabbing onto the door knob and carefully opening it. he breathed in slowly before he quickly opened the door and step into in, pointing his gun and torch and scanning the small room. nothing, just an empty office room. he quickly turned back and headed out the room, checking up on the rest of the rooms, before heading into the last room. Again, he breathed in slowly and opened the door. walking in and pointing his gun at the room.

nothing. nothing at all.

''argh!'' yesung screamed out in frustration as he kicked the office table. ''where, where the heck is he?!'' he sank to the floor, dwelling on how he missed his chance to catch the person responsible for the death of his best friend. ''no! it can't end like this! i cant let whoever killed hangeng get away this easily!''


''yo han han!'' yesung called out to hangeng who was seated at the canteen.

''haha! yo sung!'' hangeng hi-fived him as yesung took a seat beside him.

''so whats up ye? everything going alright?''

''haha yeap..just got back my results! i got first in class man! beat that han!'' yesung said proudly, he had always been competing against hangeng ever since they knew each other. even in the retard things, like seeing who could finish a whole plate of steak the first under 5 mins.

hangeng laughed. ''haha! wow. thats cool! yea, you totally got me this time!''

''really?! i, yesung who never beaten hangeng in studies before won him in this semester's exam?! HAHAHAHA! YES!!!! YES!!! ABOUT TIME!'' yesung stood up his chair and screamed out at the top of his lungs, doing air punches in the sky, not bothering the stares he was getting from the students who were in the canteen.

''haha! man! get down! its embarrassing man!'' hangeng pulled him down.

''haha! sorry, its just that, i cant believe i finally won you in studies. this my first time beating you to it and i'm just proud of my acheivements-''

''yo hyung!'' siwon came running to him, yesung scoffed the moment he came.

''what are you doing here brick head?'' yesung scoffed.

''hey! i wasnt even talking to you alright, so just shut your mouth.'' siwon argued back.

''what was that you punk?! you wanna die!?'' yesung stood up.

''bring it on! i can take you and your small gang of whiners down!'' siwon said.


''haha! guys calm down! ye, you promised not to hurt him anymore didnt you?'' hangeng said.

''yeah but that nearly ruined our friendship!'' yesung said.

''but it didnt at the end right? look...we're still friends!'' turning back to siwon, he smiled at him.

''whats up won won?'' hangeng asked.

siwon who just finished exchanging glances with yesung turned back to his usual cheerful self.

''oh, hyung i just wanted to congradulate you!''

''me? for what?''

''your the student who top the whole campus right? your grades are seriously top noche!''

''crap!'' hangeng yelled out in his mind.

''wait! he what?!'' yesung sounded confused. didnt hangeng said yesung finally beaten him in his studies? why was he hearing what he was hearing now?

''zzzz..are you deaf? i said he top the whole campus.'' siwon said.

he turned to hangeng. ''i-is it true hangeng?''

''er..haha er yesung, well, i er..y-y-you see.''

yesung slump back down to his seat. ''so it seems i didnt beat you after all.''

hangeng looked at siwon, who just gave the what-the-heck-was-going-on look before telling him he had to go off. hangeng looked at yesung. sitting down, facing him. ''ye?'' hangeng started.

yesung didnt replied back.

''hey man....look i didnt mean to lie to you..its just that, i knew how much this means to you, and if it were possible i wanted to hide the fact that i, well you know.''

''listen hangeng, i'm not mad at you for beating me, after all, you always beat me in studies no matter how hard i studied. i didnt mind though, it was just a friendly competition.'' yesung smiled at him. '' just dont lie to me anymore alright? i rather you tell me the truth then lie to me. it would hurt more if i knew you were lying to me.'' 

''i'm really sorry man..''



yesung smiled at him once more. ''thank you..i know where you're coming from, you just didnt want me to be disappointed, and i'm really thankful for you for being so thoughtful to my feelings.''

hangeng smiled. ''haha hey man, i promise not to lie to you ever again.''

''haha! yeah! you better! oh i might just go back to my circle of friends and beat up won won again!.'' yesung joked

''you do that and you're dead!'' hangeng laughed. ''but ye, this world really is unfair.''

''haha why do you say that?''

''well, not that i'm bragging or anything, but see for yourself. you studied soo hard just so you could beat me. for me i didnt even studied at all and look at the results...i still won you.''

''haha! seriously han!? you still thinking about that? haha.''

''yea! look at the world today..its like totally on the tv and check the news, seeing all those recent robbery and murdering that took really breaks my heart.''

''man! grow up han! what are you going to do about it? you cant be at 2 place at 1 time right? how could you possibly help someone with their problems while other people are suffering at the same time without us knowing it. it doesnt really benefit.'' yesung explained.

''but it still makes a difference doesnt it ye? at least you get to change the perspective and view of the person you helped. yeah, there may be other people suffering unbeknown to us, but it doesnt change the fact that it still changes the way people see things when you see you help them through their just takes 1 crucial action from you to change everything.''

yesung just sat there, amazed at his friend's way of thinking, he chuckled. '' same old same old hangeng eh? so you really are not going to back down about your  decision on joining the police force are you?''

''haha yea! i'm gonna have my own team of detectives. we're gonna do our best in helping the residents here. i know its abit childish to think about it but hey its my passion!''

'' really inspire me bro! haha you know what? i think i already decided what i'm gonna do after i'm done with this campus.'' yesung said.

''what?'' hangeng asked.

''i'm gonna be a detective just like you!'' yesung laughed.

''no way! you serious!?''

''yeap! i am.''

hangeng just stood there, shocked by his friend's immediate decision in what he was going to do in the near future. he laughed after awhile of being silent.

''thats great! hopefully you be posted to the station i'll be at.''

''haha yea...hopefully. we 2 will be the best team of detectives in the world if that ever happens.'' yesung said as he held up his fist forward for hangeng to punch his fist against his.

''yeah!'' hangeng laughed too

the both laughed.

end of flashback.

A single tear rolled down yesung's cheek as the past replayed back on his head.

''is this it hangeng?'' yesung said, placing his palms on the work desk, he laughed at his inability to capture the person who killed his best friend. he was so close to it, yet his chances of catching him were going down the drain. ''i guess the world really is unfair. the wrong doings of people are left unpunished.''

just then he heard something from behind, he quickly got his gun ready, his torch light on the other hand, pointed at the direction of where the sound was coming from. the wardrobe.

''tch...who would put a wardrobe in a office.'' yesung said softly and he walked nearer to the wardrobe. its door was left slightly open. he slowly approached it and was about to open the door when the figures inside suddenly burst out from it. knocking yesung onto the floor.

''tch! not more henchmens.'' yesung silently grumbled as he kicked one off him and punched the other in the face as he quickly got up to get to his gun which was knock out his hand earlier on. he manage to get it in time before the 2 got to him. yesung quickly turned back and kicked 1 away while he pointed his gun at the other, who raised his hands.

''wheres your boss?!'' yesung asked.



the other henchmen who was knocked down by yesung got up to try his luck again. he lunge towards him but yesung pulled the trigger on his thighs.



yesung turned back to the other henchmen. ''you better start talking, if not, i might just pull the trigger on you.'' he cocked back the back of his pistol and tighten his grip on the trigger, threatening to press on it any moment. the henchmen nearly peed on his pants looking at how yesung could shoot him anytime.

''o-ok! he's escaping through the back gate! with a small number of guards with him.''


''how long ago did he left?''

''5-5-5mins ago.''

''crap! siwon said he was coming in like around 5 mins ago...and i told him to go in alone!''

yesung didnt wasted anymore time, he ran up to the guard and knock him out cold. he quickly got kibum and ryeowook on the line.

''bum! wookie! he's escaping through the back gate! hurry up and get there! won won's on his way here!''

he immediately took off to the stairs. sweat rolling down his head. ''siwon! please..please dont run into him and get yourself killed.''


siwon and sooyoung reached the back of the gate not too long after 10 mins of running.

''we're here youngie.'' siwon said.

sooyoung nodded. ''but..''


''the back gates locked..'' she pointed to the gate.

siwon looked at it before sighing. ''argh! its locked?'' he looked at the fence to see whether it was alright to climb over it. it wasnt dangerous so he placed his guns back into his holster before climbing up. ''youngie. wait here, i'll open the gate for you.''

''its alright. i can climb it too.''

siwon looked at her with a shocked expression ''er, you sure?''


''alright then i'll go first.'' siwon said as he began climbing the fence, he got over it in a short amount of time.

he looked back to see if there was anyone near them. no nothing at all, he turned back to look at sooyoung, nodding his head as a sign for her to start climbing.

she nodded and started climbing. with difficulty though, but she managed to reach the top before she got stuck up there. it was pretty high, how did siwon manage to jump down without any trouble.

siwon saw that she was having a hard time so he extended his arms. ''youngie jump! i'll catch you.''

she nodded and did as she was told. she jumped and siwon found his hands under her armpits and he soften the impact of the jump for her. he chuckled.

''you alright youngie?'' he asked.

''y-yeah...i am'' she smiled at him.

''alright good now we have to go-'' siwon stopped when sooyoung grabbed his arms and tug on it, motioning for him to turn back to see what was behind them.

he eyes widened the moment he saw the group of henchmen running towards their direction. they hadnt be notice yet though so siwon immediately caught sooyoung's wrist and led her behind one of the trees, he circled one of his hands on her stomach while the other to motion for her to be quiet as he took a quick peek at the group.

''wonnie....look!'' sooyoung said as she pointed at the guy with the bald head. siwon looked at him.

''wonnie, that must be the guy who killed hangeng oppa.''

sooyoung felt the hands on her stomach shivering and tightening she turned back to see siwon's face.

''wonnie?'' she called out. siwon turned to her before releasing her, he spun her around.

''youngie...stay here and dont come out from her alright?''

''w-what are you planning on doing?''

siwon didnt anwsered her, he just took out his gun and loaded them.

''no! wonnie! wonnie, dont do this!'' she started begging him but siwon wouldnt listen.

''choi siwon you cant do this to me-''

siwon embraced her, kissing her on the lips and holding his lips that way for quite awhile before parting. ''sooyoung, i love you.''

she started shaking her head. ''n-no wonnie please dont do this to me!''

''stay here and be safe..and dont you dare come out. even if i'm laying on the ground all bloodied. dont you dare come out.'' with that he took off

''wonnie no!'' but it was too late, siwon already opened fire at the group, hitting 3 henchmens while the other took cover. the other 5 took cover as siwon continued firing his guns.

''boss! get to the car with your son! we'll handle him!'' one of the gang members called out while taking out sharp weapons.

''AH!'' another member shot by siwon.

''alright then, son, get to the car first. you're faster than me so you get to the car, i'm right behind you.''

''got it.'' the son took of to the gate all the while dodging the shots that were directed to him by siwon.

siwon just continued firing until he was out off ammo. he pull the trigger to comfirm again. nothing came out. sooyoung just continued observing him behind the tree, crying. ''w-wonnie..''

siwon only sighed and threw his guns away before running towards the gang.

the gang did the same, raising up their weapons.

siwon, immediately send a flying kick to one of the henchmens before knocking him out cold with one punch and taking his bat. he swung it to another henchmen, knocking him down while the others tried to get to him, siwon kicked one of them in the face before, hitting the other on the shin, breaking his leg as a result. he failed to notice the person he kicked in the face running up to him, he turned back to face him but was tackled to the ground by him, sooyoung, seeing the situation came out her hiding place and ran towards them with her gun pointed towards the person seating on siwon ready to punch him ''get off him!'' the henchmen and siwon looked up.


he quickly turn back to see the henchmen momentarily stunned, he quickly use his distraction as his opening and punched him in the guts, before pummeling him in the face repeatedly.

siwon tossed him aside before sooyoung ran up to him. ''wonnie! are you alright?''

''choi sooyoung! what did i told you just 5 mins ago?!'' he yelled at her causing her to tear up more, he turned to face the bald guy who was still just trying to climb the fence.

siwon turned back to face sooyoung. ''youngie, i'm warning you!-'' he stopped halfway when he saw the henchmen he knocked out cold getting up behind sooyoung and taking out a knife running towards them.

''youngie!'' he quickly got hold of her and spun her away from the attack, causing the knife to slash his arm. siwon grimmace with pain.

''wonnie!'' she cried upon seeing him getting slashed. but that wasnt the end of the attack. the henchmen kicked siwon away from sooyoung and raised his knife up before sending it downwards towards siwon, siwon however manage to grabbed a hold of his arm, though he was struggling to push the knife away from getting nearer to his chest.


the man on top of siwon slowly fell to the ground as sooyoung had just shot him in the shoulder, splattering blood all over her hands as she went near him to shoot him. siwon only looked at sooyoung shocked. she was crying before she she dropped her gun and slump to the ground.


he called out to her as she continued staying silent, sobbing. siwon could tell she was rather angry at herself for pulling the trigger.

''youngie? youngie...its alright come here..'' siwon said as he slowly got up and hugged her, she hugged him back tightly, not intending on letting go of him.


''y-your arm, wonnie..i-its because of me..''

''no youngie...its ok..''

''no! its not! its not ok wonnie! you're hurt and its because of me..''

''no youngie...your safety is more important to me.'' siwon said as he broke the hug, quickly seeing if the bald boss of a idiot was still trying to climb the fence. yes he was.

siwon quickly ran up to him and tap him on the shoulders, punching him in the face as he turned back, he felled to the floor, all the while covering his body as siwon continued raining blows at him. his son who was witnessing everything in the car, attempted to help his father, but when he saw his father's hands to stop from coming to help him and just flee, he tearfully obeyed and drove off. promising to return to save his father.

sooyoung who sat on the ground crying, saw that siwon was still bashing the old geezer up, she got up and ran towards him.

''wonnie!'' she called out.

siwon just continued punching him. ''ahhhh! ahhh! AHHHH!!'' every punched siwon gave him, he felt his eye's stinging him. he started crying.

''wonnie! stop it. you're killing him!'' she caught up to him and held his fist as he was about to punch him again, but siwon simply shook her off.

he punched him till his knuckles were bleeding, but that didnt stop him, he just continue on, strengthening his punch and landing even harder ones to his face.

''wonnie! please stop! you're gonna kill him..stop it!''

he just wouldnt listen, that was until he felt a painful smack on his face. sooyoung had just slap him on the face. ''wonnie! snap out of it! just stop hurting him please. you're not a bad guy, you're not like him.''

''y-youngie...'' he turned back to face the now bloodied gang leader. who was smiling.

siwon slowly soften his grip on his collar and slump to the side of the ground. sooyoung sat beside him as she allowed him to place his head on her shoulder. he seemed really lifeless

the gang leader simple stood up and started laughing maniacally.


the old geezer was send to the ground when yesung suddenly tackled him towards it.

''HYUNG!'' ryeowook called out as he and kibum witness yesung punching him on the face.


yesung gave one final punch to him. and got up. but the geezer just continued laughing, all the while wiping his mouth from the blood.

yesung was about to punch him again when the geezer took out his gun and pointed it at sooyoung.

''dont you dare come nearer to me..or the girl may just die like how your best friend died!''

''youngie!'' siwon said as he covered sooyoung's body with his.

''siwon! no!!'' yesung cried out. he turned back at the baldy.

''dont shoot them!''

''thats too bad..its not for you to decide whether i pull this trigger or not. but i will give you a chance to save them. just simple run towards me and punch me before i reach to 3 and i'm all yours and the 2 of them of safe. if not, too bad. HA HA HA'' he started laughing again.

''!!'' kibum snarled.

''are you ready?!'' the old guy laughed.


yesung took after him, intending to knock him out as soon as he's able to pull the trigger.


he couldnt lose anymore friends. espescially siwon, who he had promised hangeng he would look after. yesung saw that he couldnt make it in time, so he decided to run up front infront of sooyoung and siwon.

''HYUNG!'' kibum and ryeowook both cried while siwon just continued shielding sooyoung.

yesung closed his eyes and prepared for the worst, but as he did, a smile crept up his face. ''hangeng, buddy, i'm going to see you soon.''


''NO! HYUNG! GET OUT THE WAY!'' ryeowook shouted.


everyones present there felt their hearts pumped a beat faster. kibum and ryeowook who had their eyes shut ever so tightly opened them up to meet themselves with shock.

there he was, slowly sinking to the ground with a hole stomach. he grimmaced with pain as he fell face flat on the ground, holding on to the wound he had just recieve.

siwon and sooyoung both opened their eyes too and saw what was happening, they held their jaws wide opened.


yesung opened his eyes upon hearing siwon call out yunho's name.

''yunho?'' he looked at him as he saw the bald man on the ground, fighting for his breath,

''yunho-shi! give me back the gun!'' jessica came running towards yunho.

''sica!'' yesung said. he shifted his eyes back to yunho.


''u-know yunho!!!! you b-basta-'' the bald man said as he saw yunho.


Authors notes: hey guys! anyone saw the new(well not really new) show that siwon's in? poseidon? haha well i saw it and kinda felt that there are some similarities with my fic and the drama hahaa! they should totally replace lee siyoung with sooyoung as the female lead, not that i hate siyoung but it be cool if siwon and sooyoung were the main character/couple in the show, their similar police outfit that sooyoung and siwon wore sought of got me thinking about it suddenly hahaha random but anyways! cheers :D hope this ain a crappy update! love you guys who suscribe to my fic!


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
chansoolover #2
shikshiin #3
This is like the BEST FANFIC i've ever read! You're such a great writer! i'm still hanging on to your sequel..its AMAZING! I'm loving sooWon more and more!
bibilicious1598 #4
yep... the story is really good...
soowon #5
you should turn this into a book! :)
bibilicious1598 #6
...aww... the story is nice!!..
awesome fanfic about detectives...but i'd like to see more actions :)
OMO, I'm tearing up. That was just pure awesomeness! I super loved your story~ please continue writing great stories! ^_^
I've just notice that your dialog has alot of this word 'haha'...Anyway,nice story...I love SooWon couple since they are my bias in SuJu n SNSD...hope you write more abt SooWon... :)<br />