[TRAP] Break Them

† Demon † Princess



He runs... not for enjoyment... not for a sense of accomplishment. He runs... because it is what he does best. A crucial path in his road to recovery. The key to his survival. To run as fast as he can. Fast enough to displace the earth, uproot ancient trees, and escape from his own skin. To warp the world, turning it into a chaotic blur. Unrecognizable. So he cannot seek recognition. So he does not think it.

Like startled birds, the trees fly pass, screaming, as he continues to run. Despite the bitter cold, despite his protesting limbs, despite the sharp stings of cracked lips invaded by salty sweat, he presses forward. He does not plan to stop... not until he reaches peace, the kind of peace that can only be found within the realms of unconsciousness. For him, the only way to enter such a realm is by collapsing... from pure exhaustion.

Because of her, you have chosen to break your vow. A voice in his head whispers. How long has it been since you last held a true weapon in the palm of your hand? Ah, very long indeed.

He is suddenly forced to think again... and it slows him down, but only momentarily. Breathing abandons him. It seems the grand intensity of such a departure has made him delusional.

Then your entire life must be one giant delusion. Running away. Living in hiding. It does not suit you, Donghae.

Why... why is there a foreign voice in his head? This strangeness has never once occurred before.

Because you are seemingly in dreadful need of my guidance. You are a lost child. A runaway. Is it not time to mature? To put the past to rest? It is not as difficult as it appears to be. It takes but a moment to acknowledge your misplaced sentiments. Redemption. Is that not the reason why you linger in her shadow? And, became... her friend? It is not enough to mend what she breaks and rebuilt what she destroys with the winnings.

Their bowls are now full.

Their bowls used to be bigger! Are you so quick to forget the cause of your suffering? She was the one who snatched them away. Your mother, your brother, your lover. She is a wild fire, consuming everything in her path.

No, it was not her. Not. Not. Not.

A fit of denial, to be sure. I must say... your loved ones are weak. She breaks them so easily... without any intentions of doing so. It makes you wonder, does it not? If their lives are worth anything... anything at all.

That is not it.

If that is not it, then tell me. Why is it you run away... every single time her life is in danger? Is it not because you wish for her to drown, burn... ah, the cliff is my favorite... fall to her death? And tonight, you leave her behind with a very dangerous man. I am sure he is still quite dangerous, even without me.

That is not it.

It amuses me that you always return to her... without fail. I suppose... that is the root of all your problems. You are fond of her... grown attached. Cannot bear the separation. These human emotions... they can be rather dreary sometimes.

His head is about to burst. He wishes to return. To hear her speak the obvious, with a calm, unaffected tone, that he has run away again and come back... only when he is in need of her. But, he cannot return. Not with this new voice inside his head telling him strange things. Things that seem to be true, but at the same time, not.

Am I twisting the truth? Shall we find out? Return to her as you have always done.


No? You should stop running away. It is disgraceful. Return and ask for the truth. Or shall I? She has no reason to lie. She is incapable of lying. And, perhaps, I will consider assisting you further by... taking her away... for good.

• • • • • • •

"There is no need to hide your curiosity. I can easily read your face. What is it you wish to ask?" She can tell he has many unanswered questions on his mind for she knows every strong line, every delicate crease of his face. They are one and the same.

"Blood Lust... the sword. It seems to fear you."

"Does he now..."

"He? You speak as if it is human. There must be a story behind it."

"Yes. Possibly. Blood Lust... was not always a sword."

"Then you mean to say the demon inside is..."

"Yes. He was human once. In the past. In another lifetime. A human who shares your face."

"You seem to know it well."

"How can I not? In that lifetime, we were never apart. Do you... do you believe in past lives?"


"But you believe in demons... I suppose it is not an idea you can accept over night, unless you have experienced it yourself... and remembered."

"Something must have happened."

"Yes. You are right. Something did happen... but that is a story for another time. You will need to conserve your strength."

For tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after.

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Chapter 12: She has lived many lifetimes? Is she an immortal? :O And I hope Donghae won't run again. He would surely win the Olympics if he ever joins. ㅋㅋㅋ The previous chapter really amused me. I like how Donghae is so conflicted. Running away and then coming back to her side. This cycle is both amusing and pitying. And Jaejoong. I hope you'll have your freedom soon.
angel41195 #2
I just have a question.....what's edm?
Chapter 10: Oooh. Daughter. I find that name simple yet fitting. Donghae runs. Yet again.
Chapter 9: omg! that was really heart-pounding. i liked the scenes tho some parts confused me. like, who said which part? that sort of thing. and is it weird that i liked how her sword calls her mother?
Lysara #5
Chapter 7: I like this story ^^ it's awesome, I hope to read more of it soon ^^
Chapter 7: the most awaited confrontation? reunion? is finally here. i can't wait
Chapter 7: fight fight fight fight~~~!!!!!! finally!!!!
Chapter 6: why wud xingling even stay with that good-for nothing donghae?!
lovday #9
Chapter 6: seriously, how about the 2 demons meeting soon, authornim? i would like to see what would happened.
i just hate donghae...