
I dreamt of him again.

It felt so real, like as if he was by my side again.

That smiling face that I so loved and missed

The face I'd been dying to see once again.

We were in a park, the park where we first met.

He just stood there smiling in his usual cheerful self.

"Hakyeon.....I missed you so much." I said, walking towards him, feeling my hands stretching out to caress his face, his soft skin felt so real, it brought tears to my eyes.

"I miss you too." He smiled and I could feel his arms pulling me into a hug.

I felt tears trickling down my cheeks, the moment felt so real it made me doubt that this was a dream.

"Come with me." He smiled, grabbing my hand.

We walked along the path, the very path we first met in the park, the path we would always take when we went for walks. The memories surged into my head, those times we spent walking hand in hand in the park or just sitting down on a bench and talking about everything we could ever talk of. It hurts me so much that I couldn't do it with him again.

We just walked in silence, hand in hand like we used to.

There was a distant roar of thunder and soon rain started to pour from the darkened sky.

Seriously, rain?

Hakyeon started to run and I ran after him, our footsteps matching the sound of splashing raindrops.

I managed to catch up with him but Hakyeon seemed to be getting faster and faster and the distance between us was becoming larger.

"Wait!" I shouted but he ran so fast until he was only a speck in the distance and it disappeared.

I kept on running, why did he run so fast? We would still get wet anyways.

I ran and ran, searching every sheltered spot I found, but there was still no sign of Hakyeon. Where did he go? I was panicking as I ran.

I was getting out of breath quickly but I pushed on.

Where did he go?

"Hakyeon!!!" I screamed, but the rain drowned out my cries.

Tears were streaming down my face now. Where was Hakyeon? Where did he go? I ran and ran, but the path seemed to stretch forerever.


Hakyeon's voice. My eyes widened at the sound of his distant voice.

"Hakyeon! Where are you?" I creid, and my world went black.

"Hakyeon!" I woke up screaming his name, my eyes wide open.

"Hakyeon..." I gasped, panting as I sat up on bed.

I could feel tears running down my eyes. All my dreams had always ended with him running away or disappearing suddenly.

Why must every dream end the same way?

Why must Hakyeon leave me in every dream?

Life without him is already a nightmare.

Why can't I have a dream where we stay together? I'd rather have a nightmare with Hakyeon than a dream without him.

I looked down at the empty space where Hakyeon should have laid on, a tear dropped staining the bedsheets. The memories of us spending time in bed, whether sleeping, talking, reading or doing naughty things made me cry more.

I stretched my hand out to grab the photo frame on the bedside table. The smiling face I'd seen in my dreams. That face I'd so missed with a smile that could light up the world. That person I wished could be by my side all the time. I traced a finger down the outline of his face, wishing it could be soft skin instead of the photo that met my finger. I looked at the date on the digital clock. 24/5. Today should have marked the 2nd year me and Hakyeon were together, instead it now marked the date Hakyeon left the world a month ago on 24/4.

I let myself fall back to bed, letting my tears fall freely, wetting the bedsheets.

Why can't my dreams have sweet endings?

Why must Hakyeon leave me alone in this cruel world?

Why can't we stay together for eternity................



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Chapter 1: TTnTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh, it almost triggered tears, it was really good ;; even though they don't have a happy ending and Wonshik is stuck and suffering.. thank you for writing this! <3