Car Ride Home

Darkness and Light

Sorry guys this is a really short chapter.. didn't know what to write plus been too busy watching the World cup so my time goess by....! Any of you watching it as welll!? AND OMGG WHO SAW JACKSON'S TEASERRRR TODAY AND MARKKK'S!!



I had no idea where I was, it was pitch black outside and I just kept walking ahead in the rain, going nowhere in particular.


I heard a car pull up alongside me, with the window down, I heard Jackson's voice loud and clear 'Get in'


Without hesitation I got in the car knowing it wouldn't bode well for me if I didn't. Plus it was raining outside and I was soaked. I sat in the back hoping he wouldn't say anything and thankfully he didn't. I didn't dare make eye contact through the mirror and kept my hands between my legs.


'You're soaking wet babe, but not by me. I'm upset' I know he said that with that stupid arrogant smirk on his face and sounding the least bit upset.


I shuddered. Why does he always have such a dirty mouth. Seconds later he asked another question.


'Why are you running away from me?' Looking at me through the front mirror.


Like he needed an answer to that, he knew why, but I told him anyway.


'You scare me' I said simply, looking Jackson straight in the eye.


He turned his head towards me, eyes off the road, his face softening a little 'I'm not gunna hurt you'


I scoffed ' You bite me, stalk me, come to my house uninvited, force a date with me and you say you won't hurt me? Am I honestly supposed to believe that?' I laughed sarcastically.


He sighed 'Yes. If I wanted to hurt you you'd be in a hospital bed right now not able to walk' His voice was low but he sounded dead serious.


A shiver went down my spine. Was I supposed to be satisfied with that answer? As if I wasn't scared of him already, this just made it ten times worse.


Not knowing how to reply to that I just replied 'C-can we just go home in silence... please' adding a please so not to get him angry.


The remaining journey went in silence, until I started to shiver as the wetness of my clothes got the better of me.  I hope I don't get ill tomorrow although it would be a good excuse to avoid Jackson.


'You're shivering, here take my jacket and put it on yourself' His voice seemingly full of concern, he proceeded by taking of his jacket as he drove the car.


'There's no need' Why was he being nice all of a sudden.


'Yes there is, just take it' He passed the jacket and I took it from him reluctantly but I didn't put it on. He watched me intently, frowning but didn't say anything.




'You haven't put my jacket on'


I sighed but put the jacket on. It felt nice and warm and smelt of Jackson, I couldnt help but sniff it.


'Like what you smell? I knew you couldn't resist' A huge grin plastered on his face. My cheeks flushed red as I realised what I did. How embarrassing.


 I fell asleep shortly after but was awoken when I felt something soft touching my cheeks, I opened my eyes and jumped back realising who it was.  It was Jackson with his hand on my cheek.

 What was he trying to do?


'Relax, I was trying to wake you up not kiss you, but I could still...'  he said smirking down at me, his brown eyes sparkling as leaned on top of me.


'Get off' I pushed him away and quickly got out of the car. I walked to my door step taking my house keys out.


I heard him chuckle and follow behind me. I put the keys in the lock trying to open the door.


'Whaaat no good night kiss? After all the trouble I went through to find you after you ran off.' He said moving closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.


'No wayy' I almost screamed trying to shoo him away.


'We didn't even have dinner, I'm still hungry the least you could do is feed me your lips.' Pouting as he said it.


This guy was insane. He got closer and put his large hand on mine twisting the keys to open the door.. He didn't bother to move away from me instead he moved even further so I could smell the cologne he was wearing, it was intoxicating my senses.


He blew hot breath on my ear and spoke in a raspy voice 'Until next time' he walked off leaving me standing alone outside my door in a daze.


I gulped knowing that I would probably have to face him in college tomorrow.

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Chapter 12: hopefully u can update soon! it's great so far
Chapter 12: hopefully u can update soon! it's great so far
Chapter 12: Oh dear lord! I read upto the latest chapter in one go, because this story really is intriguing! I love this! Specially Jackson's persona Jackson's persona ~ He is so stubborn & dominating type & I like it when he's like that towards Mark *;* JJP tree's been planted already & we got to see its roots in one of previous chapters ;)
It's been ages since you've updated this, but I really hope that you wouldn't have abandoned the story.

Looking forward to the next chapter~
Thank you for writing this MarkSon <3
Yunia-chan #4
Chapter 12: You're a great writer!!!>< I'm your new fan~ Love this story!!!
Bao-N-Tao #5
Chapter 12: New subbie here! Hope you didn't stop writing this story? :)
Chapter 9: Omg Jackson XD he's cute and I Laughed at that part of the text messages lol
Chapter 12: Yah Mark who only slaps someone who punched their friend??? bRICK HIS
Jxjcw jacksoonnn go easy on the poor boy TT ATT
SeventeenCarrot #8
Chapter 12: Oh crap Jackson don't be too hard on mark. I'm looking forward to the next update
SeventeenCarrot #9
Chapter 10: Ooh I like this story a lot so far :) in wonder if there's going to be a little jbxjr or they're just going to have a rivalry
Chapter 12: You finally updated woow , i love this , hopefully there will be more markson moments soon